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I have been taking Sertraline for at least 5 years and many other antidepressants before these.

i started off on 50mg and in no time at all was taking 200mg.

My doctor thinks I have been taken them for too long and they have got used to me so decided I should reduce the dose over 4 weeks and then decide what I should be given

i have been off them now for 8 days. Last week I had a water infection was put on antibiotics but the wrong ones. I have now been put on others since water tested at hospital. Still not right though. Has anyone had this symptom when coming off them?

i then felt sick and dizzy so have been put on tablets for that but I have only taken 3 so still feeling sick and dizzy. My doctor said I might have to have blood tests but what for?

I can't stop crying should I still be feeling like this and the nightmares are awful.

i am supposed to be going on holiday in a few weeks but just don't think I can which is not fair to my husband. Please please can anyone tell me I am going to be ok. Will I be ok to go on holiday.

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18 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Lorraine, I have also built up a tolerance to sertraline after 5 years. I was on citalopram before that for the same amount of time in which i also built up a tolerance. I myself have not had these symptoms coming off an Anti D/ssri, I have heard of such symptoms from folk who have had ear infections and tummy problems etc etc. It could be a case of coincidence that has occurred during withdrawal that you have picked up an infection maybe. 

    As for blood tests it is more than likely for the infection as to get the right treatment. Try not to think too much, easier said than done, but withdrawals can make us think like crazy, turning a mole hill into a mountain and the like. You dont need to go on Holiday if you dont want to, you come first in this situation. Or Maybe see your Doc and he/she may prescribe you some diazepam to see you through the holiday period only. Withdrawal sucks, we all know that : ( you will get better, just get well soon : )

    • Posted

      Thank you for your words of comfort. I am already on Diazapam as well and have increased how many I take a day from 1 to 3 a day on doctors advise 5mgs. I really can't afford not to go on holiday as it cost such a lot of money and my husband is so good I don't want to disappoint him.

      please God these symptoms will go away otherwise I don't know what I am going to do. If I get over this I am never going on antidepressants again. I was on Citalopram. I have also been on Zispin and Prozac and others which I can't remember also I have had cognitive therapy and been under a psychiatrist. I have suffered all my life. I am now 68 and think I have wasted my life and now it is slipping away.

      Thanks for caring really appreciate it.


  • Posted

    You probably are going through withdrawal symptoms of Sertraline. I feel 4 weeks is too short a time to get weaned off as you were on such a high dose. I did not understand what you meant by " water infection". Is it urinary infection ? Heard some people get them after weaning off the drug. But i not very sure about this. I also had a few mild symptoms of urinary problem after i weaned off but that happened a month later. Also i have been having anxiety attacks and frequent bouts of crying. Feel scared of the dark and even entering the bathroom. So my doctor put me back on 50 mg tge dose which i had for four years before trying to wean off. Some people also have bad dreams after withdrawing from the drug.

    • Posted

      yes it is urinary tract infection. In total I have been on antidepressants of one sort or another for 45 years. I really don't want to take them again but I hate feeling this way too. The dizziness sickness crying being nasty to my family.

      i just want to get better si I can go on holiday in few weeks. Fur my husband because he has been so good.

      i have had 2 shoulder ops in the last year and he had to do everything so he deserves the holiday.

    • Posted

      Dear Lorraine,

      i have been on anti-depressants over 20 years.  I think after 45 years, its unrealistic to expect that you dont need them.

      please contact your doctor and get some help.

  • Posted

    Dear Lorraine,

    I am sorry you feel so ill.  Coming off SSRI's can make you very ill icluding all your symptoms.

    the infection could be a coincidence, but it could be part of the withdrawal.

    Have you told your doctor all your symptoms?

    Do you remember why you started taking anti-Depressants?

    I have a similar background; however, I was n Prozac for 20 years before starting sertraline about 6 months ago.

    I went off my Prozac one time about 13 years ag, with no replacement. I will hopefully never go through SSRI withdrawal again.

