Severe menopausal side effects
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I am suffering severe menopausal side effects. I am permanently flushing, all my primary senses have been dramatically altered and I'm having severe panic attacks
I feel so unwell that I cant function normally and cant go out to anyone on the phone I just dont know what to do. Dr has just prescribed anti-depressants which I am reluctant to take but dont know what else to do. Any advice gratefully received. Thank you.
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gailannie tina00239
Sorry about all this Tina. Isn't this transition fun? (TOTALLY NOT)
All of our hormone systems work together and after menopause our adrenal glands attempt to help out. They will over produce some hormones. Which will explain your panic attacks. (Flight or fight hormones)
Many doctors prescribe anti depressants at this time. Some women think they help, others don't. Your body is just trying to adjust to a lack of estrogen/testo/progesterone. Until your system adjusts to this new normal, many women have symptoms and feel like they are going nuts.
Hope this helps.
tina00239 gailannie
debbie12340 gailannie
I found your post very informative and helpful. I’m really struggling with anxiety myself. I wonder do you know if and when your hormones settle down (please God) this awful flight or flight symptom will ease off ? I’m praying it does but somehow I can’t imagine it. Absolute nightmare.
Hugs Deb x
gailannie tina00239
Tina, every woman has her own unique chemistry. While your levels may have been smaller than other women's, the lack there of, is still enough for your body to create symptoms. Your adjustment may be harder, because of other hormone systems and the havoc it's playing with them.
That's the best I can offer. Obviously your chemistry is changing.
gailannie debbie12340
Hi Debbie, I wish there was a patterned time line for all this, but unfortunately there isn't. Each women is very unique. Many women say it will take a year, of slowly lessening symptoms. There are women who even in their late 70s and early 80s who will still have hot flashes, but most don't.
Try to do everything you can to be good to your body. Sleep, whole foods, a good multivitamin, some quality time for yourself. Hopefully you'll adjust soon.
debbie12340 gailannie
Very grateful for your reply. I hope so to.
take care x
tina00239 debbie12340
Hi Debbie, the panic attacks can stop if you can find a treatment suitable for you. I had a call from a female gp who is a senior dr at my surgery and she spent half an hour reassuring me then made out an urgent prescription for a low dose hrt. I have only taken it for 3 days but am feeling better. Try a menopause vitamin supplement or talk to your gp about what might suit you. Hope this helps. Hugs and x's.
Rachel_T tina00239
Oh Tina...i feel for you! I also have days where I want to stay under the duvet. Anxiety itself is exhausting, and then when you add in the other peri symptoms it can be a real struggle some days. Things that work for me: get up in the mornings! laying in bed when my anxiety can be at its worse, makes it even worse. Getting up and starting the day (as hard as that is sometimes) helps. Don't drink too much alcohol, makes it worse the following day for me. Get enough sleep- tiredness and anxiety are not good bed partners.
I have chosen to take sertraline to help with the anxiety. it really has helped (although be warned, the first couple of weeks can worsen the anxiety/poor sleeping etc). Many people have strong views on both sides of medicating - my own view is that everybody is free to make their own choice! Do what you need to. Hugs
tina00239 Rachel_T
LauraC25 tina00239
Hi! Have you had your thyroid checked? I felt this way too and found out that I had Hashimotos Disease. My dr put me on thyroid meds and I felt like a whole new person. Then I started feeling bad again and was on the verge of losing my mind, but my thyroid was in Normal range. I made an appt with my GYN and she found me very low on progesterone. She put me on a compounded cream of low dose estrogen and high dose progesterone, and guess what?? I feel great! I go back on the 22nd, just had my blood drawn, and she will read my results and adjust me as needed.
I hope this helps!
If I can answer any questions for you, I would be willing to try. I know what its like to feel like your losing it, with the severe anxiety and panic attacks, pacing the floor, holding your head just pleading for help.
I hope you find peace,
tina00239 LauraC25
2006Rachel tina00239
Hope you are feeling better and its not nice to find someone with similar issues because its terrifying but it is reassuring. I've been diagnosed with anxiety and depression for over a year and only realised yesterday that it is strongly linked to my monthly cycle! And thats only because the GP asked me to do a diary. I've had the most awful week running up to my period (left sided chest, shoulder, neck, jaw, face pain) and did end up in A&E on Saturday night, much to my shame, with it. Everything was fine and they just look at you like you are wasting their time, which I was because everything was clear. I feel so generally unwell too with hot and cold, achy everywhere, headaches, retching, sensitivity to light, I could go on! I'm also on sertriline and it did make me much more anxious but the depression is less severe now, I was also very nauseous for a couple of weeks when first started but that settled. They say these ADs are not addictive but I would be scared to stop taking mine now incase the depression got any worse. Oh and I also use meditation app which really does help me calm down when panicking, and would strongly recommend as gives you 10 minutes peace from your mind which is lovely. I darent go to see GP for a while, went three times last week with chest pain! Has anyone got any recommendations for anything herbal or over the counter that will ease symptoms?
tina00239 2006Rachel
Hi Rachel, good to know I'm not the only one who feels the need to use the emergency s ervices. I had an ambulance out this morning then after they had gone I contacted my surgery had a long talk with one of the senior gps also a woman who has put me on low dose hrt as my symptoms are so extreme. I cant toletate the problems getting worse before they get better on the sertraline so I'm taking the hrt route it seems to be the best option for me. Good luck and hope you feel better. By the way my own gp doesnt recommend herbal remedies as they are not licenced and can clash with prescription medicines. Look on NHS Choices website as they have alot of information on alternative treatments for the menopause. X
uzma45833 tina00239
Hi! I am so sorry, that you are going through all this. Drinking hot water and doing some meditation in morning might help through it. You can also take "Menopause Ease" 100% organic supplement. It helped my elder sister alot through mood swings and joint pain she had during menopause. It has no side-effect and is better option to try rather going on anti-depressants. You can buy them online. If you are willing to give it a try let me know.