Shakiness and internal tremors
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Does anyone gets the shakiness , nervousness all over and internal tremors inside? is this anxiety? Whatever it is its affecting my bowels, my whole body. I'm losing weight and body feel so frail and weak... very malnutrition. This hormone stuff has really taken a toll on me. I have to do something. This just doesn't seem normal to have symptoms daily for almost 2 years now. I can no longer control my body..something must be done!! Yes, I've tried just about everything..I haven't seen a primary dr since July, several hormone specialist last year and the start of this year. Now Im seeing a alternative dr and he says it a the yeast die off , bacteria and parasites that has me feeling this way. I don't know what to believe or do anymore. I am all worn out from this. Is it really an end to this?
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julia22964 mary27278
I also get the internal tremors and shakiness. What I have learned through all of this is that when the hormones in our bodies start to deplete it can affect every part of our bodies. I recently went on HRT (Prempro) for a week and the gastrointestinal side effects were too much for me to take. I believe the body will adapt over time, I just hope it is not a lot of time. I hope you and all of us are feeling better soon. Hang in there.
janice09397 mary27278
Hi Mary how long you been like this for. As I was say to the other ladies everything that you are all feeling and going through are all what I'm going through now. I can't believe it.. One or two things I think we could all cope with but this takes the biscuit.. Oh ladies I wish I had a magic wand x
mary27278 janice09397
Janice it will be two years for me this coming March God forbid. I pray it stops soon. This has been pretty much daily all this time. My symptoms have changed throughout the course but lately it's been the Same with my digestion, shaking, etc. It is so hard waking up to this daily. The weirdest thing ..things seem to calm down late evening.
mauiblue mary27278
hi mary
yes its worse in the morning and a bit calmer in the evening. I would like someone who knows about this to explain it to me, there has to be physiology explained..what isnt being produced, what is too much, what is lacking..its all chemical/hormonal, its got to be. Too many women on this forum with this pattern.
every morning i wake up very dark, shaky, nervous, and rattled..every bleaping morning.
I soldier through the day fighting the depression or anxiety ..they alternate as they see fit..then in the evening i have a mild reprieve where i have hope again that i will maybe wake up feeling ok.
Going on 20 months of this bull #$%
mary27278 mauiblue
Hi Mauliblue Right now It is early morning it's still dark outside but I awaken with the tingling legs, nervousness and shakiness inside. I just wished it would just go away! Not to mention the knee pain. So pacing around seem to help a bit. But the more I pace the digestive starts acting up like I desperately have a bm. My body seem to be out of control. I think the anxiety messes with my digestive. I have to really do something because I am steady losing weight ,it's too overwhelming for me now. I hope you get better soon also. I look forward to the evening because I know I will feel better but then I know what to look forward to the following morning. 😵
mauiblue mary27278
Anxiety definitely messes with digestion and everything else.
Had it bad today, tryin to get through work day.
not fun.
Hope its better tonight. I find that sometimes im so revved i dont even have a reprieve at niight. Hell on earth
Claire4474 mary27278
I get a constant internal buzzing sensation, it feels like its in my core and my legs. When its bad it wakes me up ans I have to get up because lying still makes it more noticeable. I have noticed it subsides a lot when i am well rested, which isnt often lately as the insomnia has kicked in again. If i get several nights of good sleep it definitely gets better.
I'm hopefully starting HRT soon and this is one symptom im really hoping will go away. xx
lori93950 mary27278
yes i shake uncntrollably but i have epstein barr virus .. have you had your bloodwork done ?
i thought all my symptoms were meno but was so severe i got several blood tests and have mono .
mary27278 lori93950
Lori my naturopath says I have a virus but from just muscle testing he can't tell what kind. He thinks it's from the parasites. what kind of blood test do I do for this?
Guest mary27278
Hi Mary, yes, this comes and goes for me. Hormone fluctuations affect our central nervous system for sure. I went to a Integrative dr (as some of them are called here) early this year...they took loads of blood. After, trying to sell me on a couple of different diagnosis and supplements and "programs" BS meter went up, so I parted ways with them. I did buy 1 of their supplements, took 1 and got the worst GI cramps in my life..apparently, it was made if cow colostrum...yikes!
I recently went back on bcp to stabilize my fluctuations. If something has a beginning, surely it must have an end! Hopefully sooner rather than later! Take good care!
mary27278 Guest
Lou. Im beginning to think that is what he's trying to do..just sell his supplements. Everytime i take my own supplements and have him muscle test me he says my body doesn't test for it. Really? why does it only test for yours? So i said well they actually helps me. He said oh really ? well if they are continue using them . I don't even think that he tested me because my eyes were closed while he was testing.
Guest mary27278
the one I saw said I had Lyme disease...even though their lab said it was negative. Tried to put me on doxycycline and a bunch of supplements to "kill the virus"...told me to take hot baths and about herxmeir reactions where I would sweat and feel sick..." die off"...they called it. Wanted me to come every month at $300-500 per visit.
I questioned the diagnosis...heard nothing back, then, a month later got a call from a nurse stating I had hypothyroid and needed to take pig thyroid and supplements. of course, more visits, etc, I said...what about the lyme diagnosis...she said, oh, no the "dr" said now it was thyroid.
If anything, I am more on the hyperthyroid end of blood results. thankfully, I did not go for what they were trying to sell me. I saw an endicrinologist twice about thyroid, mine is fine. He told me had I taken the pig thyroid, I could have become very sick.
I m not talking bad of naturopaths...I just happened to find a real sketchy one! It was good to get things tested though...I have EBV too...never knew that before I guess!
mary27278 Guest
Hi Lou42662 was it a naturopath that did all the testing or a MD?
Guest mary27278
Hi Mary, Both had tested for lyme, thyroid, hormones. Got so much blood work last year. The naturopath checked EBV, which was positive for past infection. ( like 95% of the population) Also, checked further for lyme co infections...which were all negative. Also had already been tested a month prior at hospital for mono, lyme and neuro I was not worried! My insurance covered the labs at the NP...but not office visit.
Apparently, the one I saw must not have been in the hormone business, as my levels were all over the place...yet they offered no help for that. Oh, and the person diagnosing me was not even a dr...I found out she was a nutritionalist. They all work under a dr at the clinic. They were just too sketchy for me. Anybody can order a blood us just a matter of putting in an order at the lab. People buy kits too and do that way if their dr is being difficult about it.
lori93950 Guest
i think most of the ebv tests show past infection thats what mine showed and i have it really bad .