Sharing my experience - recurring shingles
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I'm a 35 year old female and have had recurring shingles for about 7 years which occurs anything from 3-7 times a year and occasionally back to back. It is always a small cluster of itchy/stinging spots at the base of my spine and thankfully, the only other symptom can be overly sensitive skin down the back of my thighs. It is the only 'illness' that I ever suffer from - I never get colds or other 'bugs' that seem to plague everyone around me. So, the main guidelines about shingles are very general and should not discount anyone who suffers from this if they fall outside the norm for the condition i.e. over 50, poor immune system, you only get it once, spots appear on the sides, chest or face etc. as I don't fit any of these but have had tests and confirmation.
My advice to anyone else who suffers from this is - do try to get antiviral medication like aciclovir as it will minimise the frequency of outbreaks, try the coldsore patches from the chemist (Compeed is the brand I use) - they can be costly but keep the area clean and covered to prevent spreading and definitely seem to clear it up more quickly and with less scarring and, finally, try not to touch the area at all outside of treating it. I have become good at recognising the early sysmptoms and the earlier I act on it, the less troublesome it is. I have also made a connection with using sunbeds as a couple of outbreaks have occurred shortly after using one so minimise UV exposure of the area (not usually a problem when it's on your bottom!). Hope this helps.
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I Just Turned 40, And In The Middle Of My Third "Known" BOut With Shingles. This Is Extremely Frustrating, Especially When Your Dr Insists iT Does Not Reoccur. This Time Around I Went To A Different Doctor, And She Was Able To DiAgnos It Immediately. (Thank Goodness I Caught It Earlier This Time). ShePrescribed An Aggressive Treatment Plan Of 800Mg Of Acyclovir 5 Times Per Day For One Week..., And suggested I Keep Extra On-Hand In Case I Feel It Returning. She Also Prescribed Gabapentin (Neurontin) At 300Mg Twice Per Day For Nerve Pain. It Can Cause Drowsiness, But Does Help Alleviate Some Of The Pain.
My Primary Physician Is Now Saying She Will Give Me The Vaccination Once THis Bout Of Shingles Completely Clears Up. HaS Anyone Else Had The Vaccination Yet? I'm Afraid To Take It Because When I Got A Flu Shot, I Became Very Ill. As horrible As Shingles Are, I Can't Imagine Exacerbating The Problem If Fellow Sufferers Find The Vaccination Will Make it Worse .
I have also been using Bactine spray.
About 5 years ago I had shingles on the back of my neck that went down my left shoulder. It's just like the commercial I've seen for the shingles vaccine, no words can describe the pain and how bad you feel all over. Now for 2 weeks I've been having the nerve pain on the back of my neck and down to my left shoulder, but no blisters have showed up yet. Even my hair touching my neck and shoulder on the left side burns and hurts just like it did when I had the shingles. Does the nerve pain sometimes come back without the outbreak of blisters? And how long is it going to last? I would appreciate any advice. I'm 67 and have other health issues but this is really painful. Thank you.
Doctors have doubted it was shingle because of it's many reoccurrences, but testing confirmed it as shingles. In my younger days I did not bother to report bouts to the doctor as there was nil they could do to help. The afflicted Not needing to report may be why doctors are generally less aware that shingles can reoccur frequently in otherwise healthy young individuals . As there is now an antiviral available, I have reported the last three episodes - more reliable reporting may improve the accuracy of data scientist have to understand this strange disease. This time I was prescribed an anti viral Famciclovir, but I haven't noticed reduced symptoms as yet.
Am also relieved to have found you all. Im 38 and had first case of shingles in 2005 and since then have had 4 more ourbursts. It always gets me across left eyelid and surrounding area. Just on 5 th bout now and recently started new job and feel a bit fraudulent though not well enough to work. Aciclover prescribed Friday as had slight swelling then and then the 4 days of huge swelling just starting to crust though pregnant colleague at work and lady who had shingles twice before so they need me to stay off till deffo all clear.
Whenever I go docs never seem to have much advice and I feel I will have this forever. I have quite a health lifestyle, occasional binges on booze, some stress though eat well and mostly from scratch. A lot of shingle articles, as you prob know, always seem to refer to HIV and low immune system though as a lot of you feel there has to be something else.
Good luck to us all as wherever it is it isn't pleasant and even when the scabs start to form it does knock you for 6 - don't think it wll be my last time at all though will try some of the tips on here.
Take care everyonex
My shingles seem to be in response to eating nuts or even coconut. I've been avoiding these for years
but occasionally I'll eat something with traces of these ingredients in it. And then wham I get an outbreak. I think the pumpkin pie I had at a potluck a couple days ago had coconut milk in it. Acyclover (sp?)never worked for me. It always took as long to go away as it did when I took nothing and I didn't like the headache & other side affects.The steroid cream is no longer working. What worked for a while was putting ice on the area as soon as I felt the first tingling. But I had to do it for hours and sometimes that's just too much effort. Now I'm hunting for something natural or from eastern medicine to try. Does anyone know of something natural to relieve or prevent shingles that works?? I live in the US. Thanks.
harriet15341 sue18117
james17171 kelly30366
I recommend that you get a new doctor. Or have your old doc Google a picture of shingles!
There are a number of things you can try for pain relief and to prevent further out breaks of shingles.Google pain relief for shingles and some creams will come up. They might be cheaper at a local natural foods outlet. I got a steroid cream from my doctor here in the USA. It's Triamicinolone Acetonide .1%. It's not very potent but it works. Perhaps stress causes shingles, maybe not. I know when I eat foods high inarginine I break out. Things like nuts & coconut give me shingles, every time I eat them! Which is usually be accident, while eating out. Do a little research about what foods contain lysine. these will help prevent and clear up a shingles outbreak. Foods with arginine tend to causean outbreak. This is something you can do to keep from getting more outbreaks! What also helped me was putting ice on the spot when I feel an outbreak coming on. It's best to leave it on for about an hour. this virus needs a warm moist area to form. So keeping it cold will discourage it before it starts!
Good luck! Don't be depressed, be active!