Seven days away from ONE year anniversary of revision...

Posted , 7 users are following. days away from the one year anniversary of shoulder revision surgery and the supraspinatus ripped off again while doing something that should NOT have caused the failure again.  Lost ROM, e.g., reach, raise, lift hand/arm overhead.  Pronounced pain over the repair site bone/tendon.  Speechless.  Messaged the surgeon.  This week another MRI, create a new plan of attack and set course on the plan.   Another summer wasted. sad 

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21 Replies

  • Posted

    That is shocking ! So so sorry to hear this

    I do feel for you. As you say a whole year and you think you are home and dry

    I am having my repeat surgery on 16th and hoping in using a graft to repair the RC will be successful

    Previous surgery 8th April 2017

    Your situation is obviously much greater than.mind and your surgery was extensive

    Keep us informed of details once you.see your surgeon. Good luck

    • Posted

      Thank you.  I want this MRI immediately.  I want to see the results.  I was simply tightening bolts on the Jeep Grand Cherokee's roof rails prepping to put on cross rails with the intention of gentle paddling today and Monday; which would have been the first time back on the water in a year and a half.  I used a ladder to get myself high enough that my shoulder would not be stressed.  I was outstretched at times while tightening bolts using a tool.  I described my body position (at times) like spreading a tablecloth.  NO lifting, no reckless behavior, controlled and calculated movements.  Halfway through my arm (biceps muscle up to shoulder) tightened up, felt weird and noticed i was absentmindedly walking my fingers across the roof to get where I needed my hand to go.  I climbed down off the ladder and thought NO WAY.  I did a few small checks lifting, raising, elevating and sure enough the ROM of diminishing and is now gone.  I had full ROM.  I hope there is enough tendon to try again.  UGH.  First one was 1/27/17; revision 6/2/17 and now a third...mindboggling.  Good luck with your surgery!

  • Posted

     When I read this just now I said out loud “oh my god poor thing“ I cannot believe it I’ve been following yours as well as others history of what’s been going on. What the heck happened? I’m not sure exactly the surgery that you had done, very different than mine. But I can imagine you doing anything harsh enough to re-tear it!

     Sounds so painful I’m so so sorry. Is there such thing as a shoulder replacement surgery, like a knee or hip replacement? That might be the way to go. Again so sorry that you’re going through this it sounds horrible. 

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    HOLY BUCKETS... the ortho surgeon told me my shoulder is merely strained.  He said let's wait another week before an MRI.  He could move it, and then I held it (until I couldn't anymore).  If it improves, we won't do the MRI and life goes on!  If it doesn't improve we draw up a new plan; although he thinks it is going to OKAY!!  WOO HOO

    • Posted

      Wow that is good news!

       I hope you take this as a warning, to dial things back a bit ....maybe find a new hobby instead of paddling, and just be in the moment. You don’t want to get injured again and have to go through surgery again. I used to run a lot, do high-impact aerobics, strength training. Yoga. And now I’ve dialed it way back I will not do the same things that I did before because I do not want to reinjure myself again and have to have another surgery. I’m hoping to never have surgery again. 

       A friend of mine had rotator cuff surgery 10 years ago and thought that it was OK to keep doing all the things he’s been doing tennis, skiing. He 60. He just retort and has to have a whole thing rebuilt again. Why he didn’t learn? I have no idea. 

