Sertraline - My 4week Update

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Hello All... This is just a quick update into my journey so far and my 1st month on sertraline... Its not the best yet, but Im still hanging in there and hoping im gradually getting passed the worst... (fingers crossed)

I was initially prescribed this med for anxiety  

So Im 4weeks in... (Day28)

my dosage has been as follows 

1st week - 25mg 

2nd week - 37.5mg

3rd week+ - 50mg

My side effects at various points have been... Dull headaches, hot flushes, sweating, hands shaking, jittery feeling, irritated, annoyed, low depressive moods, emotional & upset, withdrawn, quiet & Isolated, lack of motivation & interest

tierd, lack of energy as well as my usual normal range of anxiety symptoms on top  

Positives have been brief moments of feeling... relaxed, calmer, less negative, more interactive, sociable, present, less anxious, more rational thinking... 

Since I started this medication I have been logging my daily dosages & experiences and Ive just reviewed back and worked out overall how my 1st month has panned out in total... 

23 Days - Feeling either Negative, Depressive, Low, Irritated, Sad, unmotivated etc 

5 Days - Feeling either more hopeful, calmer, relaxed, social, focused, present and getting that glimmer of hope the med seems to be starting to work. 

Im currently in another “depressive” stage at the moment and looking back at those results, Ive found it quite disheartening to say the least... I do however want to try and stick it out... but those odds have made me think... is this actually working?? Or should I look into other options?? (Review next week)

Curious to know if any others are experiencing WAY more negative days in comparison to there positive?? 

And if it seems like I should continue with this med at my next review?? Am I passed the worst?? Or would  I be jumping ship too early if I stopped/ changed??

All responses greatly appreciated 🌹

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  • Posted

    Hello all... just came across a good website that offers alot of advice, information  & perspective in a good attitude to have when trying to deal with our anxiety / side effects  

    Some people may already know about this site, but thought I would share for those that dont. 

    anxietynomore by paul david

  • Posted

    Day 25 for me and this is taking so long. Awake at 2 in the morning but been asleep since 8. My heart is racing and I still feel weak. My tummy is making lots of noises but I have IBS and started following the FODMAP diet. I eat slighter more but I have lost a stone since September. Every cloud. 

    I have to continue with these pills but 6 to 8 weeks is such a long time. I’ll have to get another sick note from my gp on Friday as if I don’t improve, I won’t be able to go back teaching next week. With hindsight, i suffered from panic attacks when my husband left me 13 years ago and was put on citalopram. I don’t remember any side effects. 

    I do have a couple of glasses of wine at night. I should maybe stop that.

    • Posted

      Hello Armelle, 

      Im on Day 32 / almost 5wks - still not feeling much better myself, Iv had to take Xanax this evening just to take the edge off. 

      Hoping... well more praying!! lol

      il see a lift in mymood next week as that will be my 4wks @50mg, but if I dont see even a slight improvement by 8weeks im throwing the towel in, I cant keep going with these low moods and depression - (that I didn’t have prior to meds) 

  • Posted

    Spoke to my doctor today and they are stopping the sertraline and starting me on propanalol.....x
    • Posted

      Is the doctor offering you another Anti- depressant or just to remain on the propanalol??

      (Heard good reviews about propanalol & the physical anxiety symptoms) 👍🏼

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      No just the propranolol for my anxiety and panic attacks x
    • Posted

      Bet you feel relieved to be off the Sertraline Steam Train!! lol.

      Fingers crossed these propanalol help, they seem to work quite sharpish from what Ive read, so hopefully you’ll be out of the woods soon. Keep us updated with how your getting on 

      All the best!! 🌹

    • Posted

      At the moment I'm still feeling pretty rough from sertralene side effects but I will keep you guys hoping I can get some sleep tonight 😨😩😴x

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    Is that a bp med
    • Posted

      Hi Kmom, 

      Propanalols a beta blocker, they can help with the physical side of anxiety, (slow heart rate and help the body feel calmer and lense tense etc) 

      Usually taken along with ADs, but all really depends what your anxiety issue is??

      Physical/ Mental 🌹

  • Posted

    gad and panic attacks...which have left me unable to drive . I cant take beta blockers thoughsad

    I'm on 50 still of the zoloft....feeling more sibdued and nit that anxious but not driving so who knows. 5 weeks tomorrow. My 12 year old asked me if i was fepressed cause im so chilled out. That sparked a little concern...i dont wanna slip away and not know. Ive also been not giving a crap about what i eat...we shall see. Hang in there and thank you

    • Posted

      Hello Kmom, 

      Ive had my 2nd review yesterday, all though this week has been up and down (more down than anything, and more down overall) I do feel these meds are doing something towards my anxiety. 

