Setraline 50mg

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I have been taking sertraline for 4 weeks after suffering bit of a melt down!!!First 2 weeks Ok, then the dreaded diarrhea set in, which increases anxiety.

I have tried splitting tax 25mg in am then 25 mg in evening, hate any sort of meds. immodium does work, but I do feel I am just taking another med to stop what the first med causes,

Intrusive negative thoughts wake me up some nights, really scary. I have good days and bad.

Are the meds working who knows, I really hate admitting I need them.

any thoughts from anyone else???

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26 Replies

  • Posted

    No shame in taking meds. If it is working for you that's all that matters. The diarrhea will settle eventually but I'm on the meds the same length as you and I still get it.

    • Posted

      Are you feeling better on the meds ?I had a really good day yesterday thought I was on the mend. today I feel really down.
    • Posted

      Up and down man not really had a good day just the odd spell here and there. Everyone says just keep going on the meds as they take time.
  • Posted

    Hi Gaynor - I had this problem at first but most of the side effects have settled down now . . . 12 weeks, which right now must seem like a long time but the tummy upset settled down at around 6 weeks . . . no harm in taking the tummy meds for the time being, nor being on anti-anxiety meds either . . . wishing you well
    • Posted

      Hi Susan,

      Thank you for your comments really helpful, think I am probably being a little impatient, just 4 weeks into meds perhaps to soon to expect total result, You read some posts and results are almost immediate. still we are all different. thank you again for your  reply

  • Posted

    If you're having up days as well as low ones, then I'd say it's starting to work.  I literally seem to have one day good and one bad but each time it's a little better, nearly 3 weeks for me.

    My stomach is also really bad, and also suffer from the intrusive thoughts, trying a little mindfullness to deal with that and the anxiety I've been suffering.

    • Posted

      Hi Jamie, i really appreciate your positive attitude, lets hope soon we both have more good days than bad, I think we prob, let ourselves get to low before we admit we need help. My intrusive thoughts are not as bad now as they were in the second week and mostly at night, subconsious wakes up I just tell myself now that all bad thoughts are being thown out hopefully not to return. I can say that is improving.
    • Posted

      I wake up every night between 3 and 4 with thoughts rampaging through my head, it's nice to know it's not just me!  

    • Posted

      isnt it strange 3 to 4am seems to be the witching hour for me!!! I generally get up have a drink water tell myself its rubbish thoughts, to be honest next morning I know i have had intrusive thoughts, but I cannot remember them in any detail, I am going into week 5 they are happening less. but not nice when they do happen. hang on in there!!! your brain is defragging wiping the hard drive of the viruses LOL you take care
    • Posted

      hi Jamie

      How are you today? I have had a really good day, 1st day of 5th week, feelng a lot more positive, last night no intrusives brill. I really hope you are  feeling better I have to say week 3 and start of week 4 werent good with side effects but the good days are coming hang on in there.

    • Posted

      Cheers,  up and down still, but am managing to do more and today the thoughts are somewhat less, review at GP's tomorrow, should be interesting.

      Really pleased you had a clear night!  I woke up at 4, focused on my breathing and didn't panic so hopefully learning to deal with it.

    • Posted

      Focusing on breathing really helped me in that situation also. It will get better, I had my review at 3 weeks with GP he did say 3weeks was early days, I have to admit I was ready to quit, but thought I would continue for at least 8weeks glad I did. Hope all goes well tommorow and you remain positive. you dealt with it early hours thats the way forward.
    • Posted

      Hi Jamie, just checking in to see how Doc.s went hope all positive for you?

      side effects will calm down.

    • Posted

      Hey Gaynor,  I had my first busy and productive day yesterday,  and felt good at the end of it, my first "Normalish" day.  Today's been crap though!

      The GP kept me on the same dose of 50mg and told me to stick with it.  My stomach is all over the place as now on antibiotics too, yay!  Still getting the 4am heeby jeebies though.

    • Posted

      Jamie trust me, thats all the same as my experience I had 1 day good 1 day crap, but as i said since week 5 began on Sunday, I have been getting back to normal, good days seem to be on the up Stomach has been good for 4 days now, no heeby jeebies in the night, do get a little bit OMG as i am waking up but that soon goes. As you said to me if you have had a good day then they are working. Stick with it if I can anyone can. I have to go back to GP in 6 weeks. Watch this space!!!

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