Sertraline 100mg

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Hi I've been taking sertraline 50mg for 6wks and the first 2wks were horendous side affects. I was prescribed sertraline to help me deal with panic attacks and anxiety after I had a TIA mini stroke. I've now upped my dose to 100mg and feeling much better ,my only advice is try and stick with it early on as it will get better.

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    morning LFCrick,

    bad days will come and go, i've learnt that enough times, but the trouble is, when they are here, you believe that they are never going to be gone!! how many do you smoke over an evening would you say?? yes, i would say that it's a contributary factor unfortunately, but i feel so much relaxation from it and helps me sleep too, as i said, i only have about 2 or 3 maximum a night though so i could easily stop. sorry to hear that your problem is alot more complicated than just stopping sad my nephew is 19......20 in july, he's been smoking pot since his early teens, he now has psychosis and psczophrenia, he will be on medication for the rest of his life, he has battled with this illness for coming up 3 years in june, he spent his 18th birthday in a mental health unit and then his 19th sectioned in another one. Just shows you what drugs can do to people, especially younger people. i'm hearing more and more cases of it.

    i hope you manage to get the result your after from the doctors and don't worry, things will work out in the end for you, it's a long road but we are all on it together.......good luck for thursday and let us know how you get on :-)

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    Cheers ginge. Tbh I've been smoking it since I was 14 and I'm 31 now. I can easy kill 7 maybe 8 joints a night depending on what I'm up to. I've just seperated from my mrs of ten years and my two youngest children and moved into my own house so they don't have to suffer me anymore. Some think this was a mistake as they or more importantly she has been my rock for ten years but I put them through hell sometimes and there's a lot of water flowed under that bridge. Anyway not feeling any better today really, works not great, homes not great. But at least I haven't cut myself for a week 😊 but that pressure is starting to build 😞

    I read this somewhere..

    "Suicide is the escape when the pain you feel outweighs the coping resources that you have"

    I've been thinking of my coping resources and that is what the cuts do. They allow the pressure to escape. It all makes sense to me anyway haha I don't intend to don't get me wrong that's not what I'm saying but I do need to chill cos it's getting quite high again.

    Helps just venting on here 😊

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    hey there again, things in life change, nothing lasts forever, but you have to think of the people that have helped you and how upset they would be if anything bad happened to you. i know sometimes this feels like you would be able to rest your mind at last, but is it worth leaving your family behind, i don't think it does.

    you are having a bad day, mabye a bad couple of days, maybe the cutting does help, i've done it myself before in the past but not for long periods, mine was from an idiot ex boyfriend though who put me through hell at the time with his womanising ways, but that's a different story!! lol.........what about if you maybe have just 6 tonight, depending on what your upto, and each one just smoke half, do something else for a bit and then go back to it as for your home not being great, summer is around the corner, why not do a bit of decorating, then when your lovely kids come round they can see the work you've done. you will get better, you just have to stay on the long road......keep venting it will make you feel tonnes better!! trust me, it's great to hear that you are recognising the signs too so don't beat yourself up, like you say, try and chill, do you like listening to music?? i find that helps me alot :-)

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    Hey ginge. Getting a bit of a solo convo going here me and you haha it's nice to have someone there though. I'm trying to quit smoking at the moment. These last couple of days I haven't smoked half as much so maybe there's a bit of withdrawal in there too. It's the kids that are keeping me going if I'm honest they are so amazing and beautiful and deserve every happiness. That's why I took the decision I did to leave and get help. They aren't really suffering through it so that's a blessing but they have been affected, which obviously makes my guilt a little worse but I can see a light at the end of the tunnel it just doesn't seem like I'm getting any closer to it at times but it's only early days bein on meds. Have been looking into diet too an making some life changes in general to improve health of body and mind. It's a constant struggle but what I have is worth the fight. I'm starting to feel a bit better this afternoon, headache and tight chest have gone and the nerves are calming down. Suffer in the short term for the long term gain! Means to an end and all that haha
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    yes we are aren't we!! it's good to talk though!! well, that can't be helping, i quit 7 months ago, faltered a couple of times after nights out drinking etc, i rarely drink now, because i turn into a monster over the following days.....have you tried an ecig?? working wonders for me and when i have a drink, it's my best friend........yes, your kids will always be there for you, my dad had terrible depression when he was younger, he was another member of my family that was sectioned and he was given ECT therapy, i don't remember any of that, my mum kept me away from it all, which is probably what your partner is doing, just to protect them i guess, i'm glad, i wouldn't have wanted to see my dad like that anyway, and now i know what he went through, i talk to him alot about my depression now i'm older.

