Shingles over and over again need advice re: causes please

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Hi There, 

Before I start I will say I have seen the extensive discussions about reoccuring shingles on this site - and have read them (many times). 

I am a 36 year old female, otherwise healthy apart from this shingles that haunts my life. First bout was in 2014 after a traumatic experience in my then stressful job. Since then I have left my career (I was a teacher) and have started on my own path as a self employed person. I chose this to make sure I wasn't putting myself under undue pressures and can choose my own schedule. 

Long story short 4 weeks ago I had the tell tale exhaustion, short tempered, sleep the clock around groggy feeling, terrible acid stomach and low and behold about 10 days later the rash appeared, always in the same place on my left ribs over my stomach. 

This is the 5th time I have had an outbreak since 2014. My GP (I am in the UK) has usually been dismissive and tells me as the rash has come out there is nothing that can be done and to "ride the storm", well this time I am absolutely sick of riding the storm. It shouldn't be happy to me and I am worried sick about WHY this keeps happening. I explained this to the GP and watched her GOOGLE reoccuring shingles in front of me as she said she really was clueless in a woman my age. The usual came up and she sent me for a HIV test, which I was flabbergasted by as I have been married for 15 years. I have also been tested for "everything" (whatever that is on the NHS).

Cutting a long story short I was wondering if anyone here had actually ever got to the bottom about WHY This happens to them?. I am now at the end of the rash, covered in cold sores (they also plague me) and my family call me "Herpes woman" which is charming ... 

What causes this? Do I need to pressure my GP to dig deeper or is it "one of those things". Immune defencincies keep coming up but never gets more than a fleeting mention.

HELP (thank you ... also laughing how shingles has a little bug next to it on the avatar - it feels like little pinchy ants running along my trunk!)

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87 Replies

  • Edited

    Did you ever get an answer to your re-occurring shingles?  I am a healthy 39 yr old female and I have had shingles three times in the past four months.  I’m extremely p****d that my dr can provide me with no answers.  And I’m exhausted from healing and then having to go through the pain and disruption of my life again.    I’m desperate for answers 
    • Posted

      Dear Katie

      I have had recurrent Herpes Zoster-Shingles in my right ear every 3-5 weeks for the past 21 years.

      I do know what you are going through.

      In order to prevent Herpes Zoster-Shingles, I do follow the high Lysine low Arginine diet, as Arginine, an Amino Acid, is a trigger for Herpes Zoster-Shingles. Lysine helps prevent Herpes Zoster-Shingles. Google High Lysine Low Arginine Diet Herpes. You will find helpful lists of foods with Lysine and Arginine content.

      I also discovered my Vitamin D level was low @ 14, and started Vitamin D3 2000 IU daily which helped dramatically decrease the episodes and intensity of pain. Vit D helps support your immune system, and many other body systems. It should be above 40.

      I do have autoimmune diseases, which also factor into my increased frequency of Herpes Zoster-Shingles episodes.

      Many of this forum have no predisposing factors, but find this diet and Vitamin D3 2000IU daily helps prevent episodes.

      Best Wishes

      Merry Juliana

    • Edited

      hello Merry

      I went back to my new doctor and all my test came back with a high on white cells because of the virus of shingles! I was low on Vitamin D and vitamin B12

      Now i am taking Vitamin D 10,000 mg aonce a week abd Vitamin B12which will help my immune system therefore, minimize the iut breaks! This new doctor is helping and that is why i left my old doctor! I am eatibg a diet on lysine and less stress in my life, at least my family is helping me to control stress! i am taking the anti virals for 7-10 days as well! HOPE is now more real and hope that future out breaks are more mild till they go dormant! THE last out break was almost 5 months ago so I Believe that they will be less with the vitamins as well!


    • Posted

      Dear Myrna,

      That is great news about your new doctor! It is a relief to find a fixable problem such as low Vitamin D and B12! I also adhere to a high Lysine low Arginine diet, which should help you, as well. I am a strong believer in vaccines, and thus far only have had a mild episode of Shingles for three days instead of a severe episode that leaves me in bed so fatigued, in severe pain with fever for two weeks. That is with only one of two injections.

      Best Regards

      Merry Juliana

    • Posted


      So glad to hear yiur bouts are less and less duration! So i understand yiu have had one vaccine of the two dose needed? I Believe they shiuld administres two months apart if each one rigbt? Are you getting the second vaccine?

      After four months i have a

      mild episode for 4 days now and i hope theae supplement of vitamins minimize the shingles till they are gone for good! I AM unsure if i will get the vaccine because of the side affects! I see here so many got flu symtoms and that scares me! I React strongly to

      vaccines! So if you are to take the second vaccine or if yiu already have pls let me know what were the side affects and how long the side affects of the first too! Do hope you feel better each day! Shingles is a bad thing and it just a one time hit like people thiught!

