Posted , 10 users are following.
Hi, is anyone using sertraline and if so how are you finding it. I've only just started taking it and far not too bad. Did anyone have dilated pupils with it. X
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Posted , 10 users are following.
Hi, is anyone using sertraline and if so how are you finding it. I've only just started taking it and far not too bad. Did anyone have dilated pupils with it. X
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maria76995 heather95200
HI Heather, yes i have and did not like how it made me feel so i stop, some of those depression tablets made my heart beat more fast and had scare me and i call Ambulance but i was ok...all you need really if you have ANIXETY find something that suits 2 years meno and im feeling better and not so jumpy and the heart palp has calm down...still get little hot but not like how i use to feel, i refuse HRT Won't touch it with a barge does get better when your periods end it will get worst but with time it gets better your not going to stay like that...yes its long process but you will get through it ((((((HUGS)))))))
caroline62395 maria76995
I am so glad you have written this maria, just knowing someone feels better gives me hope.
Thank you x
sprohop heather95200
i have been on Sertraline for about the last 4 years for anxiety, its takes a few weeks to settle into it, but i definitely recommend taking it, has made me feel so much better.
Hi thank you, my anxiety had gotten really bad so gave in and saw my doctor last week. The first few days were tough getting through the jitters sickness and diarrhoea even blurry eyes. But today I've had a good day xx
sprohop heather95200
They did give me diarrhoea but once my body got used to them it was fine.
julie95633 heather95200
hi i lasted just over 2 weeks and had to come of it as i was getting all the side effects and made me feel worse i hope you find something that suits you and makes you feel alot better xx
lori93950 heather95200
i have A prescription for it but havent taken it yet...what are the side effects?
sprohop lori93950
there are lots of different side effects as with any tablet, but it doesn't me you will get them, it took me at least 2 wks to settle into them, but now feel so much better.
Hi lori, so far I've had the nausea, upset stomach, jittery on the morning, really hot flushes and migraines. Day 6 of taking them has been a good day just a migraine more around the eyes. No anxiety problems either. Not sure if I can take any painkillers so trying to ride through the migraine. X
sprohop heather95200
you can take painkillers with sertraline.
heather95200 sprohop
Do you know which ones. Are paracetamol ok with them x
lori93950 heather95200
gosh sounds awful ...hope you can get through them as a friend said it worked for her. i tried prozac for 2 weeks and it wass pretty bad .
let us know how you go on ... keep us updated .
karen60759 heather95200
hi heather, i started taking it about a month ago, and its been bit of a roller coaster ride! the first week i actually felt fine, then side effects hit second week - nausea, no appetite, sweats and mood swings the worst for me, week 3 was ok, , but then this week has been awful, but im determined to hang on as i know they can work, as i took a similar one before and it took about 8 weeks x
heather95200 karen60759
Hi Karen, how are you doing with these now. I'm just getting to the end of my 2nd week and feel lousy. All the side effects seem to of hit me, anxiety was great last week but it's hit me hard again this week. Is it all normal. X
karen60759 heather95200
hi heather, yes i felt the same, great the first week then side effects hit me in week 2, im now coming to the end of week 5 on 50mg, and the past week has been very up and down, so seeing some little improvements but the nausea and anxiety is still there...though today wasn't as bad, had some appetite, managed to eat 3 meals and concentrate ok at work, so really hoping that continues. We just need to take one day at a time and ride the rollercoaster because that is how these meds work - ive been feeling bad for most of the past few years so it going to take a while to fix, but nothing will be achieved by giving up, so hang in there x
heather95200 karen60759
Thank you for ur kind words, I think I'm more anxious I'm trying to eat but can't just no appetite, feel sickly most of the time. Constantly running to the toilet with diarrhoea , mainly on a morning. I've lost a bit of weight. I'm not giving up tho x
karen60759 heather95200
yes its awful feeling sick and having no appetite, feeling anxious...i just try and have a plan for the day and stick to it, keep busy - i go running, classes at the gym, working, walking, just to pass the hours, and i tend to feel better in the evenings - often just exhausted and i take half a zopiclone so i can get a good nights sleep which helps. Have you taken an ssri before? ive been on a couple of other and they all have these side effects initally and wear off after 6-8 weeks, so i think sertraline will be the same, in fact side effects are a sign it will work eventually, lets do this together, check in with me any time, here for you x
heather95200 karen60759
Thank you so much, I've woke early 4.30 am with health anxiety, Which means mid morning fatigue will kick in. I've never tried any ssri before so this is all new to me. I've even found myself jaw clenching weird!! My day consists of working, after work check on my mum, then off home to feed my family so feel i dont get 5 mins to myself. Sorry I don't mean to go on x