    your diet could have a massive impact on your depression too you know, if you take alot of caffine in during the day, sugar and bad carbs during the day etc, plus your self esteem takes a battering too, if you see yourself getting bigger and bigger it will depress you, believe me, i've been there!! i used to be tipping the scales at 17 stone in my early 20's and on the bigger end of a size 20, i got a gym membership and sorted that out straight away, after some harsh but realistic words from my sister!! these days i'm 12 stone and a 12/14. but i'm obsessive about my weight now........i've gone from one extreme to the other!! lol............ stick with it, the best things come to those who wait..........i'm a bit of a nightmare for quotes!! as you can

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    Well your ex sounds like a dick haha hope your current/new partner treats you well 😊 I have a packet of haribo seeing me through today haha sugar Is good for me 😊
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    Bit of a roller coaster day today shit day at work but went playing football withy son hen I got home 😊 watching Stella with a brew and a fag and chilling out day 5 now and just the shaking left haha maybe that's just the nerves. I read a lot of bad things about this drug but for me it hasn't been too bad. Just hope it does start to do what I'm takin it for
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    hi again!!

    sorry to hear you were having a rubbish day yesterday but sounds like you made positive steps to turn that around and did it make you feel better. i'm nearly upto my 1st week on the 100mg and my stomache is a bit dickie and my vision is a bit strange first thing in the morning, but other than that day by day i've been feeling a bit better, maybe because i was on 50mg for 5 weeks before i increased?? don't know, but i feel more positive today, lets hope it stays that way all day!! hope you're feeling better today :-)

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    Hey ginge. Cheers for your comment. Yeah yesterday was shitty but today hasn't been too bad. Back to docs. More happy pills. At least I'm going in the right direction
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    glad you're feeling a bit better. i'm feeling great today, full of smiles, just feel back to my old self, i don't want to sound negative but i hope this isn't just a good day and tomorrow or next week i'll be feeling like shit, i don't think i could cope with things how i've been feeling over the past 2 weeks, it's been totally overwhelming if i'm being honest so hopefully i'm back on the road to recovery, time will did the doctors go?? what have they put you on ??

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    Hey ginge how are you? Glad to eat you were feeling better 😊 hope you've stayed that way! πŸ™ I'm doing ok tbh I went docs(another month of 50mg sertraline), although it's only been a week of

    Me taking em so I knew that was coming anyway. Good weekend with the kids, Chelsea lost to villa and we beat united πŸ‘πŸ‘ haha keeping with the programme, starting to chance my diet and lifestyle, cut down more on the green (2 joints a nite now, and half as many fags), been exercising ( I would say more but I didn't do any before haha). All in all I think I'm going the right way 😊

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      hi LFCrick

      been reading your posts about cutting yourself and although very concerned for u I completely understand how u need an avenue for the release of the tension/stress. I was thinking tho that maybe this release point could be better controlled and less disfiguring by seeking the services of an acupuncturist and explaining the issue( this would be confidentional) and possibly havin a pin/needle put in a discreet/hidden area that u can tweak when u are in need of a release.

      just a thoughtΒ 

      good luck xΒ 


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    well this is a better LFCrick i'm hearing this morning!! plenty more positive things being said!!

    i am glad you're feeling much brighter and great news about the weekend, your decrease in the green and increase in your exercise......every little helps and sounds really good that you're feeling good about things.

    you are definately on the right road. well, i've not had a bad day yet this week, it is only tuesday though!! lol......really hope this continues, feel like my mind and my brain have unplugged for a bit so i can get my strength back......just hope i don't dip again later in the week, keep pre empting the first time i open my eyes in the morning, i searching for that feeling i always get when i know it's going to be a bad day, but haven't felt that yet, so again, so far so good, taking everyday as it comes at the moment until i feel stable enough to trust the meds, i'm not quite convinced it's 100% under control just yet, but one bad day a week i can cope with.......not every day!! lol :-)

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    How quickly the tables can turn. I lost my job. I've now lost my mind. I give up 😞 it seems every way I turn an everything I try just leaves me back where I started. I can't take any more of this vicious circle. Thanks you to those who tried to help (especially you ginge) but I've reached the end now. I've lost all fight, all motivation and worst of all I've actually come to realise I am the source of my own destruction. Crying as I type now so not much more to say. Goodbye x
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    mate you have to let the sertraline take its time to kick in for a little while, as am 4 months in and am nearly better they take a bit more than 4 weeks, i would stick with them a little while longer and am hoping and sure you will pull threw it.

    chin up

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