    I would suggest getting a doctor who is more responsive to your needs. 

    Have you considered that you may need to take meds for anxiety and depression, and that that combined with coming off the sertraline are making you sick?

    Unless you originally started taking an anti-depressant for some kind of life situation tha has been resolved, I'm unclear on why you want to stop now.


    • Posted


      i didn't particularly want to stop but didn't feel they were agreeing or helping me anymore.

      All my life I have suffered from anxiety and nothing has changed it's in my makeup. My doctor said that over a period of time they get used to you and don't work the same. She wants me to start me on something else what I am not sure. 

      I would much prefer to see if I can do with out. I do take 5mg diazapam also.

      These side effects are making me more depressed I just don't know what to do.

    • Posted

       Thank you for your advise read my above reply to Anna
    • Posted

      Dear Lorainne,

      Is your doctor a specialist in pschy meds?

      I'm surprised she doesn't know you shouldn't quit an ssri cold turkey.

      you probably should have been gradually weaned off one drug while simultaneously gradually getting you used to another ssri drug.

      the misery you are going through is unnecessary.

      I too suffer from depression and anxiety; although, ideally, I would be able to function without meds, i don't see this happening.

      i think you should demand your doctor's attention and get help or find another doctor.

    • Posted

      I am seeing my doctor on Tuesday and she is going to start me on something else. I hope this is going to help me feel better in time for my holidays in a few weeks. I just can't go on like this. The only person who understands is my husband the rest of my family tell me to get a grip. If only they knew how I feel xx

    • Posted

      Have you tried yoga, meditation, exercise. Depression is awful! And anxiety. People don't understand. My fave is "what have you got to be depressed about". Hang in there

    • Posted

      Dear Lorraine,

      Praise God you have an understanding supportive husband.  Ignore friends and family who can'y support you.  The pain you feel is real and just as valid as a broken bone or organ failure.

      i don't know if you'll have instant results with your new meds, but gradually you should start feeling better.  if you don't, insist on switching until you find what works.  Thirteen years ago, I went through an episode similar to yours.  As a result, I've become zealous about advising people to be patient, but persistent.  One size doesn't fit all.  You may have to try more than one anti-depressant before finding the right one.  Pay attention to how you feel, journal and record your feelings, share your feelings with your doctor.  God bless.

    • Posted

      Thank you for those kind words. Here come the tears again. My splice is being in bed but then the nightmares begin. I hope my Dooctor (who is lovely) will be able to give me something else when I see her on Tuesday. I think I realise now that after being on antidepressants for 45 years I am never going to be free of them.
    • Posted

      yes I think I have tried everything in the book. I have been like this since I was a child. I have all sorts of counselling etc but nothing helps. I am just a hopeless case that has had a wasted life. Don't get me wrong I have a wonderful husband 2 lovely children and 4 adorable grandchildren but I have missed out on so much because I am unable to cope. Thank you all these chats make me realise I am not alone. Please God when the next life comes whenever it might be. I won't suffer from depression and worry about everything.

    • Posted

      hopefully, after you get on a med that stabilizes your brain chemistry, you will be able to recognize and appreciate the beauty and love in your life that is simply the gift of love and life in your husband, children, and grandchildren.  The spiritual gifts are all that matters.  You will eventually be able to feel that and know that.  Hang in there.  But, yes, you likely will always need meds to regulate your brain chemistry, and thats ok.  Diabetics need meds to regulate blood sugar, because their pancreas doesn't regulate insulin properly.  there is no shame in that.  The brain is an organ in the same way the pancreas is an organ.  Your brain needs medication to reguate seratonin, the way a pancreas needs medication to regulate insulin.  Some organs fail, thats just a fact of life.  Please learn to love yourself and value the contributions you have made to your family, friends, and society.  Just because you need medication doesnt mean you are worthless.  

    • Posted

      You know i was told the same thing by my doc the other day. The brain is like any other organ and it can also fail. So we have to take meds to put it right too. Thats the real deal.

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