Sertraline second time around.
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Hi All just started back on sertraline 50mg today. Was on it a few months ago for a year thought I was ok came off it with the doctors help over a few months. Was doing fine for a while then bang back to square one anxiety and depression back. Anyway went back to doctor two and a half weeks ago and we decided to try a different med lexapro but this has not agreed with me so this morning I'm back on sertraline 50mg. I'm not looking forward to the side effects as yea all can guess. So any advice would be welcome.
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ger00232 michael58834
michael58834 ger00232
Cheers Ger yeah please god the side effects will be better this time around. I'm just after having two and a half weeks hell side effects with the lexapro so I could do with a break. How long have you been on sert and what dose, how have you been finding them. And how are doing. What part of the world are you in. I'm in Ireland
weenett michael58834
michael58834 weenett
Hi weenett. I guess it was the feeling that the lexapro was making think about killing myself all the time for the first week on them then the next week I would think about it at some point in the day but not as bad then but this was never me before I started lexapro. Also the constant chatter going on in the head plus been constantly weak and tired but not been able to sleep at the same time. Anxiety was through the roof and It felt like I was crawling out of my skin and going mad. I was know that these are start up side effects and will pass but this was different you just know they are not right it's hard to explain. I was excited when I started the lexapro as I felt this could be the one as I had heard good things about it but it was just not for me. It's hard to start back at the start again but I have no choice. I know that yea will be here for me as this site really helped me the last time. What are you on it for? Is this the first med you have been on?
sparrow01 michael58834
i know what u mean about lexapro michael, god i spent about 3 months giving that med loads of time, but all i got was really strong suicical thoughts which wouldnt go away, and also increased anxiety which just wouldnt seem to go away either. i gave it 3 months so then nobody could say i didnt give it enough time to do something good (i started on low dose and gradually went up to a normal dose, and then even tried slightly higher than normal to see if that was the problem)
im doing much better on sertraline and think it is better than lexapro (but everyone is different of course, and no doubt there are some people who do better on lexapro instead of sertraline. ... welcome to the confusing world of ssri meds! =) (the good news is, there's something out there for everyone, you have to be strong until you find it, and then get the dose right, as well as give it enough time.. which for some people is sometimes up to 3 months unfortunately)
ger00232 michael58834
Hi Michael I'm in ireland too! Dublin.
I am on sertraline 4 weeks and I feel little spells where I'm like I can do this but they don't last long. I'm still struggling to leave my room. Probably not what you want to hear but keep going I'm waiting for that eureka moment that people say when they wake up feeling good.
weenett michael58834
michael58834 ger00232
Hi Ger
Yeah Ger it's a pain having to wait for the sert to kick in but it will. I know how you feel regards leaving the room. I'm in kerry by the way. I'll talk to you later
abby56321 michael58834
I was on Zoloft for the last few years and went off in February. About a month ago everything came rushing back!!! Anxiety debilitating which then lead to depression. But when this first all started a couple years ago my dr put me on Lexapro and I seriously thought I was dying!!! It's so funny how the meds effect people so differently! This round so far on Zoloft hasn't been as horrible with side effects. I started at 50mg for two weeks and have been on 75mg for a little over two weeks. Knowing I have to get up to 100mg (that's what worked last time) but nervous about side effects! Good luck to you! Just know the end result will be worth it! It's just hell getting there!
michael58834 abby56321
Hi abby
Yeah the joy's of it. I also hope that the side effects will be better as I have been on it before and it was not easy. How are you finding them at the moment?
abby56321 michael58834
The side effects this time around have been very mild! The worst part is having a headache most days and really tired. But I will deal with both of those over than anxiety as I know the side effects will diminish!
jay98357 michael58834
Hi there Michael. Sorry to hear you are in the same boat as us all. At least you know what to expect and who knows you may not get any side effects. I have been on 50 mg since July. Side effects the first few weeks were pretty awful bit I'm still here.
