Sea Buckthorn Capsules

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I'm very interested in starting to use this supplement but there are so many and some info is conflicting. Anyone have any good info on this? Best type? Best source? Best price? I was looking into Feminity, anyone ever use their product?

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58 Replies

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    Hi I have been taking these capsules for 2 weeks.I also have been using the Balance Activ Moisture Pessaries Plus. These pessaries are really working for me. I presume the capsules must be doing good also. I use a highly rated vaginal moisturiser.All from Amazon.I wash with Hydromal Ointment. It’s all a lottery if you ask me. I’m sure these pessaries are keeping the watery discharge at bay. I didn’t think the vagifem were making any difference to me personally and seem to have more success with the natural moisture pessaries. I also don’t think I will invest in the expensive vaginal moisturiser again as the Hydromal Ointment does exactly the same and I’m lucky enough to get free prescriptions. I’m only 57 and didn’t know about Vaginal Atrophy until I got it. There should be more education out there and not swept under the carpet. When I told my 2 close 2 girlfriends they also had never heard of it. Good luck with everything. I haven’t been in a sexual relationship for 4 years so I can’t comment on that side of it. Apparently a sexual relationship or self love is key to the rejuvenation of the vaginal walls to get the blood flowing.... can’t say I’m inspired by either at the moment !!!!! 
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    I have been taking sea buckthorn oil capsules for 5 years now, ever since I started pre menopause. I wanted to avoid using hormones for as long as I could and I did my research on natural alternatives (I am a research scientist). I found a very good study that showed that taking 3g of sea buckthorn oil a day improves the condition of the vaginal wall cells and thickness of the vaginal wall as well as oestrogen does and is a viable alternative for women who cannot use hormones (e.g. due to having had breast cancer). What it doesn’t do is increase your levels of natural lubrication. For that I use pure raw cold pressed organic coconut oil, 400iu vit e oil (from oral capsules) and key e pessaries. The quality (and price) of sea buckthorn oil varies. Some suppliments use just the berry for oil, others use the berry and the seed. It is the omega 7 that is beneficial to the vagina, wall and this is found in the berry. You need to take a suppliment made from the berry. You want the highest content of omega 7. I did my research sometime ago and compared different products and decided on natures aid. The capsules are 500mg, so I take 3 in the morning and three before bedtime to get my 3mg daily dose. I hope that helps. Do let me know if you have any more questions.
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      Thankyou for your valuable advice. It seems I’m taking the right capsules but only 2 in the morning so I must up the dosage.I will investigate the raw cold pressed extra virgin oil capsules. Are these inserted or oral? Do you combine the vitamin e with the coconut capsules ? Bit confused. It is the watery discharge I find hard although it doesn’t smell and seems to cease when I use the moisture plus pessaries. I’m going abroad in 2 months and hopefully I can wear my swimwear without pant liners. Any advice or help I appreciate 

        Many thanks 

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      If the moisture plus pessaries work for you then I’d continue with those. Do you insert them before you go to bed so that they have all night to act? (Like I do with the key e pessaries). The coconut oil is solid (unless it is very hot, then it turns to liquid), so it is easy to get a blob of that on your finger and insert it, which I do after every time I go to the loo. Once a day I also break open an oral vit e capsule and squeeze the contents onto a blob of coconut oil on my finger and insert that.
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      key e pessaries every night before I go to bed. Coconut oil after every time I go to the toilet. Vit e oil once a day.
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      Thank you so much for your feedback Suki girl. I found a formula 80% fruit and 20% seed because I need this for other issues that vaginal issues. It has more mg of Omega 7 than I could find so far. The company is Sibu.

      Do you know if it helps with mild incontinence also? Also does the Key E and Coconut oil interfere with your ph balance and scent?

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      Oils have no ph so they don’t affect your ph balance. For mild incontinence I did the kegel exercises. If it gets worse only HRT can help.
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      Ok cool. Kegels aren't working anymore. HRT is not an option. I'm thinking vaginal rejuvenation? Do you know anything about that?

