Scar tissue after PKR

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Hi ! I'm 15 months Po PKR. Some talk about the scar tissue inside the knee . How exactly do you know if your having issues with that . I still have a pain when my knee is bent and then I straighten it . It isn't going away and it got me thinking is that the scar tissue that is causing problems still . How does one work on that or is it too late ?

Thank you friends !


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18 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Debbie,

    ?My sports injury massage therapist got holda me as soon as my dressing was removed and my stitches had dissolved along the incision line and surrounding area didn't have any infection.

    ?Once I ticked all those boxes she massaged the actual incision line and the surrounding area, deep massage. So, this was about 14 days post op. She did this once a week and showed me how to do it myself at home, which was an add on to all my prescribed exercises. Problem doing it at home is you can't get the pressure.

    ?Also I was told to learn to walk again. that is - and I exaggerate - put your heel down first, then the ball of the foot and then the toe.

    ?So its heel, ball and toe, heel, ball, toe. As you perfect the new walk you'll find that your knee will behave differently.

    Suggest you have a look on YouTube for short videos on how to walk again after knee replacement.


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      Hi John 

      Thanks for the quick reply ! The thing is I'm 15 months PO. The walking is fine . Do you think at this point it's too late to work through the scar tissue . I am fairly certain that's the problem . 


    • Posted

      Hi Debbie,

      ?Well, 15 months is a long time but intensive massage would be worth trying, if only from the point of view that it is the lesser option than a manipulation. So its worth giving it a go I feel.

      ?I am now at 1 year 9 months PO. I still have a little tight band at the front of my knee and just under the knee cap. BUT  - no pain. I can't kneel on my operated knee. Then again at 73 next month I ain't planning on doing much kneeling in the future. 

      I can still work and go for long walks so I'm fine.

      ?I think we all are sucked in to the belief that we are having a new knee. This is a faulty mindset.

      ?We are not having a new knee, that came at our birth and developed as we grew. We are having some sorta implant put in a worn and dare I say it, a clapped out old knee. Spare part butchery, is what we have had.

      ?I would try anything first before a manipulation. Try consulting a sports injury massage therapist.

      ?Good luck,



  • Posted

    Hi Debbie-- I am 10 months post TKR and I adhesions/scar tissue.  My knee feels like if I have a tight rubber band around it. Very hard to stretch especially when I get up in the mornings or been sitting or laying down for a while.   The majority of the patients get this this feeling in the beginning after the TKR. This is why the physical therapist push us so hard to break the scar tissue while is building. There are a very small percentage of people that developed scar tissue and the therapist cannot break it. I am one of those. This is when the surgeon usually performs a manipulation under anesthesia.  I was doing fine I reached 120 in the bend and did not have problems with the straightening. However, at 4 months I started getting pain in the the back of my knee. The surgeon gave me a choice 1. He could do a manipulation but never explained the reason or 2. I could go to PT for another 30 days. I opted for the PT. What a mistake I should have done the manipulation.  Now my knee only bends between 105-110 no more than that. I exercise everyday, but I also have pain every single day.  The orthopedic surgeon told me that there is nothing that he can do now. I asked him if he can scope it and he said that the adhesions/scar tissue will come back within a few days.  I exercise everyday day, I use the bicycle, the Nu-step, I stretch it, I bend it, I walk, go up and the stairs, but the pain is still there. I pray that one day it will disappear.  Wish you lots of luck and hope that your problem is not scar tisuue.  J-21370
    • Posted

      Hi J-

      Thanks for the reply and your story . Helps to hear others . I hope you can get some relief from the daily pain . I know many say it takes very long time to fully recover .  I had a daily pain and then one day it was just gone smile

      You are certainly doing all the right things . You didn't mention iceing , maybe add that in as well . I still ice my knee . Hoping things turn a corner for you soon .


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      Tight band feeling...  Could last 18 months or a bit longer.  Should get less with time.  I'm 17 months p/o.  Never feel it anymore.

  • Posted

    Hey Debbie, no it's not too late.  I had my first TKR 18 months ago and 2nd 3 months ago.  The older one (18 months ago) still kind of feels as how you've described.  My experience has shown me just to work on that leg still. Don't be too concerned about any of this right now. Simply try pushing it harder - it's not going to do you any harm at all.  

    Re manipulation under anesthesia most people don't have it because it's unnecessary.

    Work it hard, see how it goes! biggrin  You've got nothing to lose!

    • Posted

      Thank you Cheryl so much for that reply . I will keep working it . Guess it's true then that just because your 15 months doesn't mean your recovered Grrr!

      How is your other knee coming along ?  It's funny I had the surgery and still feel as though you have to " be careful " with the knees . Wish I could just forgot about them . But no every step you take your " knee conscious".  ( at least I am ) it's hard when you come from a place of being very active , listening to people talk about running , playing pickle ball . I did all that and now I can't .

      Sorry for venting on you sad feeling low today .  And yesterday someone told me there partial only lasted one year and they needed a total . No wonder I'm depressed today. Wishing you well with knee #2!


    • Posted

      No, you never vented to me, I've been exactly there!  I'm so happy to meet you.  I'm not able to spend much time in the forum now but please click on my pick and message me anytime!

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      I apologise in advance if the physio doesn't help you. 

  • Posted

    Hi Debbie.  I still have some tightness in my knee now 9 months post. But, it's just on the inner part of my knee. And not all the time....but when it does hit me, it's quite painful....feels like something gets stuck under my kneecap. After I start moving it around, it feels better. I'm assuming it's scar tissue that feels tight too....I've been tying to stretch my knee back more in the hopes that it will help. I go to the gym every few days (elliptical, treadmill, bike & leg press) that keeps me mobile & helping to build the muscle. And yes, I still use ice because it feels good after. Lol. No matter my bend....I think it's a little less than 120......but I don't worry about it.....I can sit, go up & down stairs, walk again....and dance.....that's a huge difference from this time last year!!! Too late for the scar tissue? I think if we ( else in same place) just keep working it.....eventually it will work itself out!! 😊

    • Posted

      Hi Gerianne!

      Love your note ! Yes agree it's like a new life ! Guess I need to keep remembering that . I too couldn't do stairs or barely walk at the end . My other knee has some issues so I am somewhat limited as to machines I can do . Did you do both knees ? Seems you are doing very well for 9 months !


    • Posted

      Hi again! No, I did not do both knees....only the right side. My other knee also has issues, but I get a shot of Synvisc One (it's like a gel) injected into it every 6 months or so. It works great for me. I usually have no pain there (I wore a brace before & took Tylenol & Advil for the pain). Sometimes, if I overdo things, I have a twinge....but as long as it works....I'm getting the shot. I wouldn't say I'm 100% yet, but certainly not too far away. Enough to enjoy things again. I love photography as a hobby, and I'm now getting back into it. So, yay for that!! The other thing that helped me earlier on was going to aquafit classes.  My PT highly recommended it!!! You know....I think I may go back to it.  Might help the scar tissue, along with the sauna.  I've never gone in there, but others on here have, and say it's great for helping to relax the muscles & tissues.  Maybe that might be a thought for you too. 😊

    • Posted

      HI! I forgot about those shots . I was getting them before the surgery and they did help ! Thanks for mentioning . I do have a membership at the Y. I joined because it got to the point where all I could do was swim before the surgery .Never have done those classes . Will look into . Great advice / suggestions .

      Thanks much !

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