Severe bloating 7 hours after meal

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It has been 7 hours since my last meal and I still feel extremely full. My stomach looks enlarged and feels heavy. When I burp I can taste food. It's so uncomfortable I can't sleep. I feel nauseated. I just had a bowel movement but it has not eased much. Does this sound like gastritis? Does anyone else experience these symptoms with gastritis? I was on Omeprazole (PPI) to help reduce stomach acid but my supply recently finished. I then switched to a milder tablet Tagamet (h2 blocker). I think I need to go back on the PPI which was stronger and more effective. I thought my stomach would have been healed by now but I guess I was wrong. Now I'm starting to wonder if I have something else like gastroparesis or hiatal hernia. We had a birthday dinner for my uncle and right after was when the bloating started. I would really like to be able to celebrate and enjoy meals with my family without suffering these effects. I've been going through this for over a year and I'm desperately seeking a solution. Please help. Give me some advice. Thanks.

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27 Replies

  • Posted

    Have you had an endoscopy at all? If not I would definitely suggest you get one as it’s the only way to diagnose any of the issues you listed. Bloating can come from so many different things and also keep a good diary and try to stay away from food that makes you feel worse this will help tremendously.
    • Posted

      No, I have not done an endoscopy. I'm not even sure if it's done (or done properly) where I live. I may have to go overseas for that. I kind of self-diagnosed the gastritis because my symptoms matched the description. My doctor agreed and put me on omeprazole which helped, but when i came off it, problems returned. Maybe I came off it too early, before my stomach could heal properly. I made diet and lifestyle changes but the problems just wont go away fully.

    • Posted

      I do have a diary. I've found that I've gotten sick when I ate spicy food, drank coffee, over-ate or skipped a I avoid those things. 

  • Posted

    Hi Farah

    A lot of things can cause this, but yes, it is a symptom of Gastritis, the bloating. I’ve got chronic Gastritis, I’m at my wits end with the full stomach feeling and bloating. I’ve recently lost weight, yet my stomach is bigger due to the bloating. 😕

    • Posted

      Same with me!! I'm also at my wits end. Been suffering for over a year now and it's been rough. I too have lost weight but my stomach looks big. Have you done tests? What treatment are you on? Can you suggest some foods that are gentle on the stomach?

    • Posted

      I’ve had an endoscopy, it revealed inflammation of the stomach (Gastritis) and small bowel. I didn’t feel a thing with the endoscopy. They put me on proton pump inhibitors, I was on them for 2 years, on and off, but they made me worse. The best foods to eat are plant foods, lots of vegetables with olive oil, wild rice, fruit, try to eat fermented foods such as kimchi and sauerkraut. Try not to eat acidic foods such as meat as it takes between 7/8 hours for the stomach to digest it, if you have to eat meat, try to eat organic meat that is from grass fed cows. 
    • Posted

      Yes Heather, lower, middle and upper back pain between shoulder blades, in fact I had pain everywhere, upper right, left quadrant, chest pains as well. 😕

    • Posted

      I’m having the same exact pains! I’m so glad I’m not alone I was just diagnosed with gastritis
    • Posted

      Poor you Heather, it’s a nightmare. Best to eat mostly alkaline foods, plenty of veg, olive oil, fermented foods, like kimchi. I generally find it’s easier on me if I only twice a day. Alcohol kills me 🤪. 

    • Posted

      Yea. I’m just now trying to change my diet after months of dealing with the stomach pains and then when I had my endoscopy last week and they diagnosed me with it I just barely started to get the back pain everyday I would get sometimes before but then it happened every day and now it’s starting to calm down again. I’m a very high anxiety person so I’m sure a lot of my symptoms have been magnified because of that too. It is a nightmare to live with and I hate that it always leaves me feeling so hungry even after I’ve just eaten so I’m trying to just stick to a routine and eat healthier and eliminate spicy and aggravating foods from my diet. Thank you for the advice! 
    • Posted

      Hey, Gillian. Did they know what’s causing your chronic gastritis? I’ve had it for 2 years - first year was constant. I’m sure it was brought on after antibiotics, stress, too much alcohol at the end of 2015 and Norovirus the year before. It’s awful. My main symptoms now are bloating, burping, nausea after eating, full feeling, has, alternating bowel movements. My upper stomach bloats all the time. At the worst I had constant heartburn and felt like food sat in a brick in my stomach. I feel good moving through my guts and I hate it. The symptoms really mess with my mental health, I had to get therapy in the first year, and I get really anxious when symptoms erupt.

      Do they know what causes chronic gastritis? I couldn’t live like this forever, I’m sure we all feel the same way. I’ve had another flare in the past 3 weeks and although it’s not as bad as it was at the start, I get so neurotic and withdrawn when it begins. Not being able to eat properly robs you of feeling human. Probiotics help me greatly, as do extra strong antacids. But omeprazole gave me IBS.

    • Posted

      Hi, I’m guessing it’s maybe down to alcohol, I was drinking beer, maybe it’s too harsh on a women’s stomach 🍻😕. All your symptoms are the same as mine. To be honest, the quickest way to cure it is to eat mainly plant foods, but you need to do this for at least 3 months, you can’t have a single ounce of alcohol, if you need to eat a meat based product, try to make it organic bone broth as this is good for the digestion. You will need to take a B12 supplement if not eating meat, it’s best to take the liquid form as people with Gastritis find it hard to get nutrients from their food and from vitamin supplements such as tablet form. Don’t know if your a coffee ?? drinker, I’ve found an alternative to coffee, it’s chicory, with malt and it’s organic, looks and tastes like coffee, it’s brilliant 👌😁. You can buy it on amazon, chicory is good for digestion, heartburn, kidneys etc. I’m still in pain everyday, but that’s because I still eat junk foods and occasionally drink 🍷 alcohol, but the drink rips the stomach out of me, I’m in agony when I drink, I try not to do it much anymore. 😬

    • Posted

      I get neurotic when I have a flare too. We can beat this thing! It can be cured.

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