Posted , 13 users are following.
Why are we hearing more and more people having this medical problem! Its great that we are all exchanging ideas, on ways to cope with this unbearable pain.
My main question is why are so many people suffering from shingles and the PHN pain? I understand that its from the chicken pox virus, BUT WHY in 2016 are we unable to find a cure for this mind blowing pain? and why are so many people in this day and age, getting it, I was told that it attacks or lays in our bodies until we reach our 50s, our systems are low .
I know that many of us,that use this site are from many countries, but I would love to hear from you all,on how you became a member of the shingles/PHN world.
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erin72929 jocelyne44618
m98777 jocelyne44618
It was a terrible experience, no doubt. I think more people are getting it because we live much more stressful lives now. At least here in the USA, life has always been about "hard work" and such along with a little play on the side. There is a shingles vaccine, however, if you are over 55 I believe.
jocelyne44618 m98777
erin72929 jocelyne44618
rumbustious jocelyne44618
I'm can sympathise with your suffering. The tender skin, stabbing pain and the electric shock type sensations, to mention but a few of the hellish things that seem come as a package to make it a horrible experience.
I myself feel blessed that within three months of PHN starting, it is suddenly easing off and I'm well on the road to recovery. I know that at times I was desperate for sleep and to find something to ease the sensations, and that brings me to the reason I'm writing.
In my search for answers, I came across an American holistic medicine site (I can't remember which) that recommended rubbing a fresh towel that hadn't been used for drying, roughly over the problem area several times a day. An idea that I thought of as insane at the time, but as my desperation increased, I tried it.
For me it worked. The rubbing desensitises the area; for up to an hour in my case, and gave a lot of relief. I don't know if it will work for everybody, but I really believe it is worth trying.
Wishing you better fortune and an end to it soon.
luis956 m98777
I realize this is an old post but wanted to know if you've made a full recovery since you last posted 2 months ago. Although once thought of shingles as an 'old folks ailment' I got it two weeks ago at 42. I believe I got it due to high stress at my current job.
I also got it on my scalp. Even on my face and mouth; inside my ear, nostril.. Painful.
Given your young age and strong immune system, have you made a full recovery? Is there still pain/tingling on your sore areas?
Any information is greatly appreciated.
bobbie50554 m98777
Jane1618 jocelyne44618
ron96331 jocelyne44618
I don't know why so many of us are suffering from PHN, maybe it was the loose living of the sixties...
Lojza jocelyne44618
michael5678 Lojza
diane92953 jocelyne44618
clive63734 jocelyne44618
I am a 76 year old male and I was diagnosed with shingles in November 2016 it was on the right side of my head and face but even worse was the fact that it also attacked the back of my eye.Now in March I am still in trouble as not only am I left with PHN but also double vision so now wear glasses permanently wtth prisms to counteract it.It has totally ruined my life.Im sorry to be such a pain!!! but I've told it as it isThere is just one more thing and it is I also suffer with a sort of electric sensation down both arms at night meaning I get very little sleep.
Jane1618 clive63734