karen60759 heather95200
yes it can mess with your sleep for a while, which is why i take the zopiclone which i have on repeat prescription, i have 2 little kids who wake me up at 5.30am so i need to sleep when i can, feeling ok this morning so far, hope you're day is manageable ans you find some time for yourself x
heather95200 karen60759
Hi Karen, how are you doing on these now. I've had quite a bad week with all the side effects but still determined to c this thro. I've stopped taking the magnesium supplements as I'm sure they contributed to my toilet issues. Still quite anxious and think all my symptoms are a sign of something more. Do you take your tablets morning or night? I've been doing night, side effects are there all day till about evening time the I'm alert and hungry again. Is this normal x
karen60759 heather95200
hi heather, yeah ive had a rough week too, im on day 38 of 50mgs - so 51/2 weeks, and in the past few days ive had palpitations and a really dry mouth, so im still going through side effects 😕 so looks like i need to wait a bit longer before they kick in, but for me that has tended to be the case...its very tough, i read that at this point some people experience realizations, which is when the theraputic dose has been reached and the brain has to adjust, so im trying not to worry about it, just taking things day by day and trying to keep busy, it will be all worth it when we get our lived back x
oh and i take my tablets in the morning...
heather95200 karen60759
A few times this week I've thought of ringing in sick at work but thought better, not sure how but i got thro it. Thought being there would take my mind of it but it didn't. Today's not too bad full 7hrs sleep last night managed A bit of breakfast and only toilet once so far which is definitely an improvement. I'm on day 17, I'm so hoping this week is a bit better. I hope your feeling a bit better today x
Hi, I'm having quite a bad day today, my anxiety is so bad. I'm still having diarrhoea everyday. Is this normal on this ssri. I've lost over 14 lbs over the couple of months which is really worrying me now. It feels like my health anxiety has shifted now to my weight. Still no appetite and looking after my 2 young grandchildren I'm so tired. Mornings do seem to be the worst time for me x
karen60759 heather95200
hi heather, the mornings are the worst, did you manage to get some sleep ? what have you got to do today - just try and do something, a walk outside - is there someone you can talk to? im ok today just trying to get a focus, i had to take my boys to a party this morning so just focussing on getting through that, no appetite still - though yesterday i felt quite a bit better in the afternoon, i actually could relax a bit 😃 these drugs work really slowly - just take one day at a time, what dose are you on ? x
heather95200 karen60759
Hi I'm on 50, I've got my grandchildren today so off out for a bit. Hopefully will take my mind of it. I'm so stressed about my weight loss is it so normal to have diarrhoea for so long. I only managed about 5hrs sleep last night and stressing I won't be able to have a nana nap. Anxiety feels worse now is this all normal x
karen60759 heather95200
hi heather, yes it is normal im afraid, it will get better, you just have to ride it out, ive got it today as well, dizzyness and pins and needles as well, it is a bit better than it was a few weeks ago, im just taking things day by day and trying to stay positive because ive been through this before a few times a each time its calmed down and i felt great but i usually took 2-3 months, buts thats just me, most people feel better sooner - i assume you were suffering from anxiety before ?
heather95200 karen60759
Yes, but1 never had it before peri, just in the last couple of years it's kinda crept up on me then smacked me in the face around November 18. Then down hill from there. It's such a scary feeling, my mum's suffered terrible with anxeity since she went through her menopause, I'm hoping it's not heredity x
karen60759 heather95200
hi heather, how are you today? i just wanted to let you know that this week ive really turned a corner, and today ive actually felt well 😃 my appetite has come back, sickness much less and im sleeping better, im now in week 6 so hang in there for another coupe of weeks and hopefully you will also feel better, its worth it xxx
heather95200 karen60759
Hi Karen, so glad your feeling so much better, I've had 2 really good days. No anxiety been able to eat and almost my old self. But I am just taking each day as it comes as I realise I could wake up tomorrow feeling lousy again. Mornings seem to be worse for with racing heart and slightly shaky but that eases off after an hour or two. Nearing the end of week 3, and feeling A bit more positive. Thank you so much for your support, you've really helped me to get this far 🙂 xx
karen60759 heather95200
so glad to hear that, yes we can just take this day by day, its very very hard but the medication works and its amazing what a bit of seratonin can do x
heather95200 karen60759
Hi Karen, I've had a few good days where I've been able to eat, no diarrhoea almost like my old myself. Woke today with anxiety back worrying so much about my weight loss.. which starts my running to the toilet issues off again. Been so tired but slept a full 7 hrs last night. At least my sleeping is getting better on a night, not waking up as much thro the night. The last 2 days back pain but putting that down to anxiety too.
