sertraline effects
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Hi all
HELP!!!!!!!! after a few good days I feel like am back to square one! Feel really sick and anxious when I wake up and I don't understand why! Could this be the sertraline? Feel like am going nuts why a good few days then bang its back again.
I have also run out of oxazepam which helps me for the here and now do you think its safe to take diazepam?
I last took oxazepam 2.30 yesterday! Need something to calm me down now but don't want to mix drugs unless its safe
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patrick46161 kevin66749
i would suggest its not the sertraline but the benzo oxazepam causing your anxiety on waking. keep taking the sertraline it is good for staying off missusing any thing you are taking. Does your doctor prescribe your oxazepam? if so you CAN'T OR SHOULDN'T, stop immediatly or you will experience these unpleasant anxieties. Discuss with your doc if you can start to wean off benzos, its the only way to get back to some normality. I used to take a lot of benzos , diazepam, temezepam any pam but i have stopped now and i do not have the anxiety. i am on mirtazapam as well life is tough, but your're not alone and i do not think taking diazepam will be harmful but take as small a dose as possible to rid you of anxiety dont take so much you become drowsy. you will probably have some tolerance to benzos ask your doc to get you off them. you'll be fine i promise.