Scared/Convinced I'll die young?

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Okay, so im 17 and I've had general anxiety since I was 9. Since January this year I've been diagnosed with health anxiety (hypochondria) as well. Since then I've been thinking I'll die young and I'm just curious if this is normal? Its terrifying me at this point because I have so many plans but now i feel I won't achieve them because I'm nearly COVINCED I'll die before I get to accomplish them. I've always been scared of death too, and am not too sure if me thinking I'll die young is just because I've been obsessing over it lately. I'm scared I'm one of those people who just knows they'll die younger than most. I've also had 5 ekgs and 1 echo cardiogram and have been to hospitals and doctors countless times. Everyone says I'm fine. Yet I'm still convinced I'll die young randomly or from some undiagnosed disease. Has anyone ever had this feeling but got through it and is it normal?

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30 Replies

  • Posted

    Actually i know i had anxiety when i was your age. I dont think age is a factor. Main component of anxiety is fear. My fears at that age were that my parents would die,anxiety about school,storms etc.Xx
    • Posted

      I used to have those same fears, I honestly have no idea what brought this one on. I'm still trying to figure it out

  • Posted

    This is awful I'm 15 and I'm going threw the same everyday I'm convinced I'll die or something bad will happen to mesad stay strong your not alone

    • Posted

      If you ever need to talk you can email me or message me on here! I know how bad it can be, I have a lot of sleepless nights. You stay strong too
  • Posted

    Wow I feel the exact same way... I'm 17 and I've been dealing with anxiety for only a couple years, but it really takes a toll on me. I always think I'm going to die young and I won't go anywhere in life so I do things I usually wouldn't because I feel like I don't have much time. I miss so much school because of it too. I feel like I'm crazy but don't worry you're not alone, we will get through it smile

  • Posted

    You will be ok but should talk to an adult - first see your high school counsellor for advice; she will give you support and what to do next.foods with 5htp will help you relax   MILK,  nuts, etc - look it might work!....try mindfulness where you make yourself stop thinking about things that make you nervous.....negative thinking is common but you can change it -  concentrate on pleasurable things, a cute furry pussycat!!!  BUT I GUARANTEE TO YOU THAT YOU ARE NOT DYING!!! You have an overactive nagative mind!!!  YOU are the one that must change your thoughts....and eat calming foods....YOGA! MEDITATION,...self -hypnosis.......and seek support if you like, like a counsellor, a psychologist, talk it out and learn tricks to live more comfortably. Being human, unfortunately,   brings this,'re not alone......but learn how to control your mind with nice thoughts'll be fine!!!!


  • Posted

    Look, I just had the same problem for 2 months until a couple of hours, and what I realized was the following:

    Look, the nice thing about death is that we cannot control it, sure, if you are healthy you can postpone it for later a bit, if you just drink diet coke and eat burgers every day you will postpone it for a sooner date, and if you commit suicide, well, you are basically saying hi to death.

    But besides this point, you can't control death. You can think as much as you want, you can get as worried as you want, but the truth is, that by doing that you are not making your death sooner either later.

    And that's the nice thing, so it's a waste to get worried about your death, you ARE going to die anyway, sooner or later, so why worry it about it? You can't do anything about it! So just enjoy the ride, and enjoy being alive! :D

  • Edited

    Hi Katelyn,

    This is just your mind playing tricks with you. I think  it is common, at 16-17 I too thought about death a lot and it scared me. It will pass or at least ease as you get older.


    • Posted

      ahh thank you, this makes me so happy to hear as someone going through the same thing ❤️

  • Posted

    Im 24 male and suffered the same too I dont know whats happening.. Recently I had a lot of problems with my body I do not know whats happening Ive see a lot of changes with my body and now I have a blood pressure thats to high too 150/110 I do not know what really happened. I went to the doctor 3 times he just gave me antibiotics of it and now I stop taking it because it made me more sick I feel the cramps on my stomach I think its the side effect and now it became high again. I do not know, I realllyyy dont know! I only think of dying soon. I cant go to the hospitals right now because Im not in my country, Im in vacation.. 😩😩 

  • Posted

    Im 24 male and suffered the same too I dont know whats happening.. Recently I had a lot of problems with my body I do not know whats happening Ive see a lot of changes with my body and now I have a blood pressure thats to high too 150/110 I do not know what really happened. I went to the doctor 3 times he just gave me antibiotics of it and now I stop taking it because it made me more sick I feel the cramps on my stomach I think its the side effect and now it became high again. I do not know, I realllyyy dont know! I only think of dying soon. I cant go to the hospitals right now because Im not in my country, Im in vacation.. 😩😩 

  • Posted

    Hi, I know this is old but it really helped me to see someone going through exactly what I'm struggling with right now. if you overcame this I'd seriously appreciate a chat about it, I feel so scared constantly and no one seems to understand.

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