Sharing my experience - recurring shingles
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I'm a 35 year old female and have had recurring shingles for about 7 years which occurs anything from 3-7 times a year and occasionally back to back. It is always a small cluster of itchy/stinging spots at the base of my spine and thankfully, the only other symptom can be overly sensitive skin down the back of my thighs. It is the only 'illness' that I ever suffer from - I never get colds or other 'bugs' that seem to plague everyone around me. So, the main guidelines about shingles are very general and should not discount anyone who suffers from this if they fall outside the norm for the condition i.e. over 50, poor immune system, you only get it once, spots appear on the sides, chest or face etc. as I don't fit any of these but have had tests and confirmation.
My advice to anyone else who suffers from this is - do try to get antiviral medication like aciclovir as it will minimise the frequency of outbreaks, try the coldsore patches from the chemist (Compeed is the brand I use) - they can be costly but keep the area clean and covered to prevent spreading and definitely seem to clear it up more quickly and with less scarring and, finally, try not to touch the area at all outside of treating it. I have become good at recognising the early sysmptoms and the earlier I act on it, the less troublesome it is. I have also made a connection with using sunbeds as a couple of outbreaks have occurred shortly after using one so minimise UV exposure of the area (not usually a problem when it's on your bottom!). Hope this helps.
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summer47773 Guest
gusballantyne Guest
Had chickenpox aged 21, no related symptoms or flare ups since until February this year when I woke up one day to find left side of my face covered in small pimples and raised areas which had the texture of all I can describe as "toad skin". Went to Gp who sent me straight away to A&E. Turns out the shingles had attached itself to the optic/nasal nerve. Face swelled up like the phantom of the Opera and eventually I lost 2% of my vision.
Eventually cleared then out of nowhere it flared up at the Base if my back four days ago.
Trying to explain to people about the symptoms is hard enough but when they think that you're kiss trying to be lazy is infuriating.
I had a recurring issues with abscesses a fee years back could this be an offshoot of that?
Blom Guest
Doctors have criticised me and told me that you can not get it more once. Yet I do. Over and over and over and over.
I hate it. I get it on my foot after having septicaemia about 4 years ago on exactly same spot. Every time on the same place. My foot is so badly scarred and the pain is unbearable.
janbi Blom
jane97743 Guest
head one side is so sensitive to the touch, I can't do without constantly taking pills for the pain! I had the woerst type the forehead and eye! Luckily my sight seems to be ok, but it was weeks before it stopped watering badly, especially in the morning. I really hope you will be well soon, have you thought about asking for a vaccination?
bridget_22798 Guest
Jodiejo40 Guest
paddi60529 Guest
hope it helps
i'm now going through a divorce and have been shingle free since we separated in january 2016
Shucks I just wrote a long post and it disappeared right before my very eyes. Must be magic. Here goes again. I'm a young senior, fit with no serioius health issues. Had blisters come on my right side below waistline for four years. Didn't know what it was and did not go to doctor. Thought it was spider bites, as I'm a gardener and outdoors a great deal of time. Second year I plain forgot once it began clearning. Third year was cursing those spiders, then fourth year knew something was up. Got diagnosed with shingles but strange enough had the shingles vaccination. Doctor said the vaccination prevented the outbreak from being too terrible. A little ray of sunshine yes? Went through the neurontin phase which i quit taking, would prefer a margharita for same effect ya know. the prednisone I was allergic to, so long story short I will just deal with it. Treat myself easy and rest more. I can get very tense. Have changed my diet to the 'blood type diet'. Also had three seizures in between these shingles outbreaks the past six months. So I can't drive and riding with hubby makes me want to scream out loud, but that's a whole diff story. We know to keep the area clean and don't pick. Doc said to cover the area with gauze in case of oozing. It's a comfort knowing this group is out there. Wonder is bathing with epsom salts would be any benefit. Will follow up with some new ideas in time. Stay happy and positive in the meanwhile.
barb80304 Guest
Shoe_Lady barb80304
Azbella Shoe_Lady
janbi Shoe_Lady
bethany57692 Guest
I hope they find out why we keep getting this horrible virus! And I also hope a vaccine bevomes available for someone my age. I am really glad there is a forum like this, because it's really debilitating and no one in my family understands how terrible it really is for me.
The funny thing is, I get shingles from being too stressed out,but having painful oozy blisters on my face really stresses me out!!!
leslie137 Guest
I'm a 28 year old healthy female, and have been getting shingles ourbreaks since I was 18. It first happened when I was in college. It started on my eyelid (always the right half of my face) and it was misdiagnosed as a staph infection, so it continued to spead down my face since I wore sunglasses all day to hide it. It was horrible.
After a few weeks it healed but left me with some scars, for sure. A couple months later I had a small outbreak again. Since then, my doctor has just had me on Acyclovir every day, 2x a day. If I forget to take it I will usually have another outbreak. It's always on my face.
As you all know, it's no fun. It's even worse because I'm a teacher and always worry about being around kids. It's so difficult to explain to people, too...since it's not "normal" shingles, and the stigma that's attached to herpes and these types of outbreaks.
Anyways, I've always worried about the fact that I've been taking Acyclovir daily for almost 10 years now. I've asked my doctor about it and if it's no good for me, and he just kind of shrugs and says "just keep taking it", so I do. Just a few days ago, (first day of summer vacation!) I get another outbreak above my lip. I'm surprised because I've been taking my medicine regularly, didn't miss a dose. I treat it with an extra dose of Acyclovir per day as well as Zoviraz cream directly applied to the sore. That sore has crusted over, and just yesterday I notice another one forming above my eye. THEN this morning, I wake up and can feel the tingling of a new one forming on my cheek.
I'm at a loss of what to do. I've been on and off the phone all day trying to get a hold of my doctor. I don't know what it's like for ya'll, but in the States it takes months to get in to see your doctor. I'm just waiting for a call-back now that I finally got through to a receptionist.
I've often wondered about the vaccine I keep seeing ads for. I know it's for "normal" shingles, but I wonder if anyone has gotten it for the recurring shingles.
Anyways, good to know I'm not the only one. It sure is frustrating. I realize it's brought on by stress, but how can you not be stressed out when there are nasty oozing itching burning sores on your face?
jane97743 leslie137
bethany57692 leslie137
You do have to be sore-free for 6 months before you can get vaccinated though.
Best of luck!
P.S. Try a cold water compress 15 minutes a day to help relieve some of the pain and itching. It also helps get the crusties off.
Shoe_Lady leslie137