Sertraline 150mg help!

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Iv been on Sertraline for a while 50mg but had abit of a relapes so have been put up to 150mg slowly. This is the highest dose iv been on before. Iv been on 150mg for about a week and a half now and starting to feel better already but I find my anxiety is always worse in the morning and does any1 get tired in the afternoon or is that is me? If so any tips?

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43 Replies

  • Posted

    I'm exactly like you however I'm on 150 a week and still not feeling good.

    • Posted

      You have to give it time are you sleeping ok at night? And working as normal?
    • Posted

      I sleep OK but I'm pretty much bed bound and afraid to go anywhere or do anything.

  • Posted

    Hi im on 50mg this is my 4th day and yes i get so so sleepy in the sleepy i rang my docters and she said its totally normal and will on sertarine for extreme anxiety...hopefully they start to work soon...

    All the best x

  • Posted

    This is my 7th day on 50 mg and i feel awful hopefully this is short lived
    • Posted

      Whats ur plans u gonna wait for it to hopefully kick in?
    • Posted

      Yea I don't think I could switch again and then wait for a different med to kick in. I'm going to give this a fair shot. U?

    • Posted

      Ive no idea wat to try its working for anxiety but making me more depressed its a hard slog ive got doc on tues see what they suggest? What other meds have u tried im considering mitrazapine
    • Posted

      I'm on sertraline,mirtazapine and olanzapine.

      I've tried lexapro,Effexor, pregablin and Quitipine.

    • Posted

      Ive never heard of olazipine or quitipine where r u based?
    • Posted

      I might ask mitrazapine
    • Posted

      Ireland. This 2 are anti psychotic at small doses used to treat anxiety. U know u don't have to switch u can ask for mirtazapine to be added?

    • Posted

      Our gps over here dont tend to mix but i'll ask im scared this depression isnt going to lift never had it b4 just anxiety mainly

    • Posted

      I'm sure he will mix. U are still early days on sertraline if u switch to mirtazapine you are starting fresh again which could take longer?I get both everytime it horrible. It's never lasted this long before. So I am really worried.

    • Posted

      Usually only like this for a couple of months. I'm now 10 months like this.

    • Posted

      Don't know weenett everything was great in my life.

    • Posted

      Its so frustrating eh! Does ur partner understand mine is really good but not sure he gets it tbh
    • Posted

      Actually who am i kidding i dont get it!
    • Posted

      She is great tbh but is so pis#ed off with me because I don't help myself or around the house. I'm a shell of a man.

    • Posted

      Its so hard tho if we could snap out of this nightmare we would!
    • Posted

      Did u feel it coming on? Is it depression and anxiety u get?
    • Posted

      No just out of the blue. Yes I get severe depression and severe anxiety. Really horrible.
    • Posted

      Thats a bit like me i never felt it coming this time either. Has ur work been ok with u being off?
    • Posted

      Yea they seem to be OK haven't hassled me. I really want to get well enough to get back to work. I miss it but I'm not ready yet.

    • Posted

      I work with adults with special needs! Hows today going for u?
    • Posted

      Wow that's a tough job fair play to u. I'm trying to do normal things inside the apartment. You?

    • Posted

      Killing time b4 work praying these god dam meds kick in soon
    • Posted

      At least it's helping your anxiety. I'm fed up waiting for them to kick in. Seems like eternity waiting.

    • Posted

      It's taking forever for mine to kick in. I'm so fed up. At least it's working for your anxiety!

    • Posted

      Do u not feel any improvements? Wat does ur doc say
    • Posted

      Not yet. Tells me I need to give the meds time.

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