      Im also 5wks total 2mrw / 3wks at 50mg - so hoping Im eventually going to be coming over the worst of these low moods.

      Well, really praying I am... as they are so god dam frustrating!! 😤

      Ive discussed with the doctor about continuing for another 2weeks at 50mg, and she wants me to up to 100mg after that if no improvement... (Not a chance!! I’ll try 62.5 or 75mg first lol) but I’ll review that myself when the time comes. 

      And I think the tierdness with me seems to be easing off abit now, pretty wiped out first thing when I wake up... but I tend to pep up after an hour and a caffeine fix!! lol

      Just think... were past half way now, 6-8wks is supposedly the magic number!! Heres to hoping so!! 🌹

  • Posted

    Hello all... Hope you all doing well, Just a quick update to let you know how things are going...


    Im currently at 6weeks today and still at 50mg, for the last week every day has been pretty much good... no anxiety, no negative thoughts, no low moods, able to be more interactive and sociable and basically just get on with life. 

    I feel for the first time in a long time Im getting my fighting spirit back, and my personality is also starting to come back threw when in social settings, I can actually crack a joke instead of just sitting there staring into space with a thousand anxiety thoughts running threw my head...!! lol

    I know its still early days, but Its given me the boost to keep going... and that something with these meds is actually working...!!

    Keep pushing threw, well get there🌹

  • Posted



    Hello All, 

    after viewing several email alerts and reading some of your start up journeys I decided to log on and give you all a quick update and abit of a positive outlook that these meds do work & make a difference if given time.

    As you can see from my previous post, I too also struggled with my side effects starting out, I became terribly low, depressed, unmotivated... barely even speaking to people, but I will say... it passes, all side effects will pass given enough time.

    The tips I wish I knew before hand and found helped me out on those first few weeks were - 

    1.  This website, it was an absolute god send, so please dont suffer in silence, ask your questions, get reassurance, no matter how small, were all in the same boat, and just knowing someone is going threw the same helps take the fear out of those first few weeks and gives you the strength and hope to power threw. 

    2. Keep a daily log of you doses, gp vists, side effects, progress - write it all down. It really helps to look back and see how far you’ve come even if only slight.

    3. Try to stick to the same daily time for your doses, you’re system is continually trying to adjust and level out with this med, so give it as much help as you can. (If insomnia is one of your side effects - change to a morning dose)

    4. Try to stick to the same brand you’ve started out with at least in those first few weeks, many can experience a flurry of side effects when trying something different. Although the main ingredient is the same, compound agents may not be? Again its all about helping your system to settle and level out, and if keeping it used to its routine helps, stick with it.

    5. Diazepams, sleeping tablets, beta blockers, anti-sickness meds, even just as simple as taking it easy etc, they can all help in those first few weeks when side effects become like groundhog day and you just need a little relief to keep you going. Depending on your symptoms and side effects - speak to your doctor about any additional support you can get just to see you through. They really do help, and when you feel better you’ll start to realise you wont need to rely on them as much. 

    6. Unless your an absolute trojan, and want to get to that end goal as quick as possible - most of us become overwhelmed and struggle with our increases - Jumping too large and going too fast (e.g every 2wks) can make for a very bumpy ride and will actually keep your system in a constant state of trying to level out, as once its trying to work on one dosage, its already being top loaded by the next and has to start the level out process all over again. (Example - If your stomach was full, you wouldn’t keep eating and filling it with food to make it settle would you?? As all you would end up doing is becoming bloated & uncomfortable. You would wait... allow it to settle and eat again later if your appetite wasn’t satisfied... This is the same idea with Sertraline and Serotonin) 

    Each increase will need 4-6weeks to work, I’ll say this again... Each increase needs 4-6weeks to work. (Sometimes longer in certain cases) So if your speeding threw and feel no benefits?? Or actually even waiting it out - It’s because of two reasons...

    A) Your not allowing anything to settle before throwing your system back into turmoil with another increase or... 

    B) Your not at your own personal therapeutic level - at least not enough to feel its benefits and you possibly may need an increase or change of meds. 

    All that being said, once you’ve reached you therapeutic level and allowed the 4-6weeks for it to settle into your system you will generally start to feel the glimpses of better days, starting slow and steady at first then gradually becoming more as time goes on.

    This med really is a slow and gradual acting drug, so dont be surprised if you have glimpses of better days and then find yourself back in a slump a few days later... it will pass, its just the meds settling and working out the kinks. 

    I recently spoke to someone this week and explained how for the majority of us sertraline actually has a step by step process that if your worried things dont seem to be working out you can use it to monitor and see how far along you are in your own journey, and naturally how long you have left until you hit that sweet spot. So I thought I would share that here to help give a guide line for those who are struggling at the moment...

