Sadness from Perimenopause
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Hi there, I am new to this site and have read a few of your posts and have found some awesome information. I was wondering if any of you who are suffering from perimenopause can help me. I am 44 years old and became perimeno around July 2016 (although i didnt know) found out in Sept 2016 that I was perimenopausal. My OBGYN put me on a mild anti depression meds which helped a little the first 6 weeks or so but I couldnt deal with it and didnt want to be on a narcotic med. So in the beginning of Dec he put me on a mild birthcontrol (lolestrin) I am starting my 4th month on BC and the past 3 months really havent been bad at all, a few crying and sadness issues here and there but nothing crazy like I used to have with panic attacks, etc and the BC is def controlling my periods. I also should add real quick that I have been doing accupuncture once a week for the past few months also. I I got a mild period in feb which lasted 5 almost 6 days, during that time I had a few sadness/crying issues but nothing major at all. Once my period ended it was about 3-4 days later that I really started to feel sad and crying alot more than I have been the past few months. The sadness/crying wouldnt last all day it would come and go over the coarse of the day but it wouldnt stop. Then I had one bad afternoon for a few hours where I had mild aniexty, the "crazy" feeling etc and then it went away. Over the next few days I started to feel better, just felt a little tired, and just wanted to do nothing. Here I am 9 days after my period ended and Im finally feelling normal. What I was wondering (and sorry this message is so long) does anyone have more issues/symptoms after your period, and anything you can recommened I can try? I am thinking since the BC is def helping since I am way better now than I was before I started taking "the pill " Maybe a few more months will make a difference? My OBGYN says it can take 2-3 months for the pill to work. Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.
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Twotootly amy602
I'm new today in a desperate attempt to understand how I can cope with feeling such extremes. I'm sat here sobbing with huge waves of emotion washing over me uncontrollably, it's just awful!!! I put a HRT patch on for the first time today as my crazy head was getting the better of me. Wanted To go down the herbal route but I think that would have taken too long. I feel out of control ... is this normal? I'm cold almost freezing, and these burst of sheer dispare are rolling over me..are such extremes normal???
valarie24431 Twotootly
Hi twotootly. I've been experiencing peri symptoms since July of last year. I felt exactly the same as you described. Its gotten better but I so have changed a lot of what I eat and what I do. For example, no more sodas and coffee, no more fast food and no more alcohol. I take a really good vitamin and probiotic daily. I do a lot of walking, listen to soft music, reading, color with my daighter and anything that relaxes me. It really does help. I drink hot teas at night and put on my aroma therapy infuser and for the nights I'm really restless, I take a benadryl and calms me down to the point I'm able to fall asleep. I refuse to take any antidepressants or anti-axiety meds. You're not going crazy even though it may feel like it. Just remind yourself it's all hormones. There are so many great women on this website who I've actually exchanged numbers with and we text on a regular. I'll message you mine if you ever need to chat!
amy602 Twotootly
amy602 valarie24431
Hey Valarie24431, OMG you and I sound like twins.
I started my symptoms back in July and am doing all the same things as you. It is amazing how some little changes over a little time can make a difference. I am not 100 % but Im so much better than I was back in July etc... We will all make it threw this & come out fine.... Its just the time period that I think about from time to time.. How long is this going to last. But then again I prob shouldnt even think about that too much.
Updated info: I went to my OBGYN on thursday and explain to him what has been going on etc. He has me staying on my current BCP (Lo-Loestrin) till then end of my of my cycle in April. If there are no changes etc then he is going to put me on anew BCP that has a little more estrogen in it. Other than that he said the only other thing is an anti-depressent which I wont take. So we shall see what happens over the next month +.... I have just started to change my diet (as of this am) and Im eating healthy again, and trying to eat natural foods that help with estrogen. I really think this will help. Keeping my fingers crossed & talking to man upstairs to help me through this. Im being very positive about this & refuse to let it get me.
gailannie amy602
Good luck Amy. The end of April is a long time to be on Loestrin if this is a bad fit for you. So I hope you do ok with this.
I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.
amy602 gailannie
Thanks. Doc wants me to have 3 full cycles on this BCP and see how I am. This pill has def helped me as it has decreased my symptoms where they are not nearly as bad as they were in the past before I started taking the BCP. I still just get some sadness and crying etc. If by April there is no change then he is going to put me on another BCP that has a little more estrogen in which might be what I need. I don't think there is a "pill" that is going to make it go away 100 % and my other opinion is anti-depressant which I won't do.Thanks for keeping your fingers crossed. Means a lot
amy602 gailannie
Hey Just wanted to keep you in the loop, I have been doing alot better this past month... I have just a little functioning sadness & some small crying jags here and there but nothing major.. From the way that I was in the past Ill take it. So im still on Lo-Loestrin and not sure yet if Im going to switch over to Loestrin, Im still waiting till the end of this month to see. I just didnt want to switch over and have too much (hope that makes sense) Thanks Hope that all is well with you.
deirdre01438 amy602
amy602 deirdre01438
deirdre01438 amy602
Hi Amy, reading your post gives me hope. I'm 35 and I believe I'm in peri about 2-3 years but blood work shows normal levels. I made the mistake of coming off birth control in May 2015and had an array of manageable symptoms for a year and then last June I had severe anxiety and depression. Having never suffered before. I tried anti depressants but I couldn't don't handle them at all. Plus I knew it was hormonal. My anxiety was too great to go on birth control but I do have a prescription here that I could start. I know you say your birth control has helped a lot but not 100% but how long did it take to notice some good changes in mood? I really want to feel a little better. Doctors don't believe I'm in peri. I've lost faith in doctors really. I had issues swallowing for months before Xmas and they all told me it was anxiety ( I begged them to check my throat-I was hysterical)..:. They sent me away about 4 times I went to them. Anyway, I found out last week I have a congenital cyst from birth in my throats that is affecting my swallow and breathing!! I'm so angry with the doctors. I'm about 6 months suffering with sore throats etc and they telling me it was acid reflux. I'm gone off on a rant now but once this cyst is taken care off I was to go on birth control.
So I'm hoping will have a good response to it too. Fingers crossed.
amy602 deirdre01438
Hi Deirdre, It was about a month into me starting BCP that I was starting to feel better, I did not have regular cycles prior to & missed a few here and there.. Once OBGYN put me on BCP in Dec is when I got my 1st period which was about 2 weeks after I started taking the pill. Then Jan my cycle started normally and the same with feb & now march. So really Im done with 2 months of BCP and going into my 3rd while having a regular cycle. I think that is what is also helping, regular cycles now & the BCP. Keep your chin up, everything will work out, it is just going to take some time to figure everything out. Like everyone here has said, remember its not you its the hormones. We are woman, we are strong, and we will ALL get through this. Good luck & im keeping my fingers crossed for you. Keep me posted on how you are doing and if there is anything that I can do.
deirdre01438 amy602
Thank you so much my. So great to here you doing well. I swear if the last 6-8 months didn't make me realise anything it is that we are strong!!! It's been hell to say the least but I'm still here. We deserve a medal for this crap!! But hopefully it will just get better from now on. Thank you again.
amy602 deirdre01438