Saw my 60 yo Doctor...she is on HRT and an AD. When did you all make that decision????
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I have such mixed emotions about my appointment. I have some comfort after talking with her; a very strong woman with a thriving practice. My doctor is 60 years old and was very open and honest with me about her Peri and current Meno experience; for that, I am so very thankful.
She humbly said she could not continue her practice had she not got on the HRT and then an AD. Like me, her Mom had a breeze of Meno. She said she started the HRT 10 years ago at 50 and then introduced Prozac.
Of course after spending almost an hour with her, there was a comfort knowing my struggle is a very REAL thing and that I am not alone. But at the same time, it was the realization, once again, that this could be my new normal and I may have to try HRT or AD or both.
It's a roller coaster!!!!! I have a few good days and then I think - maybe I can make it without introducing something? Maybe the worst is over???? Maybe I can tough this out? Then a stupid new symptom will show up - like heartburn/relfux. Then that will go away and then I will have a back ache for a few days. Then that goes away and then my left foot will tingle for 3 days. Then that goes away ETC ETC ETC. Then my mood will be good for 2 days and then a really sad day. I didn't have ANY Of this until age 49 when my periods started getting crazy and my progesterone dropped.
Did some of you reach a breaking point? Did you say - I will give myself x amount of time and if this isn't any better I am willing to try something??? 2 months? 3 months? It is SO hard to know what to do.
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Guest Finny2018
Hey Finny! So glad your dr “gets it”. I suffered a year before finally taking an AD. I had come off long term BCP use(20 yrs) and then peri hit like a hurricane. I cannot go on HRT as I am only 41, also heart disease in family. I have an appointment next month to possibly give oral BCP another try to even out my hormone fluctuations. But, I will still take the AD, it has helped me, even though somedays it feels like it doesn’t. I’m glad you posted this! Good luck, no matter which direction you choose! You deserve relief! 🤗
Finny2018 Guest
Lou - isn't that so true? To have my Doctor totally validate everything I was going through? "gets it". What a relief it was. I did feel so bad at first - that she is among the ones who suffer - but as she sees so many women - she realizes some breeze through and others have a rough time. I am glad that you brought up the BCP; that was actually the FIRST thing that she had suggested to me! She thought I could start with that and see how it goes; being that I'm 49. I asked if we could wait until my next appointment to see how I am doing.
I also showed her the bio-identical OTC Progesterone cream that I purchased and she said - yes - let's have you start that as it's similar to taking the BCP with Progesterone. I will likely continue the cream again tomorrow as I did get a period 16 days late - so like the pill, you go off the progesterone for days each month.
Are you able to share the brand of pill you were on, Lou? I'm still trying to figure out what is moderated and allowed on this site. If not - maybe private message me the brand that worked for you? I was on the pill so many years ago - I may try that same brand again. Thanks for sharing how long you "toughed it out". I'm on month 3 - but I must say it is so much better than the hormonal upheaval I had June and July.
Guest Finny2018
Hi Finny, 20 years on orthotricyclen or generic. That’s a higher combined BCP. My original pcp had me to go off last year at 40 (big mistake)...then pretty much abandoned me when I started having weird symptoms. Last obgyn had me go back on mini pill Alesse ( fake progesterone) ...I didn’t do well on that. Then, tried a lower dose combo bcp Lutera...I threw it out after 3 days. I was just really tired and frustrated I think and really didn’t give it a fair chance. You know how we get sometimes! I was not on the AD then. Now, I am and my moods are less dramatic...which is why I will give BCP another whirl next month. I want to ask about creams too! I’ve been tracking everything for the past year, my periods are every 21 days, shorter and lighter. I may do better just going back on the original bcp that had higher estrogen. I always did well on it and I was told you can stay on them right until long as you have no issues stroke, blood clots, etc. The funniest thing is, I was afraid to go off them last year because I didn’t want my face to break out. If I only knew that zits would be the least of my worries 🙄
lori93950 Finny2018
It’s not taken me back yet to the person I was and I still get very fatigued and depressed. It has helped keep me awake most days and stopped the dizziness but I still go to bed very early .
