Sertraline - My 4week Update

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Hello All... This is just a quick update into my journey so far and my 1st month on sertraline... Its not the best yet, but Im still hanging in there and hoping im gradually getting passed the worst... (fingers crossed)

I was initially prescribed this med for anxiety  

So Im 4weeks in... (Day28)

my dosage has been as follows 

1st week - 25mg 

2nd week - 37.5mg

3rd week+ - 50mg

My side effects at various points have been... Dull headaches, hot flushes, sweating, hands shaking, jittery feeling, irritated, annoyed, low depressive moods, emotional & upset, withdrawn, quiet & Isolated, lack of motivation & interest

tierd, lack of energy as well as my usual normal range of anxiety symptoms on top  

Positives have been brief moments of feeling... relaxed, calmer, less negative, more interactive, sociable, present, less anxious, more rational thinking... 

Since I started this medication I have been logging my daily dosages & experiences and Ive just reviewed back and worked out overall how my 1st month has panned out in total... 

23 Days - Feeling either Negative, Depressive, Low, Irritated, Sad, unmotivated etc 

5 Days - Feeling either more hopeful, calmer, relaxed, social, focused, present and getting that glimmer of hope the med seems to be starting to work. 

Im currently in another “depressive” stage at the moment and looking back at those results, Ive found it quite disheartening to say the least... I do however want to try and stick it out... but those odds have made me think... is this actually working?? Or should I look into other options?? (Review next week)

Curious to know if any others are experiencing WAY more negative days in comparison to there positive?? 

And if it seems like I should continue with this med at my next review?? Am I passed the worst?? Or would  I be jumping ship too early if I stopped/ changed??

All responses greatly appreciated 🌹

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    Went through my journal and took some notes on how my days have gone.  I am on day 27 @150mg (having recently lowered my dose to 100mg from 150mg,  the increasing back up after 3 mos)

    Day 5: Very Bad day

    Anxiety 10/10 (pacing the house ALL day,  sitting have me a panic attack)

    Tingling arm sensations

    Constant panic attacks

    No appetite

    Dry mouth

    Have to pee a lot

    Diaherra constantly

    Dizzy after taking dose

    Waking up with panic attacks

    Panic before falling asleep

    Morning anxiety through the roof

    Not able to engage my mind in anything other than obsessing about how horrible I felt.

    Day 6: Very Bad day

    Day 7: Very Bad anxiety

    Day 8:  okay day,  very anxious

    Day 9: okay day,  very anxious

    Day 10:  okay day, very anxious

    Day 11:  Bad

    Day 12:  good but very anxious

    Day 13:  started okay, then bad.

    Day 14:  started bad, then okay.

    Day 15: good but anxious

    Day 16: VERY BAD super depressed nonstop crying.

    Day 17:  okay

    Day 18:  okay, then bad (PMS)

    Day 19: okay

    Day 20:  okay but then sad and anxious

    Day 21: okay/good

    Day 22: good/bad anxiety

    Day 23:  okay/bad anxiety (period started)

    Day 24: better/ but not good

    Day 25: better/ more normal,  still anxious

    Day 26:  better

    Anxiety: 5.6/10

    Appetite returning

    Diaherra but less

    Anxiety before bed,  but less

    Morning anxiety,  but lessens in a couple hours

    Able to focus on somethings for an hours time

    Some bouts of sadness,  but not as bad a previously.

    I know this isn’t very detailed,  but I didn’t want to bore you with writing out my entire journal.  Hope this helps someone.  I am hoping to start seeing more good/better days than bad very soon.

    • Posted

      Thanks so much for your comment ashley, I think posts like these, (with a day by day breakdown) are so much more helpful... they certainly benefit me and Im positive they will benefit others too. 

      I just noticed one of your side effects is peeing more, Iv also noticed this since starting sertraline but initially put it down to just coincidence as I hadnt seen it posted or commented about anywhere??

      Glad to know now its just a side effect and Im not the only one lol Great to see your days are improving, hopefully I won’t be too far behind 🌹

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      Yeah,  at first I thought maybe I had a bladder infection,  but then I noticed that it was more often in the beginning of they day when my anxiety was at it’s worse.
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      Same... I assumed infection at first, but after that settled Its just become an overall general increase in toilet vists threw out the day, cant really seem to pin point it to anything??  And Ive just become used to it now. 
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    It's highlighted here for me the PMS. If I did my log it would be more or less the same, especially the non stop crying part.

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      What we have to go threw just to feel normal... lol, hopefully be worth it in the end 🌹

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    Today will be day 5, I am experiencing increased anxiety and nervousness .....especially in the mornings. I take 25mg dose in the evening as advised by my lessen the side effects....i find that when I take the tablet I'm fine and not drowsy....more awake if anything! My side effects all happen in the morning when I wake up after finally getting to sleep!! I have a fuzzy, almost hangover like feeling with extremely high levels of anxiety....i know I have to persevere with this and am willing to do so but I was wondering if anyone had any advice as to changing it to the morning?? Would this make me feel better in the mornings?? Thanks in advance.....x

    • Posted

      Hello Saltuffin, 

      I find its really down to personal preference and trial and error with these meds, I personally started my journey with a morning dose (10am) and have continued this way threwout, for me I dont think its made any difference to my side effects?? They tend to last all day... for several days tbh 😕  (But I havnt suffered with any insomnia issues, so maybe it has its benefits??) 

