Seizures and binge drinking

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I have been a binge drinker for several decades...period. Even during my 29 yr career, still doing the same when I had the opportunity.

Several times after these episodes I've had seizures, most of them I have to scratch my head and wonder why, WHY I am still here. Banged up pretty badly but still here. NO, I am not a religious person. Not going there.

My DR and counsellor say - JUST QUIT - Easier said than done.

I am scared shi*less that I might have just one last one and that will be the end of Tim.

So I am wondering how others on this site have dealt with seizures.

Hope you all are coping well.

Will let you all know how I make out with the Kudzu Root when it arrives.


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11 Replies

  • Posted

    Get a new Dr. if that is their response. You need medical help. You are going to die, and that root is a load of bull. It wont help your DT's. You need to get sober on librium or some kind of benzo or you will die. Period.
    • Posted

      I really need to try to stay away from the meds, they aren't helping one bit. That's why I say maybe herbal is the next step. I don't have DT's until I stop drinking.
    • Posted

      Those meds are to deal with withdrawal. Certain benzos will prevent seizures. Good god man, see a doctor or you will die next time you try to quit. You need to taper off with alcohol or with medication. There is no herbal supplement on earth that will prevent seizures from alcohol withdrawal. You are experiences alcohol withdrawal syndrome severely, and you are going to die if you dont get medical help. These are facts. Look up DT seizures, you dont sound as if you are aware of how serious this is, and either your doctors are idiots or you havent told them everything.
    • Posted

      I'm good, still sober. Naltrexone and therapy and books are working. I am blunt here because this guy is talking about an herbal suplement like it's going to do anything for his withdrawal. Either he's not being honest with his Doctors or they are commiting malpractice. No Doctor alive will say "just get sober" if their patient is experiencing seizures due to withdrawal. that type of patient is in imminent danger of dying and need to withdraw from alcohol while being supervised by medical professionals. I'm surprised he's still alive.
  • Posted

    Tim, what were your seizures like?  Why did they not scare you enough to prevent you from drinking again?  Sorry for the questions, just curious.

    Pat xxxxx

    • Posted

      Pat - seisures cause you to blackout INSTANTLY - whatever you might be doing. I've had them on stairways and fallen. Split my head open a couple of times.

      Sure they scared the hell out of me - don't know how long I was outta it. Woke up not knowing what just happened.

      Swore I'd never drink again and once I felt better, started right over again. As you probably already know - we are invincable until it happens again.

      No reason NOT to question, this is how we heal, hopefully.

  • Posted

    tim081952 You have the worst symptoms of DT's , seizures.  From your history and own admission you are an alcoholic. Take control of the one life you have.  Go back to your GP and ask to be refered for a detox program where they can treat your symptoms as you go through a medical detox from  alcohol. It is not safe for you to detox at home. I know you probably think you will fail but you might not.... Once dry STOP.  Get help, go to AA, do whatever it takes.  It will take time and commitment but hey you are already spending a lot of time drinking. 

    I don't know you but I think you know you are an alcoholic, I think you know you will die either from seizures or bleeding or liver failure.  You are worth more than this.  Please go and get help.  Start with your GP and if he/she is not sympathetic try a different one.  Take control before it is too late.  If you fail try again.  It's the only way.  GOOD LUCK !

  • Posted

    I guess I was lucky, since when the worms started crawling under my skin on my left leg I got to the doctor quick, and when he described perirpheral neuropathy that really helped me quit.  That was 15 years ago.  I went with the Old Milwaukee ersatz beer for awhile, until the worst cravings were past.  My ex passed from lung cancer, smoked from age 12 to age 66.  I quit for three years, twice, and went back to cigs.  And both my parents were hard alcohol addicts, but they were both workers.  I wish I could be of some real help..... I can tell you it's worth it, and you'd never regret having some extra years of living.  Unless the juice has rotted your brain..... but you don't sound that way.   An old friend of mine was a binge drinker.  Usually he could go 6 months, a year, maybe more, until bang he did have his last binge, as you have suggested.  Only thing I might suggest is can you work up a passion, a real fanaticism for something, anything, collecting coins,  or pistols, or anything that has other fanatics talking and doing what makes life meaningful for them.  With lots of laughter.  Another long shot might be a cannabis remedy, an old chinese remedy perhaps.  GW Pharmaceuticals kind of stuff.  I personally wanted to reach old age.  I had read of the old indians of India, who reserved old age for solitude and contemplation, away from family, looking back over the years, savoring the accumulation of all your experiences.  And I remember vividly when I was 13, imagining how happy I would be when I reached  retirement, and could slow down, and think.  

    Talk to yourself, get serious, ask yourself what you want to be in 20 years.  We've been beat around in what we call civilization for decades now, it's a circus, to get us where?  Am I happy?  What do I really care about?  Go, go somewhere for no reason, go where you wanted to go when you were ten years old, or twelve.  I'm 77 and life is becoming better and better, I feel freer and freer.

    One shot at it, that's all we get.  All the mistakes I've made, all the miles I've gone,  soon, soon I'll be back among the atoms and molecules, and probably be a lot happier for it.

    "Their souls are naked and alone, and they are strangers upon the earth,

    And many of them long for a place where those weary of travel may find rest,

    Where those who are tired of searching may cease to search,

    Where there will be peace and quiet living, and no desire.

    Where will the weary find peace,

    Upon what shore will the wanderer come home to rest?   Author unk.

    Tim, you can ignore reality, but you can't ignore the consequences of ignoring reality.   (Ayn Rand)


    • Posted

      What a wonderful, motivational reply, Charles.  Thank you, I am am sure it will inspire many of us.


    • Posted

      Thanks Patricia

      I reached a turning point a couple of years back, at 75 when I could feel my body starting to change.  So I've been rewinding and replaying the old memories...... very difficult sometimes.  Growing up with two hard liquor alcoholics, who worked and could act perfectly normal most of the time, and me wondering 'what is going on here'.  Well, I'm happy that that growing up gave me a permanent center of inquiry which questions everything.  My sister and I are like near strangers, we don't know our cousins or other family.... I remember rumors of my father as a 'black sheep' of the family.  We moved away....

      I've seen a lot of alcohol addictions, and depression and anxiety, and I think it's that we simply can't understand what's happening around us and to us, and we're grasping for help.  It's all so crazy..... Would I still be an alcoholic if I hadn't developed PN which helped me to stop?  Very possibly......  What else besides a threat of a terrible, sick old age could have detered me from drinking?  I wonder....

      Those like youself  Patricia, who have the time and patience to keep a forum like this active, is so important I think.  And it is so important to keep sober in old age, and being able to be upright and honest with one's kids.  I have such mixed emotions when I think of my parents, and equally mixed ones when I think of my own life, of what I might have done if I'd not indulged as I did.  And then to go through it all again with my son......

      I'm new to the forum but wanted to express some thoughts before I step into the Great Unknown, and to thank all of you for the support we all know we need.  

      Regards to all, 


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