It takes a while to level out and I’ve been on it a month .... I read 3 months to really feel the benefit .
I too wanted to do this naturally as I’m pretty strong but this is BIGGER and STRONGER than me !
juanita93228 lori93950
I wanted to do it naturally too Lori. But if I wasn't taking an AD and had the Valium(I take it only as needed)I'm pretty sure I would not still be working. But let me give credit where credit is due. I've holding tightly to God's hand. He is THE ONLY REASON I GET UP AND MAKE IT TO WORK EVERY DAY!
I sit here at my desk waiting for four o'clock so I can go home not talk to people and have glass of wine. I don't think I have it quite as bad as you but I can still empathize. I've been having one or two glasses of wine after work for about a week now. I hardly ever drink. I fear I might become an alcoholic! Lol!
lori93950 juanita93228
And NO I’m not binging up my glass of wine and port . It’s the only relief I get all day ... I don’t go crazy and get drunk but it just relaxes me and gives me a break from all this !
We have to do something human !
My life has become zero life ...
Finny2018 lori93950
Thanks for sharing, Lori. When you described your ER experience, I just ached for you. It's beyond disconcerting to relive those moments when we were in a desperate place. As I've told you before - I have been following along on your journey since joining the forum and was thankful to see you posted you had a better day! My first two months were so rough - being here on this forum, being proactive, and preparing myself that it "could" be rough for a while. I don't want to be blindsided again. I pray that you continue to see better days - slowly but surely as it gives many of us inspiration to keep trying! Hey - if Oprah and my Doctor tried everything? I think those are two great examples of strong women who fought the fight as long as they could.
juanita93228 lori93950
Lori, at this point I have to work. I finally got off Facebook and believe or not that helped a little. I was just so over it.
I'm trying not to isolate. I went to lunch at this new German restaurant with a friend, then we went to another restaurant for dessert. We shopped a little, but by two o'clock I was done and ready to go home because it was Sunday and I wanted to have some relaxation time. Well it was nearly five when I got home. I laid across the bed and fell asleep. Only for about ten minutes(could it have been that Cranberry Mimosa I had at lunch? Lol!). Now mind you Saturday I was fine, had a great day. I'm on a AD but still have up and down days. I haven't been to the gym once this week and don't plan to. Lol!
I just feel like I'm going crazy, but you ladies help me so much!
lori93950 juanita93228
Your nerves are always on edge though ‘ can I make it through today without crashing ‘ I seem to always be saying ‘I gotta go’ !
juanita93228 lori93950
I'm glad you had a nice time! Yes we have to get out and socialize, no matter how hard! I don't have the crashing fatigue, but I do have the anxiety and depression. Even on an AD I have up and down days. Like today, I just want to run away from work and go home. But, I put my earbuds in and listen to God meditation. My coworkers that share the area with me are out right now, I have some peace and was able to do some deep breathing exercises without being stared at. Lol! I do feel better after doing that.
Yes, my nerves seem to always be on edge. I have Valium for that but I refuse to take it everyday. I just won't. Like I've said before I always feel like I'm in fight or flight mode!
Sassyr12a Finny2018
Hi finny
I've always had issues with my hormones, I'm 43 now. I managed much better when I was in my twenties, but then for too long I suffered from anxiety and thought it was unrelated and so only started with bhrt this year. I was the same, not knowing what was best to do but in March my thyroid, hormones and iron levels all crashed at the same time. I was a wreck. So I started bhrt 5 months in, I can't compare how I feel now with where I was. I still suffer from Anxiety but I'm giving myself half a chance now with balancing the hormones. I tried AD but it just wasn't for me, so I manage with hypnotherapy and I'm more hopeful. I think I just got to the stage where it wasn't something I could just think about or walk off. Hormones are essential and I didn't want to suffer any longer or make it harder for myself. I gave it a go naturally, and now I'm treating it because why suffer. Xx
Finny2018 Sassyr12a
Sassy - thanks for sharing! Not so sure why our bodies just crash like that? I've heard from many, though, that that was their experience - just like mine. My numbers came back from tests and it's like; no wonder I feel so awful - my progesterone is OFF the charts at the bottom. At least it explained all of my physical and emotional symptoms. After doing a lot of reading, I really didn't need the test - it was more of a confirmation of the progesterone deficiency I was experiencing. We are a band of sisters here! Supporting one another as we go - knowing we are not alone.