Hope your still feeling well and on the up xx
karen60759 heather95200
hi heather, yes i've had a bit of a backward step as well, just feeling flat and had bad anxiety this afternoon - just when i thought i was getting better - though i have been sleeping better as well and defintely more relaxed in the mornings, not sure what to do - seeing my doctor next week who will probably tell me to up the dose, im thinking i might try going up to 75mg..
heather95200 karen60759
Hi, if you up the dose do you get the side effects again? I'm back at the doctors next week I'm hoping she wants me to stay at 50mg . My sister seems to think I've maybes got a touch of IBS as she suffers from it. I will mention it to my doctor. I'm sorry you've had a set back, really hope your feeling better sooner. I've had a day off today and was adamant I wasn't doing anything, which was probably a mistake, gave me too much time to think and anxiety to get a hold xx
karen60759 heather95200
hi - ive just taken another 25mg so im going to try and do that for the next couple of weeks - 50mgs in the morning 25mgs in the evening so hopefully i wont get side effects, i read that most people dont get them nearly as bad if they increase gradually, and it can make a big difference, fingers crossed x
heather95200 karen60759
How are you feeling today, do you know if we can take Imodium on sertraline. Feel like anxeity is back xx
karen60759 heather95200
hi heather, oh you must be really suffering with your bowels, poor u, im sure its fine to take imodium, the only things you cant take on ssris are ibprofen and grapefruit juice, so take it if it will give you some relief...i doing pretty well today, certainly in the past few hours, things that would usually cause me anxiety haven't so hope it continues x
heather95200 karen60759
Hi Karen, how are you doing on 75mg now?. I'm having the tingling feelings today from feet to my head. Doctors tomorrow for my 1st review. Still feeling a bit anxious but more a flat feeling if that makes sense. Imodium has become my friend tho lol. Hoping doctor can recommend something for it. I've had a bit of upper back and chest pain today but it kinda feels like I've pulled something. Xx
karen60759 heather95200
hi - yes i understand the flat feeling, pretty much where im at! the anxiety is definitely less but the depression still there - i have read that is the last symptom to go, so here's hoping we're on the right track! im doing ok on 75, bit of nausea today but manageable, and my appetite is alot better, espicially after lunch, so im sticking at that for now, good luck with the doctor, let me know how you get on xx
heather95200 karen60759
Hi Karen, Dr wants to up mine 100mg but I'm not ready to do that yet. Need my stomach issues to settle first. Been A bit nauseous today. I just want to eat! Scary how many people are telling me I've lost so much weight. Which is really bothering me now. Hope your still on the right track xx
karen60759 heather95200
hi heather, so this is unusual as the recomendation is that you need to be on a dose at least 6 weeks before increasing, so take it with a pinch of salt, if you dont feel ready to increase then just dont - 50mg is enough for lots of people you just have to give it time 😃 ive actually felt really well today, had both my boys at home sick which would usually send me into a panic but i was fine and we all went out for pizza at lunch - so my appetite is back and no nausea at all - so hopefully this will continue...just make yourself eat heather - even if its just in the evenings when you feel like it, lots of cheese and high calorie things, it will pass soon xxxx
heather95200 karen60759
I'm so pleased your feeling so much better, I'll be looking like a banana before long it's all I seem to be able to eat until about lunch. My stomach grumbles all day, bit embarrassing at work 😊. 2 lads I work with don't believe it's my stomach and tease me about it. I'm forcing myself to eat even half a meal with my family on a night. I'm not giving in yet tho. You have helped me along with your encouraging words xx