      Best regards,


  • Posted

    Great news, I am a 52 year old woman who was plagued with shingles from age 11 to 27 and I found something that stops an outbreak in a Natural Remedy book in 1994!!! I have used it ever since and it works!!!! When you feel the first tingle take 2000 mg of L-lysine every 4 hours until the pain stops. It will freeze the herpes in that stage no pain, no blister, nothing GONE!!! L-lysine works for cold sores, chicken pocks, STD herpes, and most notably for me Shingles. I keep a bottle at work and a few pills in my purse. It is safe enough to take if you are pregnant (that was how I found it) I was pregnant and could not take my Dr prescription. So, I went to a health food store and found my miracle. Over the years I have told everyone and anyone who has a cold sore, shingles, STD herpes I even stop people I see and tell them. 100% reported that it works!!! L-LYSINE is an OTC natural amino acid that you can get at any drugstore in the vitamin aisle. It is a natural amino acid, fat burner, mood enhancer etc. Healthy to take. Do not take it as a maintenance, only take it when you feel the tingle. The natural remedy book also suggested cutting back on peanuts, coffe, and brown legumes which may counter the L-lysine, but only for the day because IT IS HEALED IN ONE DAY!!!.
  • Posted

    Hi  I  am a healthy 53 yr old female, on no medications. my mother said I had chicken pox as a newborn but only 2 spots, I have 3 children that all had full blown chicken pox (was scared I would get them again) I have always been plagued with cold sores on my upper lip and nostrils.  about 4 yrs ago I got shingles on my left check of my bottom, I knew what it was immediately (I have a pharmacy degree) called the Dr got in ASAP and she confirmed shingles.  Since I have had cold sores I always have the prescription called Valtrex (here in Canada) Even before I went to the Dr I took 4 tablets and once the Dr confirmed shingles she said to continue on the Valtrex 3 x for 7 days. My shingles lasted maybe 24 or 48 hrs. (Thanks to the Valtrex, I always have them on hand) I continue to get cold sore but they never come to anything because of the medication. I have since had shingles at least 5 times on the same spot, but again the medication works the best if taken as soon as possible. I am so thankful for the medication and having a drug plan that pays for it. When I tell people that I have had shingles mulitple times they think I am lying or kidding.......
  • Posted

    Hi Lucyandyoshi,

     I sent you a private message with some information I thought you might appreciate. I have already posted the information before but it would probably be difficult to find it. Therefore I sent it to you in a private message because I didn't want to bore anyone again. I hope this finds you well today.




    • Posted


      I just realized I already sent this information to you. I meant to send it to Susan the person whom responded to you. I sorry about that!


  • Posted

    Good morning can you send the information to me as well. I'm dealing with same issues.

    Thank you so much!

  • Posted


    I Have had shingles now 4 times! the last time was almost 6 months ago and i thiught they were gobe for good! NOW my GP put me on vitamin D 10,000 mg and vitamin B12 everyday! the vitamin D is once a week a d that should help the immune system! But the wierd thing is that for almost 6 months i was ok

    I Have had stress being other health problems with my daughter and husband and the worrying for them can trigger the shingles too! Being calm and diet and vitamins help! BUT rememmber that shingles is dormant till it appears and hell gets loose! My mom and sister got it once and both had a kow immune sysmtem so I dont really know why some of us keep getting it which is not fair! GOING to the doctor again today, i started some anti virals as soon as the blisters appeared to help me some.

    LET me know how yiu are doing ok! PRAYERS ARE NEEDED


  • Posted


    I am writing again because i forgot to say that i have reached the conclusion that once SOME get it they will keep on getting it! IF WE ARE the ones that get it more than once then probably ww will keep getting it till one day it goes dormant! I AM so tired and no energy and i try to be calm but it is impossible when you are alive not to have any problems and if yiu have family then you know you cope with their problems too! i take care of my mom who is 83 and cope with her health oroblems as well!

    my husband is diabetic and my younger daughter here with me has her health oroblems too and is finishing her masters degree which also puts tension on her and i try to help her too! I AM eating healtheir foods and stay away from nuts! Vitamins are important as Vitamin D AND vitamin B12 helps the immune system! try all this which is only the

    thing we can do for reoccuring shingles! GUESSING we are nit the lucky ones to hust get shingles once!!

    Prayers for you as well!


  • Posted

    Hello, I've gotten shingles since June 2007. Get them every time stressed, sick, tired. There is an over the counter, ask the pharmacists, medicine called calmoseptine, it will help with blisters itching & pain. Doctor should be able to five you a medicine called Valtrex to take while having the episode. As for the rest I feel your PAIN.

    • Posted

      Valtrex helps me some. It will knock them out for a few months, then they come back. I have yet to find anything that helps the pain when it hits. I am luckier than most. I get recurrences anywhere from 4-12 times per year, and have for over 20 years. No other health issues. My outbreaks are always on the left side of my face. Most are mild, but when the bad outbreaks hit I have horrible headaches, earaches, neck pain, brain fog, and fatigue. Nothing I have found helps at all during the bad outbreaks. The blisters themselves I always desiccate with green alcohol. It dries them out faster than anything I have tried. I do take Lysine and Vitamin D regularly, and I do think it helps some.

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