Setraline 50mg

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I have been taking sertraline for 4 weeks after suffering bit of a melt down!!!First 2 weeks Ok, then the dreaded diarrhea set in, which increases anxiety.

I have tried splitting tax 25mg in am then 25 mg in evening, hate any sort of meds. immodium does work, but I do feel I am just taking another med to stop what the first med causes,

Intrusive negative thoughts wake me up some nights, really scary. I have good days and bad.

Are the meds working who knows, I really hate admitting I need them.

any thoughts from anyone else???

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26 Replies

  • Posted

    Funny that this topic just came up. Today will be day 10 for me on 25mg and I developed some pretty bad diarrhea over the past two days and my stomach is very rumbly. Concerns me as it wasn't this bad until two days ago and it is also very dark colored. Almost looks black. Should I be concerned?

    • Posted

      My stomach was rumbly thought it was going to break into tune LOL

      If I take immodium instant  after loo visit just 1 dissloves on tongue, that will keep diarrhea at bay for about 2 days, hopefully it will stop on it own soon. I just think it adds to the anxiety, i was told to take 50mg per day so take 25 am and 25 before bed. my 4th week.

      Check what you are eating that can make the diff in colour..

    • Posted

      How often were you having the diarrhea if you don't take the Imodium? Mine has gotten to about 4 or 5 times a day. Twice already today. I am eating the same diet. Pretty bland anyway. I just had gallbladder surgery about a month ago so have been on a low fat bland diet...... Like I said, just got bad like this over the past two to three days.

    • Posted

      Mine started bout 5 times a day anytime of day real nusaince, I spoke to . mine then got down bout 3 times usually before 10am but the feeling seemed to last longer.but immodium does work.I would check with chemist might be gall bladder healing process....

      The more tense i got with it the more it seemd to occur, have a chat to chemist they do seem more up on meds than GP,s

    • Posted

      Yes could be gallbladder but like I said it got this bad over the past couple days. Was bad after first week of surgery but then seemed to improve some until past two days....
    • Posted

      If any wants to know, because I just found out, pepto bismol makes your poop black or dark. Also if g.b. out your b.m. may be greenish because the g.b. is what held bile an shoots it out when needed. With it gone, theres no where to store bile so it shoots all out. I had mine out a yr ago. First 3-4 months I had to watch high fat foods because I would get sick an diaherra an it was greenish. I know this is gross but just lettin everyone know. I had to take immodium while on Sertraline. Also.
    • Posted

      Hi Zio

      Well I have been taking pepto bishop so maybe that explains it. Tablets. For the upset stomach and nausea. Not eating any fatty foods. Still on low fat diet. I bet it is the pepto making it black. I know the diarrhea is an issue after gallbladder. I had to get a bile absorber to help me right after surgery. It seemed that was improving so I feel it is the Zoloft. I was just worried about the dark color. Afraid I was bleeding? So can you eat more fatty foods now? Thank you so much for the info😀 makes,me feel better that pepto can cause that. I have been taking it.....

    • Posted

      Yes. It was July 26th of 2015 I the g.b. out. Now I can eat pretty much anything except fried jalapeños! Uggg... but I dont eat reall fatty fried food to much anyway. Creamer in coffee bothered me first month even! But now no biggie.

  • Posted

    Hi smile 

    I'm new here and I have just started sertraline (25mg) on Day 5 now. I wrote on another forum thread but thought I'd share, because I was really struggling first couple of days but today has been my first "good" day. 

    I spoke to my sister on the phone last night and she is on 150mg for 3 years now. I didn't even know what medication it was she was on until we spoke and it was such a relief, as she said to me, yes the first month or so is terrible (obviously depending on the person we all react in different ways) and she had every side effect going- you name it she had it. But she reassured me, it is all worth it to push through. It was really great to actually hear someone I know say those words to me. 

    Immodium in my experience is a pretty safe drug, there's no dependence. I am actually prescribed this (1mg every night) due to existing gastro problems. They prescribed me an "immodium for kids" syrup as it is easier to tolerate and it doesn't go to the other extreme, which can then in turn cause diarrhea. If it goes on for more than 3 days, I'd say consult your doctor, see if they could give you this in the meantime. If anything, it can help ease your anxiety until your body is more adapted to sertraline smile 

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