    • Posted

      Good advice.  I think what scared me most is that 5/12/18 I had to be hospitalized.  I have a stressful job and family is stressful as well.  Lots of drama with an aging parent and adult siblings.  What happened 5/12/18 is that for the first time in my life I experienced what is called Transient Global Amnesia.  I lost six hours.  I don't remember getting in the car, the ride to the hospital, being in ER having tons of tests and CT scans.  I recalled that before the episode I might have accidentally taken a double dose of Benadryl.  Instead of 50 mg at 3:30 and another 50 mg within 90 minutes. I was running errands, and juggling family drama popped the Benadryl for allergies and forgot to write it down.  Came in from more errands still preoccupied with family drama and took two more capsules (I think) and thought uh oh did I just double dose?Of course, no one knew about the possibility of a double dose until 2:00 am when I mentioned to the hospital nurse as I was coming back from the six-hour fog.My blood pressure was 206/111 in the ER.  So they started treating me for that; put me into "stroke protocol"; then started more testing.  I ended up with three cardiologist - one a rhythm specialist, and a neurologist. The CT scan showed no stroke.  The MRI showed no heart attack.  The heart's heart attack enzyme troponin was elevated indicating that I had a heart attack not once by four times or more (four days) while I was in the hospital.  I did not have a heart attack.My EKG was out of whack.  Prolonged QT Wave, unlike anything the cardiologist (first two) have seen.   They wanted to have me do an echo stress test but wanted another opinion, so they pulled in the cardiologist rhythm specialist who said NO she could drop dead on the treadmill.The carotid artery ultrasound showed a 52% blockage left side but no symptoms.  They don't stent until 70%.  The plaque is jagged, so they put me on a prescription to smooth out the jagged edges.The echocardiogram showed a moderate sized hole in the septal wall between the two ventricle chambers.  The cardiologist said that the hole is probably a birth defect, but I never showed symptoms.  I was a swimmer, All-American in college and swam competitively into my mid-late 30s.The MRI revealed a brain tumor called a meningioma over my left eyebrow.  I have another MRI in six months to begin monitoring its size.  At the moment they think it's non-cancerous.When I mentioned the Benadryl the second day in the hospital, the doctors were LIKE OMG that could have killed you.  I am no longer allowed to take Benadryl or anything containing Diphenhydramine.  With the prolonged qt wave, I could drop dead if I use anything with diphenhydramine.  The doctors told me I have hypertension which requires an Rx.  They prescribed the same Rx used to prevent heart attacks. They have no idea why my troponin continues to be elevated without a heart attack.  A heart cath was performed.  Everything was "perfect," and a Mynx vascular closure device was inserted into my femoral artery to close the puncture for the cath.The Mynx will dissolve within 30 days, but I need to be mindful of not pulling it out or jarring it.  If I do and it starts to bleed, I could bleed out inside my body and die.  Nice, I know.  All I do at work is break up students fights.  I teach in a very difficult urban city school.My A1C is one digit below diabetic, so I need to watch my diet, lose some weight, and exercise.  Diabetes can influence everything that is wrong.  I retest my A1C in three months.I was preparing to discharge from the nearly 5-day hospital event when my eldest sibling came to the hospital and created a huge scene (family drama knows no boundaries).  Thankfully hospital staff witnessed it and the doctors now know what I mean when I say family stress and drama.  It was nuts.My newly found cardiologists and neurologist are wonderful.  They refer to me as an "anomaly."  I met with two of the doctors last week for two more tests (checking the Mynx and looking for blood clots) which came back negative.The doctors assured me that I wasn't going to die and encouraged me to do something that I enjoy doing...which brought me to prepping the new car for a gentle paddle.Well, that ended up with the shoulder issue.  And I honestly felt like "what next" but was afraid to say that out loud.I am relieved that my ortho surgeon said it's only strained.  Honestly, there are too many other things that just happened, have been discovered the last two weeks.I have always been healthy at 55 take no Rx until now and now is only three - one aspirin; the bp/heart attack med and the one to smooth the plaque.I guess I am not sure where I am going with this ramble but I will close it with everything is going to be alright for me and you (all).Good luck and thanks!! 

    • Posted

      OMG I thought you were going to end by saying you came to and it was a nightmare.! No.wonder you were so stressed and scared by your shoulder incident.

      Sounds like you are fortunate to be alive. It will I am sure be what else can go wrong now. I am so pleased that at least today the news was good

      Talking of blood pressure . When I was being booked for waiting list

      for my surgery in 2017 From a B/P of 110/60-70 for almost all of my life (I am 76) my B/P was 256/136 Rechecked and rechecked and changing equipment plus arm etc

      in disbelief I could not believe it. I was extremely fortunate that it was picked up on a routine check. I am now on treatment and it is stable.

      Incidentally I have 5 siblings and the eldest All of my siblings have been treated for hypertension for many years. My Mother had the condition but not my Father. My Hypertension is essential but I could very obviously have had a stroke or heart attack etc

      So very fortunate

      I wish you better health in the future I trust your shoulder will settle and your Surgeon is correct.

      Take care and I hope that you may be able to reduce your stress levels


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    That is great news I was scared for you,  I am still trying to get more help at home Got another contact today so following it up  Surgery 2 weeks today,  Take care of yourself and hope your surgeon is correct and all will be well  Sue 
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      Thank you!  And good luck with your upcoming surgery too!!
  • Posted

    Oh no!! I am so sorry! 😕

    • Posted

      That's great news I am full of trepidation about my upcoming surgery on Tuesday. I suppose mainly about whether he can actually manage to do the patch. I am fed up with the pain and the limitations as things stand I am so pleased for you.Sue

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