I increased my sertaline to 75mg 2 days ago and feel like poo.. I can believe that a half a tablet can make you feel so yuck.
All I can advise is keep busy and have a aid from you doc incase the side effects kick in.
Good luck and keep is posted
michael58834 jay98357
Hi Jay thanks for getting back to me. Yeah the side effects can be pretty bad, I know too well. The increase can knock you back a bit alright but it has to be done. My doctor unfortunately won't prescribe any aids as she is against them big time and said stright out that she will not be given any out and if I'm not happy with this then she is not the doctor for me. Sorry the hear that the increase has knocked you out are you able to work or get out much. I'm off work 3 weeks so that's not good either but they have been understanding.
holly34337 michael58834
Hi Michael,
Welcome back to sertraline! I to tried Lexapro and had a terrible time on it. I was disappointed as I heard great things about it and that is was easier to tolerate. The longer I was on it I got a lot worse. Started feeling very depressed and out of control. Crying constantly. Was just curious how it didn't agree with you? I went back to sertraline. I am on day 11 of 25mg. I have taken this med most of my life but have had a rough time restarting it too. Hence why I am Still On 25mg..... Went off two months ago due to some medical issues and am trying to get back on it as I know I need meds for my anxiety. Have done like you have many times and always have to get back on so decided to restart.
holly34337 michael58834
Just saw your experience on Lexapro. Didn't see that before asked. That is how I was feeling.. At The end of two weeks of 5mg I was deteriorating each day. Felt suicidal almost as well. Shaking like a leaf, sobbing uncontrollably. Just didn't feel right to me. It was frightening. I was scaring myself.....
michael58834 holly34337
Hi holly
Yeah lexapro was scary. I think we need to start up the lexapro scary club together. I guess it helps other people so its not just for us. It's good to talk to someone that knows what I mean when I say lexapro was not for me. Did you just switch over to sertraline stright away or were you off the lexapro for a while? My doctor just told me to take it instead of the lexapro without any break. So that is what I did. So day one spent in bed so far. How are you feeling today?
holly34337 michael58834
Hey Michael
Yes that is what I did. Startedcsertraline the next day from 5mg Lexapro to 25mg sertraline. Was really hoping it would curb the side effects doing a direct switch but no such luck. Been more sick this time starting sertraline than I ever recall in the past. I have started it about three times in the past. I need to increase but like you- after lexapro hell and then starting this with so many side effects this time I am putting it off. 50mg has always been my dose. Just not sure I can handle making the increase just yet. The Lexapro truly had me terrified. I don't ever recall feeling that depressed and emotional. I was about ready to go admit myself. I wasn't depressed per say when I started it. It got alot worse for me the longer I was on it. As you mentioned, I could tell it just wasnt right. Something seemed off and to the extreme. I am feeling better but not normal of course. I have been more emotionally better since the Lexapro ordeal. Have a lot of neck and head tension right now. Had to break down and take a Xanax as I felt like my head was going to explode. Probably my normal anxiety but I have been able to function more each day and feeling more positive. I was almost bed ridden on the Lex and was becoming agoropphobic
holly34337 michael58834
michael58834 holly34337
Hi holly
Yeah the nausea and just been pure run down and no desire to get up and get out just kept me in bed most of the day yesterday. I did manage to get out in the fresh air in the evening for a bit and it did me good took my mind off at how sh## I was feeling even for a short while. Unfortunately I have to get up today a do a few job's so not looking forward to it. I live just a short drive from the beach so I might go for a walk there this evening just to clear the head. How's things going for you today and overall in general
holly34337 michael58834
I had bad nausea and vomiting. That seems to have subsided in the last two days maybe. I need to increase to 50mg now. Just scared and have a sick dog I have been tending to with treatments at home. He was hospitalized for three days and now I am doing home treatment. Just afraid I will get so sick I won't be able to get out of bed.I have been on 25mg for 11 days....just a pain isnt it?