Sertraline 100mg

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Hi I've been taking sertraline 50mg for 6wks and the first 2wks were horendous side affects. I was prescribed sertraline to help me deal with panic attacks and anxiety after I had a TIA mini stroke. I've now upped my dose to 100mg and feeling much better ,my only advice is try and stick with it early on as it will get better.

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    How is it that just 1 small cut can release the most incredible amount of stress and anguish. This afternoon I was crying on the couch. Then icut my arm again and now I've just taken the kids to the chippy for their tea and they're staying at my house 2nite! 4 hours ago I was a mess. I know it's not right what I do but it really does help me. Just wish I could find another way of letting it out
    • Posted

      cutting or self harming gives a temporary release as it masks the pain inside you for a while. I have no idea what you can do to release those feelings. I know if you can distract yrself in some way by doing something really physical... cleaning yr place for instance... something very ordinary it would help U not to brood. personally I only pinched myself and had suicidal thoughts but did anything at all to keep my mind off the feelings. playing poker, solitaire, the Gym, films... though I got agarphobic and stopped going out and shut myself away from family and friends. It all made things even worse. I tried antidepressants in desperation and it took quite a few tries with some and many many months to get to taking sertraline. it seems to b helping me slowly. in fact my doctor threatened to stop treating me if I didn't keep trying. Its been a long hard journey. 

      On the upside I had a friend who was cutting and suffered terrible depression but she is fine now and doing really well. I have no idea if she used meds though. 

      Please try to stop cutting. I know it sounds silly but even pinching helps. Take care and keep trying. It took me 2 years to find something that has helped me very slowly but surely. I'm not worrying about the future re the meds I'm just glad they are helping me.

      At least I'm sleeping for the first time in ten years and i'm not crying all the time,not many suicidal thoughts and my energy is slightly up. 

      I'v got a long way to go and hope that things will slowly improve for both of us. Stay safe

  • Posted

    Hello to all again. Sorry it's been a while since my last post. Thank you to all who have replied/supported not only myself but everyone partaking in this discussion. I am glad to hear everybody is doing well 👍hey ginge, janina hope you're ok 

    I'm doing ok. Not good not bad but ok! That's an improvement haha. I was recently given a book to read called "overcoming depression" by prof Paul Gilbert. Don't know if any of you have heard of it or read it but for those who haven't go and get it! I am only on chapter 3 so far but it has been helping me to understand myself.

    I have recently been looking into the possibility that I may in fact actually be suffering some kind of bipolar disorder? (Forgive me spoiling the book but this was right at the beginning and it just made sense) I wasn't aware of this but this used to be known as manic depression, which is what a previous doctor diagnosed me with as a teenager. Anyways basically I never considered the "highs" before I considered the "lows" to be the problem, hence the depression diagnosis. But having done a bit of research (and made an appointment to discuss it with the doc) I think I might see what he says about it.

    Basically I have bad times as we all do but I do also have, what I considered to be, good days. And when I say good days I mean I'm untouchable, I'll of life, active,energetic,enthusiastic etc or as described in the book "hyper" or "mania". I've been this way for so long the good days just became normal, I mean it never occurred to me that they were anything more than just 'not having a bad day' haha but the more I research and the more I think back and remember things the more it seems to make sense. It's a bit hard to explain but in a nutshell when I'm down I don't go out, dont really get off the couch, self harm etc and when I'm up I will clean my house from top to bottom, do all my housework, I've decorated my front room, take the kids out to play, treat friends and family, be nice, sing, SMILE! And that's only the morning! Haha

    Wow even seeing it written down like that makes sense to me!

    Anyways I digress. Apologies my post has overworked your scroll button! I only wanted to recommend the book haha

    "Overcoming depression" by professor Paul Gilbert

    • Posted

      Hi lfcrick its been a whie, ive just been reading through your posts and wondering how you are? It says over a year ago on the posts so not sure when you were last on here but it would be nice to know your well and everything worked out for you. Im also going to message 'ginge' as id like to know how she is. Any ways I know this is completely random! Hope to hear from you soon smile
  • Posted

    Hello, I was on 40mg Citalopram for many years and a few months ago my anxiety got very bad again and my doctor changed my medication to 100mg Sertraline and also got me onto a CBT course.  At first the change in medication really helped but as the weeks are going by I find myself becoming more and more depressed.  My problems over many years have been Generalised Anxiety Disorder, some OCD tendencies and periods of depression.  I have also had cancer three times.  Does anyone know if the difference between 100mg Sertraline and 150mg Sertraline is likely to help please?
    • Posted

      yes, yes, yes, i started on 50, upped by GP to 100mg, did well for a few weeks, then hit the wall again, so they put me upto 150mg and it's made a huge difference for me, don't get me wrong, the bad days still rear their ugly and peevish heads sometimes but i'm telling you, no where near as bad as they were for me early days, 150mg seems to be the right dose for me, so far so good, and one step at a time xx


    • Posted

      Hello gingemac,

      How great to hear your are feeling much better.  May every day be even better.  God be with you.


    • Posted

      Hi ginge its been a whie, ive just been reading through your posts and wondering how you are? It says over a year ago on the posts so not sure when you were last on here but it would be nice to know your well and everything worked out for you. Im also going to message 'lfcrick' as id like to know how he is. Any ways I know this is completely random! Hope to hear from you soon smile
  • Posted

    Hi, I have been on sertraline 50mg for one month with no improvement and had my does upped 3 days ago to 100mg no improvement yet but hopefully that will come soon 

  • Posted

    I've been on 50mg of Sertraline now for a month for anxiety.  The only side effects I've had have been increased anxiety and a little bit of a dip in my appetite. The doctor has upped my dosage to 100mg and I'm about to take my first tablet today! I'm hoping it makes a difference!

  • Posted

    Hey Jamie I'm 27 years old and I've been on Setraline for about a month. My first two weeks were also horrible. I do follow up every week with a psychologist and it seems to help. My doctor just perceived me Setraline 100 millagrams. As a full time student and with finals on the way I'm a bit nervous. However, I do belive it has helped me a lot. I'm able to take control, and the anxiety and panic attacks are not so bad as they used to be.
  • Posted

    SERTRALINE at 50 mg is a starter dose and needs to be upped at 3 weeks not 6 0r 10 , 100mg is a good theaputic dose and should help most people .Others may need up to 200mg , i have took this med twice its good, so is LEXAPRO thos 2 are the best SSRI  ADs  .stick through the side effects and you should be cool . but sexual side effects are a bummer so if to bad you may have to lower dose , or chose between sanity or vanity
  • Posted

    Hi I've been on 50mg sertraline for five weeks now I am still taking anxiety attacks and get depressed because of them phoned the doc today and he told me to move up to 100mg a day just wondering if I'll get anymore side effects?

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