Shingles over and over again need advice re: causes please

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Hi There, 

Before I start I will say I have seen the extensive discussions about reoccuring shingles on this site - and have read them (many times). 

I am a 36 year old female, otherwise healthy apart from this shingles that haunts my life. First bout was in 2014 after a traumatic experience in my then stressful job. Since then I have left my career (I was a teacher) and have started on my own path as a self employed person. I chose this to make sure I wasn't putting myself under undue pressures and can choose my own schedule. 

Long story short 4 weeks ago I had the tell tale exhaustion, short tempered, sleep the clock around groggy feeling, terrible acid stomach and low and behold about 10 days later the rash appeared, always in the same place on my left ribs over my stomach. 

This is the 5th time I have had an outbreak since 2014. My GP (I am in the UK) has usually been dismissive and tells me as the rash has come out there is nothing that can be done and to "ride the storm", well this time I am absolutely sick of riding the storm. It shouldn't be happy to me and I am worried sick about WHY this keeps happening. I explained this to the GP and watched her GOOGLE reoccuring shingles in front of me as she said she really was clueless in a woman my age. The usual came up and she sent me for a HIV test, which I was flabbergasted by as I have been married for 15 years. I have also been tested for "everything" (whatever that is on the NHS).

Cutting a long story short I was wondering if anyone here had actually ever got to the bottom about WHY This happens to them?. I am now at the end of the rash, covered in cold sores (they also plague me) and my family call me "Herpes woman" which is charming ... 

What causes this? Do I need to pressure my GP to dig deeper or is it "one of those things". Immune defencincies keep coming up but never gets more than a fleeting mention.

HELP (thank you ... also laughing how shingles has a little bug next to it on the avatar - it feels like little pinchy ants running along my trunk!)

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    Hello fellow shingles sufferers! I am SO thankful to have found this forum! I am grateful to all of you for sharing your experiences, advice, and help to those of us with recurring bouts of this dreadful virus. I’m also thankful that others understand the maddening response received by many doctors that “recurring shingles” isn’t even possible. 

    My story began in January 2014, when I was under tremendous stress and duress and experienced my first bout with shingles. My backstory is this:  I had chickenpox as an adult at the age of 21, and the virus only attacked my entire head was essentially one giant chicken pock! So when the shingles began, the back of my head felt like someone had beaten it with a baseball bat. Excruciating pain that radiated up my head and down the base of my neck. I was physically drained and felt very unwell. A day later, the welts began to form, and later to erupt, ooze, and crust over. It first began on a Friday, so I went to urgent care on a Saturday to say I thought it might be shingles. The staff treated me like I was crazy because it wasn’t located on my trunk, but prescribed valacyclovir anyway, because the welts did look like shingles.

    Since that time, I have had 10 more episodes, and yesterday I woke up with the dreaded pain in the back of my head and a big welt near my temple. This makes my 11th episode. Thankfully, my new ObGyn has been a wonderful ally and has believed and validated my dreadful experience. She has prescribed a standing order for me to fill for Valacyclovir anytime it reoccurs. However, I want to find a way to minimize the reoccurrence rate because it is truly debilitating when it strikes. I found this forum yesterday because I am desperate to find answers.

    My question about the shingles diet is: should one avoid the arginine-rich foods indefinitely, or only during flareups? I have no other health issues beyond the recurring shingles. I am a 43 year old female, and my last episode prior to the current one was 11 months ago. Prior to that, it occurred  every few months. Thank you all in advance for your help and patience!!

    • Posted

      Great news, I am a 52 year old woman who was plagued with shingles from age 11 to 27 and I found something that stops an outbreak in a Natural Remedy book in 1994!!! I have used it ever since and it works!!!! When you feel the first tingle take 2000 mg of L-lysine every 4 hours until the pain stops. It will freeze the herpes in that stage no pain, no blister, nothing GONE!!! L-lysine works for cold sores, chicken pocks, STD herpes, and most notably for me Shingles. I keep a bottle at work and a few pills in my purse. It is safe enough to take if you are pregnant (that was how I found it) I was pregnant and could not take my Dr prescription. So, I went to a health food store and found my miracle. Over the years I have told everyone and anyone who has a cold sore, shingles, STD herpes I even stop people I see and tell them. 100% reported that it works!!! L-LYSINE is an OTC natural amino acid that you can get at any drugstore in the vitamin aisle. It is a natural amino acid, fat burner, mood enhancer etc. Healthy to take. Do not take it as a maintenance, only take it when you feel the tingle. The natural remedy book also suggested cutting back on peanuts, coffe, and brown legumes which may counter the L-lysine, but only for the day because IT IS HEALED IN ONE DAY!!!.
  • Edited

