Sertraline - Does it make you feel happy??
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Good Morning all...
I know this may seem a silly question, but I was just curious to know about the end goal of Sertraline...
Ive read many posts about how this medication has helped with reducing peoples panic attacks, negative thinking, health anxiety, ocd etc (and helped people to focus better and go about there day to day lives) but does this medication actually help to make you feel happier or is it just a process of reducing/ eliminating our initial anxiety related problems that brings about a better mood?? 🌹
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FatTulip UK-Rose
It hasn't made me feel happy. Just stopped the constant feeling of impending doom. I actually feel pretty normal on it,which is nice. I'm on a low dose -50mg. But I can still feel emotional which I like. I was on cipralex last time and that numbed me. It was what I needed at the time as that was more depression and I was more suicidal then . I felt like I didn't feel anything. Setraline seems much gentler. I just don't seem to spend ages worrying about all the little things that I can't do anything about. The heaviness I had in my chest has gone. Mainly I feel normal but a bit tireder. Personally I'd recommend it.
Psyched_Out_Kim UK-Rose
Hi Rose,
I honestly can't say that sertraline ever made me feel happy, if anything, they made me feel emotionally flat. Never happy, never sad, just there. However, I never went past 50 mgs, so I don't know if higher doses would have been even more helpful.
Looking back, I think I was expecting too much from the meds. Instead of taking a pill and expecting it to fix everything, I should have worked with it and put in more effort to create or find happiness. I was 23 when put on sertraline, but there wasn't much info out about it. There weren't computers in every home, so the only info given was what came in the leaflets. Perhaps that was a better way to start meds, because there was no information overload to scare people.
So, all in all, don't make the same mistake I did. When the meds reduce your anxiety, take advantage of it, and go after your happiness. 💜
UK-Rose Psyched_Out_Kim
Evening Kim, thanks for the response... really appreciate it being explained so well.
Im currently on Day 4 of the increased dose of 50mg (but Day 18 in total) and I really seem to be struggling abit today, Iv noticed since taking these meds, although I havnt seen any increase/ improvements in my anxiety as yet - that my mood seems to be getting lower as each week goes by... today has been quite tough, I just feel completely flat, withdrawn and dare I say it depressed (which was never really an issue for me before, not to this degree at least)
Today I feel like Im fighting/tolerating two mental battles (depression/ anxiety) instead of just my usual one (anxiety)
Im hoping this is just a passing phase / side effect to the Sertraline and will soon pick up, be curious to know or hear if anyone else has felt this way while starting on Sertraline - (increase in depression when then was none previously) really not looking forward to many days like today... 👎🏼🌹
ashleyrocks910 UK-Rose
Hey Rose,
I was in the same place yesterday (which would have been day 15). In the beginning of trying to increase my dose back up, every day I just felt like I was existing, not living, just hanging on for dear life, praying that things would get better. The past couple of days before yesterday's meltdown, I was starting to feel a little more like myself in the evening, not having that all consuming anxiety. Then when I took it yesterday, I could not stop crying, ALL day, and I take Zoloft for Anxiety! Ended up crying myself to sleep only with the help of Xanax to calm me down. I was nervous to take it today, but I did anyways and I feel a little down, but nothing like yesterday. This is my 3 or 4th time (long story) going through the increase thing with Zoloft over the past 9 years, and I can say that every time, I did eventually start feeling good and like myself. The Zoloft didn't make me happy, it just made me not get anxious and depressed over things that I shouldn't. It made me able to function like a normal adult, made me able to handle taking care of my 3 kids, made travel easy, made me a better wife and person. Try not to get too discouraged. I know that when you are in those low moments in the beginning that it is hard to see that there were ever any good moments. Also know that things can get harder before they get easier, especially when increasing doses. Trying to take my own advice and hang in there. One day down is another day closer.
Psyched_Out_Kim UK-Rose
Sounds like you're having a blip. There's bound to be off days as your mind and body adjust to an increased dose. Try not to let the off days get to you too much, and certainly don't be hard on yourself. Eventually, you'll find the right dose for you, and all of the start up effects will be behind you.
The start up effects are what's hindering me from starting them, or any antidepressant again. All I know is if that day comes, and all works out in time, I'll never go back off of them. It's too much hassle to ride the on & off rollercoaster of meds. Simply being stable is good enough for me, because any extra boost that's needed will depend on me.