    When starting Sertraline you will undoubtedly have side effects, unless your one of the lucky ones, but for the majority of us, it’s going to get worse before it gets better... 

    When to know this med is working...

    Step 1 - Your milder less annoying side effects will start to pass, headaches, hot flushes, jittery feelings... the ones you can just about take with a pinch of salt will start to become more sporadic or ease off completely. 

    Step 2 - Your larger more annoying side effects start to ease up - increased anxiety, panic attacks, insomnia, depression, exhaustion, aches & pains etc you start to feel them lifting or at least giving you moments of relief

    Step 3 - you’ll start experiencing glimpses of better days or moments, thinking your turning the corner only to feel deflated for feeling rubbish again the next day. Unfortunately this step becomes abit like groundhog day, but stick with it, It does get easier.

    Step 4  - The majority of your side effects have eased, maybe a few little niggles here and there but overall the better moments are gradually now starting to outweigh the bad moments, when your here the end is almost in sight

    5th step - you’ve made it threw, your issues no longer bother you, your side effects have passed, and each day gradually gets better as you start living again instead of surviving. However If you do still have some slight niggles or issues at this stage an increase or med change maybe needed.

    If you monitor you current situation now, you can generally get a rough idea what step your on and how many steps you have to take to get to the end goal whether your taking it slow and steady or powering through.

    Side effects are tough, but they do pass. You will no doubt think this med is never going to work... but it will given time.

    I also thought the same, had all the same concerns but since starting Sertraline... Im now more social, confident, assertive, positive... I certainly dont spend all day in my head worrying over pointless negative rubbish, the years I wasted... now I don’t waste a single day! 

    I hope this post helps others, in either just grabbing some general information or offering that little bit of reassurance and by all means if anyone else reading wants to add their own advice or tips on how they are or were getting threw those first few weeks when starting out and dealing with there side effects please feel free to add a comment.

    Good Luck 🌹

    • Posted

      Thank you for the update. I appreciate the time and energy you put into this post to bring hope to those of us that are struggling. ❤️
    • Posted

      Hi again rose.

      so I have been on sertraline since beginning of October with terrible side effects. I am really confused as what is wrong with me. My thyroid was hyper so put on low dose carbimazole. The trembling hands and palpitations have stopped and my TSH level is now normal. So I am wondering why I need sertraline at all.

      i also suffer from Ulcerative Colitis and in a flare at the moment. On prednisolone for that.

      i am having a MRI scan today. An laparoscopy on Monday to remove a nodule in the pelvic area. I had ovaries and tubes removed last March and found a cyst to be a borderline ovarian tumour. So of course, i am worried. All will be revealed y the end of the month I guess. The good thing about sertraline is I lost a stone when I first started it and i have not put it back on. But I feel so exhausted some days. I am considering giving up teaching which I love. I only do 3 days a week but I struggle. At least I am off for 4 weeks now. I am 63 and the past few years have been hellish. If only I could blame all this on sertraline? I am not depressed but I have health anxiety. Who wouldn’t?


    • Posted

      Hello armelle, 

      I remember us talking when we were both starting out, sorry to hear you’ve had so much going on recently. Hopefully these meds are helping, if only just a little bit at the moment, but I can totally sympathise & understand how tough it would be to try and take these meds to help anxiety...

      but also have so many health anxiety inducing issues one after the other to try and solve and get sorted threw first?!!

      Sounds like one tough battle!

      Hope your remaining strong, and glad to hear things are at least being investigated and sorted out 🌹

    • Posted

      Thanks rose. I actually felt dreadful this morning. I was so exhausted and thought I was going to faint in the shower. All shaky and weak. That’s happened before and it is a panic attack. I wonder whether I should up the meds. I’ve suffered from them before but it takes me a while to recognise them. Terrible feeling.
    • Posted

      Doesn’t sound like it would be a bad idea tbh armelle, even if its only a slight small increase for just a temporary period? At least to help ease some of the stress and pressure while your waiting for other health issues to be resolved and sorted out. 

      Maybe speak to your gp first, see what you options are, cant hurt to ask can it? especially if you dont feel like your benefiting as much as you could be on your current dosage.

      Rrrr really hope things work out & improve 🌹

    • Posted

      Thanks so much for your encouraging advice. I might just speak to my gp next week. The thought of going up is worrying. I was in bed for 3 weeks after going on 50 mg in October. The side effects were awful. I wonder if that will happen again. I’ll keep you informed. 
    • Posted

      Hi Armelle,

      I know it can be tough going with increases, but If your concerned, just take your increase small and steady, maybe up it by 12.5mg? 

      (Which would be half of a 25mg tablet or it would be roughly  1/3 of a 50mg)

      may help to be a little bit easier on your system and give you just enough of a nudge to see you through.

      Keep me posted on how your doing, will always try to help if I can 🌹

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