Severe burning in foot 14 days after ankle surgery

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Qin had ankle ligament repair surgery after severe sprain.  Had surgery 14 days ago today.  Yesterday the cast was removed and got put in the attractive black ankle boot and told I could be weight baring.  Seemed things were going well and I walked with the aid of a crutch a little around house.  Well, I went to sleep around 11:30 pm.  I have tried in vain to sleep on my back and just can't so I prompt pillows up and layer on my side and elevated foot as best I could. Got woken up at 4:00 am with excruciat BURNING all over foot.  I tell you I've never felt pain like this before and that includes giving birth. It is now 5:45 am and I found this forum.  Has anyone experienced this severe burning after surgery?  I had a block during surgery Nd foot was numb for 48 hours and then it wore off I had some tingling and burning in my heel but that went away.  Now this burning started. I tell you Imwas in tears and I'm a person that usually can handle pain.  Please respond if anyone can enlighten me.

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    I've noticed this intense burning also after my broken ankle surgery. Though I am only ending my 2nd day post op I definitely relate to these comments that it burns mostly at night and not during the day. I found this forum while searching to see if something may be wrong or the reason for the burning. I am taking my pain meds throughout the day to try and combat this and now to get some sleep!!
    • Posted

      Hi Pix2010,

      Sorry to hear you have burning, too. Mine started right away.  I can't be sure of your diagnosis, but I can share my experience.  Mine was burning from the first day.  Mine is an injured nerve over the top of the incision.  I kept thinking it was the incision healing. I had some redness over the site. I kept telling the doctor and they kind of ignore it. I'm 18 weeks post op the burning is much less, not totally gone, but tolerable.  I think it's going to go away eventually. The doctor ordered gabapentin for the burning and I understand it works.  I never took it.  I keep debating on taking it.  I'm sensitive to meds thats why I'm reluctant to take it. It might help you, especailly if you can't sleep.  Elevating and icing will help some, too.  Remember, this is all temporary and it will go away and you will get better. It's one day at a time at first. Wishing you relief!

  • Posted

    I called my Dr's office about the burning I was experiencing. I cut my splint (not off) to relieve the pain (as my after surgery care notes said). By the time the office on call Dr got back with me I had already gotten in touch with my spine Dr who prescribed be Demerol for the intense burning pain and noted to keep it elevated. The on call Dr wanted the splint put 'back on'. When I saw my Foot/ankle specialist who preformed my surgery he said that the burning sensation is healing.... 😱

    He put me in a removeable boot until my 2 week post op check up. But I am still NWB of course (currently 7days post surgery). And my foot is still burning and I'm having so much trouble sleeping at night even with pain & sleeping pills on board.

    I understand the healing and the pain... But this is the weirdest I've experienced with a surgery. Burning that is more painful than the broken parts healing. Oh and I my foot was swollen when i saw it!! I have old surgery scars from 11 years ago and they were even puffy!

    • Posted

      Obviously this forum is older, but I just had surgery where they placed a metal plate along with wires in the upper part of my foot, I broke 7 bones and will be getting a cast on the 24th which worries me. I am currently being woken up throughout the night due to intense and painful burning sensations in the heel. I have not broke anything near that so I am confused, but they did say it could be normal and its healing. When I am wearing the boot they gave me temp. it causes a lot of pain while its resting and elevated on pillows causing ne to awake. I have been prescribed oxycodon 5mg/4hrs and With the boot left on the pain eliminates the effect of the drug, thus I must remove the boot entirely. The painful burning only presents itself after laying down lobg enough with the boot on, but In the beginning I did have ace bandage instead of the boot and that caused alot of pain. Does anyone have any tips on decreasing the pain while wearing the boot?

      I plan to call my Dr today and discuss the issue with him.

    • Posted

      Obviously this forum is older, but I just had surgery where they placed a metal plate along with wires in the upper part of my foot, I broke 7 bones and will be getting a cast on the 24th which worries me. I am currently being woken up throughout the night due to intense and painful burning sensations in the heel. I have not broke anything near that so I am confused, but they did say it could be normal and its healing. When I am wearing the boot they gave me temp. it causes a lot of pain while its resting and elevated on pillows causing ne to awake. I have been prescribed oxycodon 5mg/4hrs and With the boot left on the pain eliminates the effect of the drug, thus I must remove the boot entirely. The painful burning only presents itself after laying down lobg enough with the boot on, but In the beginning I did have ace bandage instead of the boot and that caused alot of pain. Does anyone have any tips on decreasing the pain while wearing the boot?

      I plan to call my Dr today and discuss the issue with him.

    • Posted

      Hi Trey I'm glad I'm not the only one (although I'm sorry you are going through this). I had my surgery last week for 3 broken bones (2 ankle and my tibia) and my heel feels like it on fire. I don't have a removable boot yet. The hospital just give me a splint and some Tylenol. My pain is also not near the incision site. If you hear anything from your doctor would you mind sharing on this thread?

