Severe anxiety before and during period
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I have generalized anxiety and intrusive thoughts. I've kept a diary over the last 2 months since I had to increase the dose of my anti depressants. I am 43 years old and I've noticed that 3 days before and 3 days during my cycle and also around ovulation, my anxiety and intrusive thoughts are intensified times 10. Please tell me there are others here that go through the same thing because I think I'm losing my mind sometimes.
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lauren46699 vanessa45115
Hi Vanessa.
I am too experiencing the worst anxiety attacks before and during my periods!
I am on two different anti depressants and just seem to have to keep increasing and increasing them every few months. I had to increase them on my last period and now I am 8 days prior to my period and I've had to increase again.
I was hysterical this morning having had barely any sleep and woken up with a panic attack. I am hoping this increase helps but I just can't keep increasing and increasing its just not helping.
I just can't believe I still get this pms even though I am on anti depressants!
Have you read up on PMDD? I really feel like I have this as I just don't feel myself for two weeks of the month 7-10 days before and the whole week during. I also have terrible mood swings day 14-16 of my cycle around ovulation. my anxiety is so bad I can't sleep, eat, go out of the house and I just sit and cry all day.
I am going to ask my GP for a referal to a gynae to see if they can help.
Have you tried any hormone therapies? I have been on two different contraceptive pills that sent me crazy thinking of suicide. I never had any hormone problems prior to having my daughter then straight after her birth had extreme post natal anxiety.
Sorry for the long reply but I know exactly how you feel. It is hell and no your not the only one. Xx
vanessa45115 lauren46699
Thanks for replying Lauren! I tried birth control when I was 18 but that didn't go well, I just wanted to die. I was on them for a few months and stopped taking them because they were horrendous.
My psychiatrist actually suggested to me last week that I might have PMDD. Where I live, it takes a 4 hour drive to see any type of specialist so it's kind of hard for me. I am 43, so I may also be in peri menopause. I just know one thing, I'm not a fan of menstraution, lol.
lauren46699 vanessa45115
It's just awful isn't it the joys of being a woman.
My GP I'm sure thinks I am loosing my mind!
It's as if I'm not even me during those times if I could just crawl into bed and disappear for those few weeks it would be easier but life doesn't let you do that!
I hope you are feeling better anyway it's nice to know there is someone else out there that feels the same way I do and I'm not just going insane
vanessa45115 lauren46699
Lol, if you're going insane then that means I am and I cannot accept that. My periods were never regular so I don't really know from month to month when I'm getting it. I've had heightened anxiety for the past 3 days so I bet it's just around the corner. Yay me!
lauren46699 vanessa45115
Mine are regular but some months I get really bad anxiety and depression some months are fine. I am still over 7 days before I'm due on and having bad anxiety so bad I had to increase anti depressants yesterday so I'm hoping that takes the edge off things.
I'm just so fed up of it every month I seem to have a couple of good weeks then it hits me out of no where. I had to cancel our family holiday as I was having such bad anxiety, and quit two jobs this year over it.
It's horrendous just thinking will I ever be normal again. I am wondering whether a hysterectomy would help but this may go the opposite way as maybe we need the hormones and when they drop before a period is when things go out of whack?
I just wish someone had a magic pill to stop it all. I am too terrified to try anymore contraceptives even though they may help.
amber12279 vanessa45115
Knperkins7 vanessa45115
Did anyone ever figure out what caused this? I have pretty severe anxiety anyway and take Zoloft and Bupsar with Vistaril for acute anxiety (I chose not to take Xanax because addiction runs in my family), but right before and during my period, my anxiety skyrockets. I start having anxiety attacks all the time, I shake so much at night that I can't sleep, I cry all the time, my mind races with what my therapist calls "catastrophic thinking". I feel like I'm losing my mind and I'm driving away my best friend because it's too much stress for them to handle. I wish I had as easy of a way out because my brain and body are totally overwhelmed. But, like someone else said above, I have no idea how to combat it because I don't know what's causing it. I have weeks of being okay and then all of a sudden, every fear and negative thought I have comes to the surface. Please help.
ver27338 Knperkins7
public88907 vanessa45115
robyn38 vanessa45115
Last night I ordered Emerita Pro Test cream from Amazon. I can't tell you how much I suffer for 2 weeks before ovulation, with day 14 being the worst. I'm on antidepressants for anxiety but my anxiety and depression is increased 100% for those 14 days. I would almost say I become erratic. Anyways, I googled progesterone cream and this one came up with crazy great reviews. The reviews are like reading my biography. I am desperate for help, it's like 2 weeks out of every month is like hell. 2 days ago I ovulated and today I feel like a new person. Every month. Coincidence? I think not. Lol.
stacey84 vanessa45115
I have started to feel like this now.. I'm constantly feel on edge and can't settle
melissa19711 vanessa45115
Yeah my anxiety is though the roof right now. I have been stressed out since i had foot surgery 4 weeks ago and having a root canal on top of that, plus my parents are staying at my house to help out, but there dog killed one of my pet rabbits. Now my period came and I keep getting these scary thoughts that things are not real or I'm really sleeping. I've been on an. Antidepressants since 2005.but I still get these break through anxiety episodes. I feel like I'm going crazy on the inside but trying to look cool and normal on the outside..
melissa65140 melissa19711
For about 5 years I’ve been anxiety free but recently we tried upping my thyroid dose and after a couple months my anxiety returned. 3 weeks ago, I quit taking my medicine and started getting better. Then today started my period and my anxiety surged! I took my vitamins today, I’ve been really bad about them the last few months. Of course, it will take a couple weeks before most of my levels are normal again but what gets me through while my levels are out of whack is Magnesium and L-Theanine (natural form of Xanax). One of the Drs told me about it and thank goodness he did, what a difference it makes!!!. I take magnesium at night bc it will make you sleepy but it is a calming mineral.
I hope this helps you all. It makes a huge difference for me. Ask your dr to test bs, d and ferritin levels. You need to know how much to take. Everyone is different and you don’t want too much! Magnesium, start off slowly or it will cause diarrhea. Natural calm is what I use, it’s a powder you add to water. Start with a tsp and add a little each day. You may not notice a huge difference till you get to the suggested serving. I’m sure I’m leaving things out but will add more if it comes to mind. I was trying to figure out what caused the anxiety today and came across this link. Guessing a hormone surge.
A great book to read is Hashimotos, the root cause, by Dr Wentz. Or go to her website, thyroid pharmacist. It’s all about the thyroid but she talks a lot about vitamin and mineral deficiencies.
ver27338 vanessa45115
kendra_31566 vanessa45115