Severe back pain and coping with emotions during menopause
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Hi. I'm due to have a blood test to determine if I'm going through the Peri Menopause. For the past year or two my menstrual cycle has been up and down but the past 6 months or so I have had really bad back pain coming up to menstruating. I've always had back pain rather than stomach cramps but it's been so bad I'm taking 8 codeine a day just to try and ease it. Along with this I'm finding it a real struggle to keep control of my emotions. I don't know if it's related but I feel like I'm either due on or actually on 3 weeks out of 4. I've just started a new job and am concerned that this will affect how new colleagues view me and my competency at work. My GP directed me to this site and I'd be grateful for any feedback. Thanks in advance
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Brevis jillann
I can relate SO well with what you are saying. I have had neck problems for years but it has always, always been worse in the lead up to a period. In the last two years the pain is almost unbearable jut before a period,and I know that I am peri menopausal. I am taking tramadol which is really strong. I am in tears most days with the pain and not being able to lead a normal life. I sympathise with you utterly. I am taking Menopace, rub in Magnesium at night... I would be interested to hear if anyone else has any ideas. You are not alone!!
annieschaefer Brevis
Does the magnesium oil that you rub in help much? There are times my body feels like a 100 yrs old. I used to take mag/cal pills then liquid, not sure it helped my lower back and legs/feet. I'd try rubbing it in if it helps.
I've given on doing strenous exercise for now-it's too much, maybe the magnesium oil would be helpful?
Brevis annieschaefer
lulu99310 jillann
My symptoms like what you are experiencing now are a long distant memory as i am 56 now but other symptoms take over like achy knees and itchy eyes and dry nose and achey painful shoulder and neck .
Still get irritable at times and very tired also i am still spotting (bleeding), menopause symptoms are as individual as we are.
annieschaefer jillann
NIce that your doctor directed you to the best place to navigate through this time. There are many wonderful women here, this place has been a god send for me.
I'm not sure what you mean about feeling like you are either due on or actually on 3 weeks out of 4. Do you mean having an actual cycle or the the symptoms leading up to it? Last fall, my leading up time increased, I'd have a cycle and normally where I'd start to feel better after the cycle started, I still felt horrible. Very unstable moods-simply hated it.
It can be a real struggle to keep the emotions in check. I have tried many things that have worked, but as in another post this am, there are those occasional blips where it seems nothing works.
Some are using HRTs, vitamins and herbs, exercise, yoga, relaxation tapes and other methods to try and get a handle on this time.
Perimenopause is different for all of us and some go through this a bit easier than others. Heck, until last year I thought I was doing just fine (I'm 56 with the occasional cycle, no less!) so I have tried quite a bit of different things to settle down some what. I have recently moved onto a Naturopath as it seemed to be the next sensible move for me.I still struggle occasionally with anxiety and depression out of the blue. But I have been able to maintain my work and so far no one has even come close to figuring out anything is up. I do much better when my mind is kept busy I guess.
Welcome, you will find so much help here with very lovely ladies!
Annie xx
Brevis, I'm the same, constantly rocking to try and stop the pain and have a hot water bottle and ice on my back to try as the Codeine doesn't even touch it-I will try the Menopace and Magnesium, anything’s worth trying.
Lulu-I'm 51 this year. It's been like this for ages and I've managed and put up with it thinking it's just natural and have to go through it and am hesitant to have HRT as I've lost several family members to Cancer. I never even thought of the pain in my hands and elbows in relation to Menopause-just put it down to wear and tear.
Annie-the emotions are really getting me down now, feel like i can barely manage. Work definitly helps but my new post means I have quite a bit of free time which I'm struggling with (I work 3-4 days away from home then can be off up to a week)
I don't know when I'm actually due on anymore (have started to keep a diary to track and moods) but feel constantly like I'm going to be and have cravings and pain even just after I've finished-these are the main things that drove me to the GP. I could just about manage when I could know it was going to end when I've finished but hate this constant madness.
I'm quite overweight and managed to lose half a stone a couple of months back quite easily just by eating healthily but piled it all back on with the cravings so that depressed me more.
I can't believe I haven't looked here before and have felt so alone and as though I'm really losing the plot. Just to hear that you are all going through similar helps.
Thank you so much for the comments!
annieschaefer jillann
Big hugs to you!
Annie xxxx
susan21149 jillann
I am post menopausal and at times my back hurts at times sometimes i feel like its the bowls or my kidneys or I worry about having UTI's I have had them a lot.
As for your emotions you should try doing some yoga or meditate at your desk durring your lunch hour
If you need to find some one who you can talk to about your emotions
I have had a lot of emotions with being in post menopausal
Take care things will get better
Sydneymum jillann
Greetings from sunny Australia.
Welcome to the forum of lovely ladies! The wonderful thing is so many ladies different ages, similar stories and great advice!
You are not alone. I'm 44 and have been having symptoms for 3 years....Started with erratic cycles and I used to be regular as clockwork, then pmt which I always suffered from (bloating, irritability, emotional)switched from week before to week after period.
Other joys have been night sweats around period and last two months horrid anxiety and panic attacks week after period.
I saw Gp last week and having blood tests in 2 weeks like you to see what my hormones are doing...
Some of the lovely ladies on the forum recommend taking Vitamin B 6 and B 12 to help with emotional rollercoaster and also chelated magnesium.
I'm going to get some supplements tomorrow so really hoping they help-I have my blood test tomorrow and am feeling particularly emotinal at the moment so heaven help the poor nurse taking it!
I've been 'off' for some time now with various issues but have just put them down to age and stress but I'm thinking they could be linked to the peri-I'm just glad that it looks like there could be an answer.
My main issue's at the moment are the back pain which feels like I'm in labour and the awful moodswings/anxiety-I've always been fairly easy going so it's quite a shock to doubt everything I do so much and I find myself feeling lost.
It means so much to know this is here to bounce off.
Hope all you lovely ladies are getting the support and help you need
jayneejay jillann
sounds like peri . its a rollercoaster time.. I had a ten year peri ..
rainforest food Maca 5.1 capsules ( eqivilant to 2500mg one a day ) helped me in early peri, still take it and i am post meno now age 50.
the FSH blood test may be normal if your still having periods regular, usually not until the periods have declined to 3-4 per year will the FSH blood test show menopausal range.. Post meno is no periods for 12-14 months.
during peri the hormones are so erractic spiking up and down that the FSH blood test could give you a different result if ' say done twice in the week' as an example..
varies from day to day..
if your periods have declined over the years to a stable 3-4 per year then the result will be more reliable .. ( this all happened to me) it doesnt mean your not in peri ...
this link may also help you with the symptoms
Jay x