Sertraline for anxiety whilst menopausal
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Pamwhid maxinecarla
I have been on Setraline for years, it does take a few weeks for your body to adjust to the right dosage, sometimes it does increase your anxiety for a few weeks, once your body adjusts to it. Setraline has helped me tremedously.
maxinecarla Pamwhid
Hi Pam
Thank you for your reply.
Good to hear that the Setraline has helped you. May I ask if it had any effect on your libido please?
Kindest regards
Pamwhid maxinecarla
oh yes it does, im so tired all the time. I have a very understanding boyfriend
maxinecarla Pamwhid
Thank you Pam, so you have lost your sex drive whilst on Setraline, is that right? or are you saying that tiredness is the cause?
karen60759 maxinecarla
Hi Maxine - I've also just been prescribed this for the same reason, been taking it a week and so far it seems ok - though I've only been on 25mg, increasing to 50mg next week, hope it works for both of us - I've heard really good things - just requires patience.
maxinecarla karen60759
Thank you Karen for your reply.
I have read that our libido could suffer.
Good luck with it! X
mrs_susan74280 karen60759
Do you get sweating on it at all,
melissa47441 maxinecarla
ive been on sertraline for a couple of years now started at 25g then 50g then 100? i started reading side effects affects and realised i was in a visious circle because i was on them for health anxiety but the symtoms i seemed to have were making me anxious so the doctors kept upping my dose ! it was only when my best friend read deeper into it that alot of what i was feeling most recently
muscle twitching was linked to menopause , anxiety and sertraline can cause this too ,ive come off them which i know you shouldnt just come off bit felt i couldnt feel
any worse , well the difference is unmistakable , i feel
so much better , doctors look for the easy way out and think anti depressions will help , i am sure it does for some , bit dont be too quick into thinking they are the answer as i think for me they were the cause !
lori93950 maxinecarla
i have a prescription too but scared to take it ...dont need anxiety on top of anxiety and all these pills ads seem to make you more anxious
melissa47441 lori93950
thats what ive been reading a little too late , if you look at the side effects there are loads , which mirror anxiety and perimenopausal symptoms ! im no medical
expert but they are not slways the answer especially with people that suffer high anxiety x
lori93950 melissa47441
yes i agree many peiple take them no problem but if youre sensitive i think its not such a good idea
sharcerv52408 maxinecarla
I was prescribed this by my ob/gyn after I had my daughter. I took only one dose and it gave me diarrhea. So I stopped taking it. Prior to that they prescribed Paxil and that gave me terrible anxiety and I almost fainted. So I don't mess with any pharmaceutical anti-anxiety medicine. I take herbal supplements for it like Lemon balm, Ashwaganda, and Rodalia Rosea. This comes in a combination capsule. I definitely felt the difference after the first dose. Read around and research which herbs help with anxiety. Good luck with your search
julie7525 maxinecarla
Hi Maxine,
I took SERT for Meno anxiety. initial side effects (increased anxiety) were awful (1st 3-4 weeks were the worst). i found it easier to increase in 25's til i 'found my dose' (150mg). ie. when i felt normal all of the time. trouble is i put on a huge amount of weight, so i swapped to prozac, 20 mg, which sometimes doesnt feel enough! if it weren't for gaining over a stone I'd have stayed on sert...once it worked, it was brilliant!
lori93950 julie7525
yea they say getting on them us the worst part and that you have to take other drugs with it to stop the side effects ...thats a lot of different pills and seems like a whole rollercoaster ride to go on
julie7525 lori93950
certainly was a roller-coaster! yes you can ask for diazepam or similar to get thru the worst. i took them now and then when i needed to feel normal (job interviews!). for me sertraline was the right thing. i needed the serotonin. when your ovaries stop, your estrogen plummets and so does serotonin, hence anxiety. So hrt to put the hormone levels back or anti anxiety meds to put the serotonin back. pros and cons to both. these days i take magnesium amongst other vits/mins, it's great for calming the nervous system.
maxinecarla julie7525
Hi Julie
Thanks for your reply. I have been given diazepam to take with it for the first 2 weeks. I tried Citralopram earlier this year but had to stop it as the first couple of days of taking it I had suicidal thoughts and this was with the diazepam. I remember Prozac having the same effect many years ago.Did you put on weight with the Sertraline or was your libido effected?
maxinecarla julie7525
Sorry Julie, I have seen that you already told me about the weight gain. x
julie7525 maxinecarla
that's ok! yes sertraline affected my libido (150 mg). oh and i remember it was extremely difficult to climax and if i did, i had intense stabbing pains in my head followed by panic that id burst a blood vessel!! im only on 20mg prozac now 3 yrs post meno but libido virtually non-existent! thinking its hormones (lack of) rather than the prozac? im not on hrt.