Scary sensation

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Hello ladies,

Have any of you experienced this burning/dull sensation between your shoulder blades and in the middle of your chest? It came on me suddenly while I was picking my kids up from school. I hadn't eaten in a while and as soon as I got home I ate something which helped. I took a prilosec and an Alleve which also helped a bit. But it was so scary at first especially since I was with my kids. I just kept praying, Lord just let me make it home. Anyone else get this?

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26 Replies

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    Yes I have. I ran to the emergency room multiple times over it. I have had so many tests and blood tests done. They did find elevated Mercury levels and B6 but Always get checked out. That is my advice to anybody. Better Safe then sorry.

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    Hello hun I know it sounds silly but you may have acid reflux i get it in my back arms chest.. So it may be worth a trip to the doctors

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      Yea I have already been diagnosed with having reflux and gastritis. I get these flare ups every now and then. It is just so alarming at times especially when it comes out of n

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    Yes - and mine comes out of the blue like that as well. It is scary for sure (and painful). Even though I know what it is, every time it happens, I get very anxious. I take zantac to help combat it when it is bad but try to manage my gerd/gastritis with herbal remedies which do help.

  • Posted

    That sounds very much like either gallbladder or reflux... or both. Gallbladder issues can cause reflux. If your stomach was empty, reflux is the most likely. Especially since eating resolved the issue. Anytime our chest hurts, we automatically think heart issues, but there are many different things that can cause chest and upper back pain. If Tums or Gas-X resolve your issues, it isn't heart related and it is most likely reflux/GERD. If the off and on pain continues, keep a log of when and what you've eaten and when the pain begins. That will give you an idea if you have reflux or if you're developing a food sensitivity. If it is gallbladder, you'll know fairly soon. My gallbladder attacks (which I had no clue that's what they were when they started) felt like this: Began with a burning in my upper stomach that would last for a few minutes and then stop. This happened 2-3 times. When I had my big attack, it began the same, then progressed quickly to feeling like someone was stabbing me between the shoulder blades with a knife and the pain never stopped for 12 hours. Once I had my gallbladder removed, no pain, no issues.

    *Obviously, if you have shortness of breath, irregular heart beats, or dizziness along with the chest pain, get to the ER.

  • Posted

    Hi sharcerv, I don't have it in chest but do have it across my back, and having it right now among a bunch of other unpleasant symptoms, I'm also cold with it very cold chills across my upper back...I'm taking it easy today feel awful and think I have a migraine coming on, all my symptoms seem to be hitting me good today, and probably next few days..

  • Posted


    Yes, I get this now and again... I have just been to the docs with it to be honest as i woke with that awful pain in my back which radiates through to my chest... as soon as i eat it goes for a while.

    I just eat little and often, take Omeprazole for a few days and it eventually subsides..

    It is horrid though and freaks me out...

    AJ. x

  • Posted

    hi sharcerv - would you describe your sensation as a traveling burning sensation? When you touch the outside of your skin is it just normal, but your insides are burning? My sensation is also found on the tops of my feet, front of my shins, forearms & sometimes nape of my neck but mainly back & chest - i have been to ER over it, i dont believe it is reflux for me. i think its nerve related or inflammation caused. mine has been bad for about a year. there doesnt seem to be any rhyme or reason to it. i am 6 years post menopause -

    • Posted

      Yes it does tend to move from one side of the shoulder blade to the other and feels like something is in my chest like food hasn't gone down all the way. I think it's anxiety that triggered it. But it seems to be subsiding now. I only feel it minimally n

    • Posted

      yes, i wish i could figure out what is causing it - probably anxiety or inflammation brought on by imbalanced hormones -

    • Posted

      I had a GI doctor tell me that the receptor sites for estrogen and progesterone are in the GI tract. So when our hormones are all over the place like this it automatically offsets the digestive system. My practioner also told me that anxiety can trigger reflux and reflux can trigger anxiety. So hormones is the real culprit behind it a

    • Posted

      hi thanks sharcerv - yes, i just finished watching a fascinating series on microbiohm (gut health) it appears that the gut is the new medical frontier & they are now realizing that the gut has its own brain & ecosystem, so it makes sense that many things are controlled in the Gi tract - thank you -

    • Posted

      I think I remember hearing that about the stomach, that it had it's own brain aside from the actual brain that controls the rest of our body. Fascinating stuff!

    • Posted

      Hello, I have been officially diagnosed with bile reflux gastritis. My gastrenterologist had told me that GI tract is hormone related system. I have severe symptoms of IBS, too

      I am taking riopan gel when I want my bowel movement to be more solid and protect my stomach form bile.

      The real culrpit is hormones for everything. for anxiety, for gastritis ,for IBS etc.

      One of my worst symptoms is burning traveling on waistline area lower back radiating down the back side of my thighs. it is awful.

      I was wondering if it comes from the colon or it is neurorelated.

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      Hi Evi75119!

      Is this Riopan gel something your doctor prescribed or is it over the c

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      my doctor has prescribed me! I did all the appropriate tests and they found that I have a little bile reflux, not acidic! phmetry and a manometry.

      My doctor told me that PPI's are not for my case and she gave me riopal gel, which is suitable for bile reflux. It helps me with that.

      Do you know what kind of gastritis and reflux are you experiencing?

      it is in liquid form and you can take it without prescription in my country.

    • Posted

      No I don't know what form of gastritis it is. I am going to ask my GP to recommend a gastroenterologist. I hate having to go to all of these doctors for various tests. It sends my anxiety over the e

    • Posted

      I fully understand you my friend. SInce peri hell started,I have visited so many and various doctors that I had not in my whole life! I cannot recognise myself anymore. I have forgotten the feeling of normality.

      Today, I have an appointment with my gyneocologist to check my post surgery condition and I am going to discuss for one more time about hormonal treatment.

      I hate going to doctors but I need them unfortunately. My anxiety is through the roof right now...I am trying to calm myself.

    • Posted

      I hope you get the answers you need. I hope you get the treatment that works best for you.

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