Sertraline side effects

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Hi all,

I know your going to tell me that im posting this waaay to soon, but i guess im just looking for some reassurance more than anything..

I started taking 50mg sertraline on Saturday, on sunday i had a big panic attack. It was weird, i was on a road and i knew where i was, but i wasnt concentrating, when i looked up i couldnt work out where i was (I wasnt driving) and the confusion caused me to have a big panic attack.

All day this morning i have felt a buzz of anxiety that wont subside. I feel worse than i did before i started - My question is, do you think that after only 2/3 doses i can feel this way because of sertraline, or do you think this is just my normal anxiety that i am blowing out of proportion? I definatly definatly feel different to usual (before meds)

Thank you all

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24 Replies

  • Posted

    Please, please stick with it. I have been suffering for anxiety for years and was diagnosed with depression in December. I started sertraline on the 6th December 50mg. I have before this refused to take anything. But I felt so bad that I had no option this time. I felt even more anxious the first two/three weeks and am only now starting to slowly feel better. This chat area has helped me understand and cope better. My advice to you is to stick with it and it will get better. I know how hard it is to reduced and overcome anxiety but it will get better.
  • Posted

    Thank you bernie.

    I know that one of my biggest problems is being impatient, and not being able to see light at the end of the tunnel. Im worried il step into something worse and theyll be no turning back. Do you think 2 days is too soon, and what im feeling is not a side effect?

    • Posted

      What you are experiencing and the thoughts you are having are exactly what I had. The self doubt and the concern of being stuck on them and them making me worse. All part of the anxiety. I was reducing the dose and then going back up. Backwards and forwards to the doctors. But I can honestly say that I do feel much better. You will feel worse before you feel any better. But the thing to remember is that there is a light at the end of it. I am no longer waking up panicking, my heart has stopped racing, I feel level. Not sure when you are taking yours but I started taking mine before bed and it has helped. The side effects can make you feel worse if you are already anxious. Hope this helps
    • Posted

      Thank you.

      I know i need to stick it out, ive been jittery all day now! pretty much 24hrs minus sleep (i slept quite well). Grin and bare it i guess!

    • Posted

      Hi Bernie,

      I would second your advice: I have switched to taking my 50mg tab at bedtime and it seems to have helped me at night and less anxious during the day.

      Best wishes, Digsby x

  • Posted

    hi i felt the same way when i first started taking sertaline ,iam now 4 day into the treatment and not having as many panic attacks as i did befor xxx


  • Posted


    I started taking 50mg of Setraline on New Year's Day, after 2 months on another drug (the side effects made me feel worse!) I should also say that I've been prescribed Sertraline for ongoing suicidal depression (about 3 months now following a trauma 3 years ago). From reading the forums, the majority of posters seem to suffer from anxiety.

    The side effects so far have been disrupted sleep, heart palpatations in the middle of the night, manic all day Saturday (mind racing and talking non-stop). I have also noticed a slight tremor in my hands and today a slight tightness in my chest. They say the early days on a new medication are the worst, as your body gets used to the chemical effects on the body and brain.

    Most important, I hope that you have a health professional with whom you can discuss your particular side effects. Perhaps not since you have posted the question here, seeking reassurrance. It's difficult to offer advice only on the strength of one's own experience. I would say you know your body and behaviour patterns more than anyone else. Listen to your body. The massive panic attack was obviously very scary. I'm hoping that it will subside after 24-36 hours. If not, then please do seek your doctor's advice as a matter of urgency. I read one posting on the forum that someone was vomitting after just a couple of days on this drug. It obviously doesn't agree with everyone and they need to find the right drug for them, with medical advice.