      But you can always ask the doctor for diazepam / Xanax to help take the edge of the increased anxiety while your going threw the initial start up period.

      So sorry I couldn’t be more helpful, maybe someone else has experienced / benefited from a time swap that will be able to share more insight. 

      Good Luck 🌹



    • Posted

      Thank you very much....i am going to persevere until my follow up appointment. I'm going bowling tonight which could be a massive challenge for me 🙈 I am so terrified and anxious about having a panic attack I almost feel like cancelling it xx

    • Posted

      One word of advice... which really helps me alot. 

      Dont ever worry about worry, as you’ll be giving yourself a double hit of stress & adrenaline. I know this is WAY more easier said than done, but if you can just manage to focus & tell yourself...  If I have a panic attack, I have a panic attack... it wont be nice, it certainly wont be plesant... but one things for sure... it will pass.

      Teach your anxiety that your not going to run away from it, but reprogram it to a different outcome, as the old saying goes, face the fear and do it anyway 🌹 

    • Posted

      Thank you for the advice.....i know all these things I'm just trying to work on it all as panic attacks are a new thing for me. I'm trying to keep myself occupied doing household tasks until I get myself ready to brave It! Must fight the would help if I knew what the fear was......ahhhh vicious circle xx

    • Posted

      How are you feeling today, Rose?  This morning has been hard since I did not sleep well and had some pretty vivid nightmares.  Went for a walk and that helped a bit.   Waiting until I take my dose for the day.  I usually feel much better after I do.
    • Posted

      Hello ashley, thanks for checking up on me... sorry to hear your having a tough day, heres to hoping its very much short lived!!

      I seem to have been up and down all over the weekend, its been abit of a weird one??

      After coming threw the low mood I started off with, I had a couple of upbeat days (Thurs/ Fri) nothing spectacular, but able to get up and do whats got to be done and be more interactive and concentrate on the present moment etc, then Saturday I woke up feeling so emotional, like I could just cry and wallow in self pity, was a strange turn around seeing as I felt pretty upbeat the night before. Then today has just been flat... no real up, but no real down either?? 

      Ive got my 2nd review with the doctor tomorrow aswell, I do feel the med has helped with my anxiety, (quite alot actually) but these up and down depressive moods are a real bummer?? So unsure weather it will be a case of upping the med, giving it abit more time or changing?? I don’t know?? 😕

      (Almost 3wks at 50mg / almost 5wks total) 

      These good days better be worth it...!! lol



    • Posted

      Totally feel you on that!  I see my doc in a week to review,  but I think I am going to try and stick it out 6 weeks before talking to him about increasing.  Glad you are holding on to the good days.  I feel like we have those good days to remind us that the meds are working.  I try and look at these low days as opportunities to practice overcoming my fear or fear.  Easier said than done,  but working on it smile
  • Posted

    I managed bowling and had a few drinks, yesterday (Day 6) was sweats, panic attacks, feeling of fear, thought I was dying, racing heart, dizzy, sick.....🙈😷🤢 today is much the same any advice from anyone xx

    • Posted

      Sorry you are going through all of the start up effects.  From my own experience,  it gets worse before it gets better.  It’s a slow acting med,  but it works well.  It’s still early days for you.  I am a little over 4 weeks in,  and starting to see a difference.  I am not 100%,  but I know I still need to give it time.  Hang in there!
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      Also,  I would try and cut the alcohol out for now.  It can make things worse,  and also on Sertraline it makes 1 drink feel like 2,  2 feel like 4, etc.  You should be proud that you still went out and tried though.  Try not to focus on the fact that you were anxious.  Think about the fact that even though you were anxious,  that you stuck it out!  That shows some real courage!
    • Posted

      Well done for going out... as hard as it was you showed anxiety whos boss!! The side effects will get easier week by week, just ride the waves and keep reading peoples posts, they really help in those tough moments.

      Fantastic advice by ashley with regards to the alcohol, take it easy till your more settled in your routine... its a long road, but were all this together 

    • Posted

      Today is not a good day.......had to ring in sick for work again (really don't want to loose my job) I couldn't even take my little girl to nursery. I keep dry heaving, can't stand food or drink, dizzy, fuzzy head, crying, can't stand up and don't feel like I'm even in my own body. Have rang the doctors this morning to see if there is anything he can suggest......i really can't carry on this way it's making me crazy and housebound. 😣😨😩🙈🙁😭😷🤢

    • Posted

      Thank you.....and trust me I'm in no rush to drink alcohol whilst taking these not if it makes you feel the way I did Saturday. I nearly rang an ambulance I was that ill.....dont want to be wasting people's time especially doctor's etc.... just can't carry on this way with these effects it's having on me. It's literally ruining my life 😭

    • Posted

      So sorry  to hear your having such a bad time and it doesn’t seem to be working out, it can get pretty brutal starting up 🙁

      I just looked back at the “Day by Day Journal” ashley posted and seems your pretty simaler in side effects to your first few days.

      Did the doctor suggest any diazepam / Xanax?? 

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