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      Also what brand of Seabuckthorn do you use?
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      Not heard of vaginal rejuvenation - is that the monalisa touch procedure? I know some women have had success with that. If you don’t mind me asking, why is HRT not an option? Topical HRT applied directly to the vagina is supposed to be safe for women who have had breast and uterine cancer.
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      I thought that was for menopausal women only. I'm not menopausal yet. Beginnings of pre is starting

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      I agree with Dotsie. Don’t leave it until it is too late. Many women try to delay trying HRT and the atrophy becomes so advanced that other vulva and urinary pathologies happen (e.g. vulvodynia, uti’s), then there are multiple issues to treat and treatments for one issue can aggravate others e.g. oestrogen cream can aggravate vulvodynia. It gets very complicated. In another discussion in am in on this website there are several women who are suffering in this way.
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      I started premenopause at age 46/47 and I managed with natural oils for about 4 years but as soon as sex became uncomfortable and I got 1 uti (never had uti’s before) I went straight to the dr to get me some estrogen cream.
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      Sukiyaki you are spot on with everything you have said. I visited my doctors surgery 18 months ago and saw 3 different doctors, numerous examinations,swabs, tablets, treatments for thrush,antibiotics and time off work. This went on for 5 unbelievable months. I paid to go private and be seen very quickly. The female gynaecologist instantly diagnosed me with VA within seconds of my legs being in the stirrups. I was put straight on to Vagifem but I should have been prescribed this a lot sooner.Since then I have been doing my own research and experimenting. 

      I had a very early menapause with no HRT.No sex life for the last 5 years. Both factors I am sure have massively contributed to my VA. The Mona Lisa Touch was experimented on national TV with no real good news. I will continue with all the things I am already doing,keeping up with everyone’s experiences and advice on here,my own research and my VSculpt which ..if nothing else.. keeps the blood pumping “down there” 😌

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      Dotsie, that's something I never heard of. Just googled it. Is that primarily for urinary incontinence problems? Wouldn't do anything for atrophy and dryness, would it?

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      Yes, I have read that many women have success with the monalisa touch but I don’t fancy burning off in insides of my vagina ... especially after all the pain I was in after having vulvodynia back in 2013 at the start of premenopause that took me 2 years to get rid of. No thanks.

      i had never heard of vSculpt until I googled it just now. Does that work for you? I don’t think I could use the gel though - I have found that hyaloronic acid and aloe sting me down there. Can it be used without the gel?

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      I have no clue. I'm actually just starting to research this. I've heard many good things about this procedure but I know with anything there is a downside. So I'm asking around.

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      I don’t have any problem with the gel that you buy with the VSculpt.. it’s designed for our vaginas. I think you would need some lubrication. It seems to be working for me ... a lot cheaper than the Mona Lisa treatments which have no real proof of improving things down there.Obviously the VSculpt used in the comfort of your own home when it suits you. No travelling for miles and easy .. I enjoy it which is a massive plus !! Read the reviews 
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      There are discussions on this site re the Mona Lisa laser. Good results and bad.
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      Yes it helps with vaginal atrophy by helping to rejuvenate the vagina walls and obviously the dryness. You have to read all the literature on it.
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      Dotsie, I just started a new discussion specifically re the vFIT. I found the website to be very vague. One thing it said was it becomes harder to see results if you are over 70. How did you hear about it? Did your doc recommend it?
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      My doctor had never heard of it!!! Hopeless!! If you look back at my history on here you will realise why I’m doing my own research and getting advice or comparisons. I’ve just bought the extra virgin coconut oil in solid form and I’m using that as well as from today. Yes, the VSculpt wasn’t cheap but I’d rather spend on something like this rather than handbags,shoes and perfume...something that is helping me.I had to read all the bulk reading,reviews and testimonials and decide for myself. I don’t think there is only one cure for all this.. we have to find what will help us as individuals and we are all different.
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      There isn't a "cure" as I understand it. Just the right individual maintenance routine according to our various symptoms and individual responses to those possible options.

      You are younger than I am and your symptoms started more recently than mine. I was diagnosed with AV three years ago, but the only advice from the doc was to use Premarin, which I avoided. It must be against their professional code to suggest any natural remedies. I started using coconut oil and vit E only because of what I had read on this site. I mistakenly assumed things weren't deteriorating further as I was feeling no discomfort. Just learned of the actual deterioration because of a recent doctor's visit for itch. So I am now using estradiol and a steroid gel. Am using probiotics in an attempt to strengthen my immunity to infection. My night table is beginning to look like a pharmacy!