If your anxiety hasn't gotten worse, that's a move in a right direction. Hang in there, and ride that snail in molasses, because you'll get to where you need to be, it just takes time. 💜
bren53 UK-Rose
My feeling exactly 'What is the goal?' I came off Zoloft after being up to 250mg per day .. there is never any discussion with doctor about whether the medication is effective or appropriate. Any sign of stress and the dose goes up. What is the goal? I believe that it should only be used in conjunction with psychotherapy and that the end goal should be to enable the patient to cope without medication.
Afternoon all, thanks for all your responses, its much appreciated, gained alot of useful information... think sometimes you just need that little bit of reassurance that you aren't the only one feeling this or that side effect, helps us to hang in there that little bit longer I suppose.
Today my mood is still on the floor, no real improvement from yesterday - but I have noticed my anxiety seems to have numbed off as the days progressed... its still there, but feels numbed, like its in its own little bubble - if that makes any sense at all?? (I don't know if thats the meds working or because Im focusing more on the depression to pay any attention to it?? Bit of a strange one??)
Ive also been to the doctors today, for my 3wk review and explained how this med has made me feel very low & depressed as the weeks have gone on, but how on the whole I seem to be tolerating it well in relation to other side effects. Doc has recommended I continue at same dosage for another 2weeks and see if the depression passes and if not well see about other options - (bit disheartening as you just want to perk up and be on your merry way instead of all this wait and see business... 😔* Sigh)
Anyway, I hope your all well... and apologies if this post seems abit negative and low... hopefully this depression is just a passing side effect... time will tell - Thanks all 🌹
FatTulip UK-Rose
The first time I took anti depressants I tried 3 before I found one that worked. Give it a go but if it's not right don't be afraid to change it.
UK-Rose FatTulip
Thanks Tulip... I am praying its just a side effect, but I will see how it goes...
If you don't mind me asking what other ADs did you try and what was your experiences with them??
FatTulip UK-Rose
I definitely tried citalopram but that just made me totally wired. I didn't sleep for 4 days. And really nauseous. After that I had cipralex which is the isomer of citalopram so more pure for the active ingredient. That's the one I stuck with. It definitely made me feel numb of emotions. But it definitely helped at the time. This time I'm suffering more anxiety than depression so I'm appreciating still having some emotion now. Can't remember what other one I had.
UK-Rose FatTulip
Thanks Tulip,
I also tried Citalopram a few years back, 2 tablets and I was crawling the walls... anxiety sky rocketed and had 3hrs sleep in 6days... vile experience and put me off ADs for a few years till trying this one, fingers crossed this one settles with me 🌹
normee UK-Rose
Hi, I am 4 weeks on sertraline today. This is my first time on AD. The first week was horrendous, nausea, stomach pain, dry mouth, couldn't sleep, low mood, anxiety and no motivation. Getting through the day at work and managing 3 kids, was tough going and I manage 40 staff. I just had to take one day at a time. This continued into the following week, read posts and this kept me going, the side effects began to lessen. The third week I was exhausted and felt anxious and i took the week off and just rested up as much as possible. At about 3 and half weeks, anxiety was much less and mood started to rise. Felt a bit low in the mornings and felt better around lunchtime. My sleep began to improve, big time. Picked up second prescription yesterday, got a different brand and noticed I felt different, anxiety back and didn't sleep great last night. Only took one, so went back to another chemist and got the same brand that I started on, I can feel this working. I am going to CBT and I find mindfulness mediation great to relax. My initial diagnosis was stress, which lead to anxiety which lead to mild depression. I have definitely improved, bar yesterday. It was definitely tough going for first 3 and half weeks.
UK-Rose normee
Thanks for your reply normee, its always helpful and appreciated to read other people's experiences regarding their initial first few weeks... gives us that strength to know were not alone and to stick with it that bit longer...
I seem to be having a pretty good day today (dare I say it) mood has lifted, anxiety reduced... quiet the turn around from the last couple of days, just hope it lasts abit longer before I experience further side effects (which I know Im bound to with me only being 3wks in) but today was a well needed boost...
Ive also done CBT, (I actually went as far to train myself and completed a diploma in it... lol) but I can say its very beneficial, would definitely recommend (It was the only reason I managed to last so long without the need for medication) As they say Knowledge is power.
Im also going to take your advice in sticking with the same brand, Iv seen it mentioned abit too often on others posts and think it seems to best way to go all round.
Thanks again 🌹
FatTulip normee
andrew30493 UK-Rose