    Please let me know how you are getting on. I'm conscious that I often need to calm my thoughts and distract myself from the physical symptoms of depression - they are often not trustworthy even though they are real. Listening to music or going for a walk help my to find my calming "happy place" but I know it is hard to break the vicious cycle of constant worry. Whatever you are experiencing is valid and you are not alone and not the first person to feel like this. Things will get better. Let's make sure this is the right drug for you so hang in there buddy :-)

    Love & best wishes,



    • Posted

      Thank you. I appreciate your advise. Are you finding that the side effects are starting to subside now?
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      I guess it's early days so I am still getting used to new feelings/side effects. I never exprience them all at once (I would be worried if the hypermania had lasted more than a day and would have been tempted to come off them, with advice from a doctor). Of course, doctor's don't know how drugs affect us, and even as consumers we are all different and react differently. Scott posted a very positive reply somewhere on the Sertraline forums (sorry, I'm following so many threads, they start to merge into one!) His experience was to stay on 50mg without increasing until the benefits were obvious - this may take 6-8 weeks though. Frustrating for anyone in the early stages of starting the med but encouraging to know to stick with it.

      Keep going, one step at a time. You are not alone :-)



  • Posted


    I'm on my 13th week of Sert. In my 2nd or 3rd week, I had a panic attack almost identical to yrs! Altho I was prescribed sert for anxiety, I hadn't had an actual pa until that week. I was walking along a main rd and felt completely overwhelmed and had to ring my dad to pick me up.

    This is my 1st time on ad's...we're all different of course but it took quite a while (about 10 wks onwards) for side effects to completely subside. Now, my only thing left seems to be tiredness/yawning. But having said that, I'm now in a position where altho thankfully side effects have diminished, I kind of feel like I don't know how different I'd feel without them - whether I would've improved naturally over time.

    So to answer yr others have said and experienced, heightened anxiety seems to be quite common early on. For the first week I just took half a tablet (25mg) to ease it into my system. U really do need to give them at least a few mths to get past all the ups n downs of side effects (many of which will only last a few days each) and to then judge it.

    Best wishes x

    • Posted

      Thank you. I'm so impatient,  I think that's what makes it worse. Definitely having heightened anxiety so far. It's good to know that you guys have stuck to it and found a good place.
    • Posted

      Hey. All will be well. I promise. I was where you were and didn't believe I could get better. I felt so so bad. I couldn't work, sleep, eat. Three months later I feel more or less ack to normal more or less. I started to feel good about 6-8 week s. Then gradually better. Stick with it. If you're spspiritual. Pray. It works. 
  • Posted

    Hi all, just to update I have stopped taking sertraline. I know that there are side effects when 1st starting this drug, but these were just unbareable. I'm usually quite good with illness and my gf always comments on how no matter how Ill I am I'm always chipper one way or another. I truly believe it's just not the drug for me. 

    I took 3 doses of 50mg and then went cold turturkey today, I was so so ill; sick, headache, eyeache, confused, spaced out, anxious. It's been quite a 24 hours.

    its now been about 38 hours since my last pill and I feel much better, cant believe it affected me so fast.

    I was on seroxat 8 years ago and only got side effects when weening off,  so I know this isn't the drug for me.

    Thank you all for the support.

  • Posted

    I know this was posted 3 years ago. Just wondering how you got on? I started sertraline two days ago and since have had two panick attacks to the point I thought I was having a heart attack as I had chest pain and tingling in arms. I phoned 111 who put me through to a doctor urgently and she asked if I was on any medication how the pain was if it had changed if hadn’t. She said that sertraline can make you feel like this and that my doctor should have explained that to me. I still have fear that I did have a heart attack but these recent symptoms have been since I started taking. I also have costocondritis so maybe that made the pain of a panick attack worse but the feeling I had in my chest felt like cold water. Just wondering if anyone has suffered like this? Are they worth taking? I tried taking at night but the palpitations woke me up.
    • Posted

      Hi jasmine,

      I also face same problems since I’ve started using zoloft. Chest pain, back pain, arm pain, shortness pf breath, chocking, feeling smth on my throath, racing and skipping heart. I had an EKG and nothing is found. I also takE 20 mg of propranolol but it does not fix the sympthoms. I am on 50 mg sertraline now I feel ok, no anxiety or panic but these feelings makes me awful. However day by day i feel better, and feel like they are gonna be over in some time. We should stick on it an wait till we get benefits. Dont worry, it is gonna be over. X

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