juanita93228 Finny2018
You have a great doctor! She was very honest to tell you that without HRT and AD she couldn't continue practice. My doctor at the time put me on an AD(Trazodone) when I was 55. He sat and talked with me and told me that my serotonin levels were probably low. He also gave me Xanax (I'm no longer taking that). Three days on the AD and I was feeling like my old self again. Trazodone in a SNRI not a SSRI. I simply can't deal with the side effects of SSRI's long enough to take them. And to be honest I'm only taking 100mg of Trazodone when I really should be on more like 300mg. I refuse to take a higher dosage because it will be easier to wean off them and the Valium.
He's no longer a primary care doctor, he said it was just hard seeing patients with illnesses and he wasn't able to help them because they wouldn't help themselves. For instance he had a lady that had a A1C of 15. He couldn't get here to come back in to see him. He cared too much. he said it would weigh on his mind at night.
That was 2014, I'm sill taking the Trazodone and Valium as needed. I'm still working and if I taking nothing, I don't think I could continue to work. I can't take HRT because it disagrees with me and it bothers my fibroids.
Sorry to go on so, but in answer to your question, I got on the Trazodone after four months of "feeling off" and depressed. The Xanax was just a bonus. LoI! It's very addictive. But I'm sorry, it's good stuff, way better than Valium. Valium is good for taking the edge off.
Finny2018 juanita93228
Juanita - thank you so much - I would never think you would go on and on! - it really is so helpful to hear your story! I am so thankful for my doctor. I never would have imagined she and I would have been having the conversation that we did. I will take note of the things you have tried. I did say to here - hmmm- maybe I need some Valium??? She told me - let's start with some Valerian Root first. So - I realize that she is always one to want to try it all naturally first - she always has been! I'm sure that is why it was so hard for her to be straight forward about not being able to go through this the natural way. I would NOT be able to go an hour without my reliance on the LORD. When all of this is out of my control - HE is the strong foundation.
nicola060 juanita93228
Hi Juanita
don't you find the antidepressents just dull all of your emotions they may helpt with the symptoms but they are addictive and you may find you will struggle to come off them over the time I just think they cause problems later on
juanita93228 nicola060
Not this one. It's a SNRI not a SSRI. The SSRI's are not for me. A lot of people take them but I just couldn't handle the side effects. Plus a lot of people said they do make them into zombies and they feel nothing. Both men and women have complained about loss of sex drive and when they do manage to have sex it's very difficult to achieve an orgasm. My doctor said eventually she will wean me off the AD. Luckily I'm on a low dose. I refused to go on a higher dose(not with this doctor this was another on that wanted me to take 200mg)because I didn't want the transition to be like some people that are on 300-800mg. I still get down sometimes and it has not dulled my emotions at all.
juanita93228 Finny2018
I tried natural first too. But it didn't work for me. I have a friend who swears by Valerian root. It did nothing for me. If natural works that's great. But if it doesn't, at least you have a great doctor who will have no problems finding you another route(not natural) to help you through this maze. (((hugs)))
Guest juanita93228
juanita93228 Guest
I can't take ashwaghanda either Lou. Today as I sit here at work I feel like I'm losing it!
Guest juanita93228
Juanita breathe! Hugs 🤗. I made it to another appointment today for my son. I waited in the car, dizzy and faint feeling. I feel very off today too. Hot, but cold. Grrrr! I think my period is coming too...on the toilet most of the morning...there’s a visual for you 🙄
lori93950 juanita93228
juanita93228 Guest
Thank you Lou!
I finally put my earbuds in and started listening to God meditation, then I took about ten deep breaths and I should be able to make until four o'clock. Lol! (((hugs))))
juanita93228 lori93950
I interacts with the AD I'm taking.
juanita93228 Guest