      Am going to call the nurse and have her ask what the doc says about taking the buckthorn while using the hormones and a steroid. And maybe ask about the vFIT as well. No harm in asking, but they may require me to go in person in order to bill me for another appointment. 

      According to my insurance coverage, if I discuss any additional problems at yearly physical they can charge more or require you to set up another appointment. Am assuming this also pertains to specialists. For profit US healthcare has to be the most sadistic idea anyone ever came up with. Now the hospitals are forming huge conglomerates to ensure the rich will get richer. A whole other topic!


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      Gosh Beverly you have a lot going on.No there is no cure. It is managing the condition as you say.I am in the UK and I do get a lot of things free on prescriptions because I am a single mother and on child and tax working credits. It helps. I just wish I knew all this was ahead of me years ago and I would used prevention inc HRT. It’s a taboo subject over here... ridiculous. We need to educate women about their vaginal health.i don’t suffer too much. I have this watery discharge which doesn’t smell but it’s a nuisance and stops my thoughts on relationships. I use the moisture plus pessaries,the Vagifem twice a week,now I have the extra virgin coconut oil in a pot as well.I presume the watery discharge is from the thin vagina walls. Keep in touch. You can probably google buckthorn with other medication to save an appointment. I am 57 and my son is 18.
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      Sea buckthorn oil is just an oil containing omega 3, 6, 7 and 9. Would you ask for medical advice on eating olive oil with other medications? BTW I tried putting sea buckthorn oil directly on my vulva. It didn’t sting or anything but it doesn’t have a nice smell and is bright orange and stains everything orange, including skin!
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      😆😆 another bit of good advice!!! I was actually thinking of maybe doing that also !!!!!

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      I guess there isn’t a ‘cure’, just as there isn’t a cure for old age! It is part of female aging. Our body’s way of telling us it’s time to stop having babies. In the not so distant past, with lifespans being shorter, women wouldn’t have lived long enough to experience menopause. For example, in the 19th century average life expectancy was 35 and an estimated 40% of people didn’t reach adulthood. In the history of mankind menopause is a relatively recent phenomenon - one of the prices we pay for living longer (dementia immediately comes to mind as another example).
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      i tried diluting it with sweet almond oil but that damn orange colour still stains. One good thing about coconut oil is that it is colourless.
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      When I used vit E capsules that were orange colored it did the same thing. I've stopped using it because of all the other stuff I'm applying. Am expecting to slide off the bed. The coconut oil has stained the sheets, particularly the darker ones, so I'm sleeping on a towel. Good thing I like coconut.


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      suki, they are desperately seeking a cure for dementia. Clearly they thought HRT was a cure or a deterrent for the negative effects that came with menopause, but that didn't play out well. My gynecologist highly recommended HRT to me at 50, but as I was experiencing no ill effects I avoided them. (My sister took them and developed breast cancer.) I thought it was a natural process and I would just age naturally. So much for that idea. As those who develop AV issues are apparently in the minority doctors must not want to scare women into thinking they may get it. I had a doctor allude to serious problems possibly developing, but when I asked for specifics got none. It wasn't until I found this site that I learned what those problems were. Unfortunately, I had no discomfort, therefore was not aware of the LS and felt I could live with the AV. 

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      Hum, my dr told me vaginal dryness at atrophy was inevitable! I know they are seeking a cure for dementia - that is the research field I work in (how best to support people living with dementia), and I can tell you that they are a long way off. Certainly it is unlikely our generation will see a cure ☹️
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      I think the dryness is inevitable, but VA is the " thinning, drying and inflammation of tissue" according to the Mayo Clinic. I thinking shrinking should probably included in that, unless it's attributed to something else. It is a bit dismaying, but what can we do about it other than try things that make this stuff more bearable. 

      I'm a bit confused by LS being an autoimmune disease that shows up at any age over other areas of the body, yet can also show up in the genital area due to lack of estrogen. Do you know if it is still considered autoimmune under those circumstances?

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      Sorry, I don’t know much about LS because I’ve never had it myself.

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