    • Posted

      I hope you received the help you needed for the burning sensation. It was the worst pain ever for me!!! It lasted awhile on the top of my foot and at the bend of the top of my foot... It kept me awake or would shock me with pain through the day. Eventually it went away, unknown how or why.

      I am now 6 months out and have pretty much fully recovered except a little numbness on the top of my foot (getting feeling back as time passes). I went through a very emotional time being down with a broken ankle for 3 months though. Stay positive and all my kudos to the knee scooter!!! Good Luck!!

    • Posted

      I also realize the earlier posts are very old, but I am so happy to have found them and now Pix2010 says there is 'hope'!!!!  I had a bimalleolar fx from a fall 5 weeks ago today- surgery 3 days later and I have had so much burning.  I called and had the cast changed a few days ago just to be sure that the inside ankle wound was not infected!  I know the burning is normal but jeez- this is crazy.  Mine is from the inner ankle UP the leg-- feels like pins are being put in the incision and then 'shocks' run all the way up the leg.  I am taking tylenol and have taken a pain pill on occasion at night.  I still cannot leave my leg down for more than 30 min as it feels like it is in a vise grip and then the nerve pain worsens.   I will be going in a boot in 16 more days so am counting down.  Your recent posts are helpful- I was told the

      nerve pain and numbness may last awhile-and of course the swelling.  

      So just to hear from people that are 'on the other side' is really encouraging to help get through this.  

      Thanks for being there to share.

    • Posted

      There is ALWAYS HOPE!!!! You will get over it 😬

  • Posted

    I am so glad to have found this site. What a relief to hear other people going through similar problems. I fractured my Tallis but they had to break my fibula to get at it. 4 screws later and 8 days post-op and I am in terrible pain with the burning tingley feeling. The worst part about it is the pain meds are doing nothing for me, they dull the sensation a bit but nothing really helping. I think I will call the dr tomorrow about some nerve blocker because this is what I think is causing so much pain. Anyone tried them?
    • Posted

      I am headed to the doctor here in a few hours and will ask him the same question. I had nerve blockers for after my surgery and they were wonderful. I am 11 days post op and the burning is nearly unbearable. My meds also don't do much to help. I will keep you posted.

    • Posted

      Hi Tori,

      I am now 30 days post op.  It actually started for me after the the stitches were removed and it is odd- it is only at the inside ankle (i had a bimalleolar fx) and the much larger incision is on the outside.  I called the MD and went in last Friday as I was staring to worry about infection- so they took the cast off to check the skin and all was as expected.  (though it still looked pretty gross- bruised, fx blister raw, swollen, and stitch lines pretty raw appearing...)  I had a nerve block also during surgery and it lasted 4 days- I was fortunate for that!  

      When he replaced the cast (GRRRR)- he put padding around my ankles so there is more room for swelling and hopefully the nerve would not be as bothersome.  It is a little better, but still driving me nuts.  I just cannot seem to get comforable.  I have read that when the boot is on- it may get better.  I cannot keep my foot down for more than 30 min as the pain gets worse (from swelling)...  I am taking 1000 mgs acetamyphine BID (was told I could take it 3 times/ day- and sometimes a pain pill (oxycontin) at bedtime- it does ease the discomfort for me some.  My pain goes from 3-4 so is nothing like yours- as long as I am sitting or laying still.

      But- please know there are brighter days ahead.  We are probably all counting down- for me- it is 15 days until the boot!  There will be lots of hard days ahead for sure, tears to be shed, self pity... but at the end of the day- it will get better.  lol.  

      Praying for your relief soon for you.   

    • Posted

      PS- there is a major nerve that runs down the inside of the leg and that can be affected by this surgery.  Tingling and numbness is very normal and can last for a long time...  my foot has been numb the entire time.  

      Just be sure you can wiggle your toes.  

      The oxycontin does not seem to offer me much relief either- it does make me sleepy so that can be a little of an 'escape'.  You may need to try some different pain meds- I think someone had mentioned gabapentin to you- that is a great drug for nerve pain- it will make you sleepy but should help.

      Just hoping you get some relief sooN!

    • Posted

      Thanks Jan, I was able to get an appointment this afternoon so I will have the doctor assess why I am having this tingly feeling and shoots of pain. I hope he will give me a nerve blocker or maybe the splint I have on was to tight lol hopeful thinking anyways - let you know. Thank you for the optimism it is tough isn't it, I have such moments of self pity - crying and depressed. I know this will pass and glad you are doing better.

    • Posted

      Hi Brenda - glad to hear you are going to the dr, I am on my way in a few hours also to see if there is anything that I can take for the nerve pain. Yes let me know how it goes and I'll let you know what my dr says.

    • Posted

      The doctor gave me Gabapentin and Cyclobenzaprine and they are doing wonders. I haven't felt the burning since. They also added a little more padding to my splint since my swelling had gone down and it was a little loose. I hope your doctor visit went well!

    • Posted

      Hi Brenda, so glad you are feeling better! My doctor looked at me funny when I asked for any kind of nerve blocking medicine. He said that he didn't touch any of my nerves so was curious to my pain. Once he took my splint off that I've had on since surgery I had instant relief I think it was the pressure on a different bone on my foot that I had problems with since birth- almost like club feet. When he put the permanent cast it feels so much better, just normal pain now that I can tolerate lol. Hoping for a speedy recovery for you!!

    • Posted

      Brenda- thrilled to hear that you have gotten some relief.

      Tori- I am glad you are also feeling better!  It makes me chuckle as i did not have these issues w/ the splint- it has been since the cast.  I had it changed out last week- they added padding around both ankles, front of shin and at the heel- so there is definately more room for swelling- but the pain continues... so am hoping when i finally get the boot- that will help.  My toes look like sausages- I can feel the swelling.  But- i just keep taking tylenol, pain pill on a rare occasion, keep foot up, pray and count the days down (13 until boot day!!).  I had wondered if the cast was rubbing the bone at one time- but now am pretty sure it is just nerves coming from the inner ankle incision.  It was a tad better yesterday so hoping to day will be a little better.  Not one person said this was an easy injury to heal - and boy were they correct!!  Hope everyone reading this has an uneventful day- it is a hot one here so I am thankful that this happened in the summer where I can stay in the AC.  Continuing to count the so many blessings that I have and look toward 2017 with much anticipation!

    • Posted

      You got that right Jan! It's the worst lol. I'm

      Glad you feel a little better and yes I am counting down the days to the boot as well although I am about 3 1/2 weeks out, ugh!! The cast is definitely different especially in the heat - sweating and itching SUCKS! Everyday is another day closer to full recovery, we all have to remember this and that there will be a day that this will all be a memory, all be it a terrible one!

    • Posted

      I'm 4 weeks post op and I'm convinced there is infection or major irritation on my inside incision also! I tell my husband it burns as though you have rubbed a blister on your foot and have to wear the same shoe anyway!

      My outer incision is larger and holds a plate, inside is two screws, but the inside incision looked more raw to me when I had my initial surgery splint removed and this cast put on.

      I get this one off to observe and remove the rest of stitches on Wednesday so I will see what is under there. It just feels so raw! I'm hoping this isn't "normal healing pain" because it's pretty intense.

      Very down lately as I have 3 teenage girls who depend on mom taxi and cooking and the like. It's been so difficult to not even be able to carry my own plate to my seat!

      Glad to have found this forum.


    • Posted

      Kelly- I am so sorry- I am 5 weeks ahead of you and have had the same thing you described.  I had the cast taken off a few weeks ago as I, too, was convinced there was an infection on the inner ankle.  (the outer ankle is fine and also the one w/ the much larger incision, plate, screws....).

      There is a nerve that runs down the inside of your leg that I was told probably affected.  I also had a fracture blister under the inner ankle which also feels like it is burning.  I felt much better after getting the cast changed out and skin looked at.  I was very surprised at how sore it all still looked.  

      I guess cause the incisions and blisters are not able to get air, they just are healing so slowly.... When the new cast was put on, he put some padding around my ankles to give them more room- as all the swelling may make the nerve pain worse.   I do not know how you do it with 3 girls.  OUrs are older and gone and my husband has been a prince.   Because of the pain, I am not able to get out much- it seems much worse after I am out and about.  The scooter is a godsend but for whatever reason, the burning is worse after I use it for very long.  I have assumed that perhaps the pressure hits a nerve?  I don't know, but I am just counting the days (9 more) until I get in a boot- am really hoping it is better than.  

      So- I would definatley be looking forward to the visit on Wed.  I just saw you stil have some stitches.  All mine were removed at 2 weeks after surgery- thcy can for sure cause discomfort and pulling- ...

      Anyway- I hope you are better soon.  It really seems like the healing is different for everyone.  Unfortunately, I think some of us seem to have more pain than others.   It is impossible to get comfortable these days and forget about sleeping- the discomfort keeps me awake or wakes me most nights.

    • Posted

      Just a note of encouragement for now ( I will share details of my injury/operations/recovery when I have time) for my fellow sufferers: I know excruciatingly well how lonely, confusing, bazarrely painful, consumingly worrisome a bad ankle/leg injury & post surgery "recovery" are.  To you- who is desperate and afraid and in pain - I was truly in your shoes(well, in your casts). It was some daaarrkkkk hours, nights, weeks. (My Harvard Medical School orthopedic trauma surgeon told me that my break was "one of the worst" he's seen.) But, I made it through those worst parts and have come such a long way, while still a way to go. So,until I can perhaps be more helpful by offering details, I will just say, KEEP ON KEEPIN ON. Hang the heck in there. Chin up. You can do it. It WILL get better. I feel your pain. You are not going to understand precisely what is going on down there in any given moment, hour, day, night. That's OK- it has to be. Keep a log. Note your pain on scale of 1-10 on an hourly basis. Note medications times and when you "feel" them take affect(or not take effect). Write down all the questions you have- even if you won't have the opportunity to ask them right away. And write down every day "I can do this." "I don't feel good, I am scared, I am in pain, I don't have answers to all my questions and concerns, but I can do this." You can. You will. Some day you will help others going through this. I'm rooting for ya.

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