    Dear Lucy,

    I see your post is dated 11 months ago. I hope this reaches you but even more hope you are doing better. I am in the USA, female, turned 50 this past year and like you, have battled recurrent shingles. I am truly sorry. I can not give you all the answers you seek but can offer what i've found to be true and helpful in my own battle with shingles.

    At age 39, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. It was a shocking diagnosis, as breast cancer does not run in my family and also the type cancer I had was quite rare and typically was found in Asian women and there is no Asian descent in my family, that could be found on any side. Thankfully, I did survive following a full mastectomy on my left side. After 2 years, it was all behind me and have been cancer free since.

    Approximately 3 years after my initial diagnosis of breast cancer, I began to get shingles on my lower back hip area. Like many, I suppose, I did not know what it was but the pain that came with it was unbearable and had me at the first med-stop I could find because it was after doctors hours. It was a quick diagnosis, antiviral, an injection, topical ointment and a long 2 weeks. The breakout was not very large I size, being smaller than a golf ball at most, in diameter. Researching many sites online, I recall feeling thankful that my breakout was much smaller than many have suffered but the pain was unbelievably unbearable, despite its small size. Needless to say, I was so happy when it finally healed.

    Unfortunately, this feeling of happy relief was shortlived because approximately 3 months later, I had shingles again. It returned to the exact location as before, no larger, no smaller and every bit as painful as the first time. Afterwards, despite being put on a daily dose of 3000 mg antiviral every day, the shingles were still coming and more frequently. Always on my right side, same place, same size, same ordeal. Till one day, I began getting shingles in my right eye, which greatly affects the eye but the rash manifested itself first each time on my nose. For shingles in your eye, the option of home treatment is not typically possible as it requires hospitalization. To speed my story along more quickly, since my first bout of shingles, I have had shingles, more than 147 times. At times, on my right hip, other times in my right eye, sometimes both at the same time. I will add a note of caution to anyone reading this who has been diagnosed with shingles already. I suffered nerve damage in my face and head that could have been avoided had I had a speedier diagnosis. No one's fault because no one could have guessed. Like i mentioned before,I was put on 3000 mg antiviral a day, every day. So when the shingles did get into my eye, the antiviral was keeping it just enough under control that made it difficult to diagnose and so it was missed. During a hospital stay, after being on antiviral for years,it was suggested that perhaps my body had reached toxic level from the antiviral and perhaps this was the cause of this mysterious facial rash and the pain that bounced inside my head to face to ear to nose to cheek, then repeated the path, much like "lightening in a bottle" and all I could do was scream until I was sedated each time. Thinking it must be toxicity from too much antiviral, I was taken off, with hopes I would improve. I did not. Discontinuing the antiviral caused the shingles in my eye and face to develop fully and though I suffered greatly for 3 longest days of my life, it did give a clear and solid diagnosis. So for this, I don't regret. I shared this to caution anyone going through shingles, to be watchful for it to spring up elsewhere and early diagnosis is the key to prevent nerve damage and even permanent loss of eye sight.

    Again, to speed my story along, I was finally able to have the shingles vaccine but due to CDC and FDA Regulations that i be minimum age 60, it did take a while for me to get the vaccine. Also, I was unable to meet the requirement of being shingle free for 6 months before getting the vaccine. In the end, I was unable to even go 2 weeks without shingles, making a 6 month waiting period impossible goal. Having no other humanitarian option, I was allowed to have the vaccine only 5 days following one of my worst bouts. I was advised the risks but as I wasn't living any quality of life at that time for several years, I gladly took that risk. The four days that followed are much a blur because I had to constantly be sedated over and over again because when conscience, it was unbearable. As terrible as I've described it here, its accurate but I say without ANY reservation, that it WAS worth it. That was 2 years ago.

    After the vaccine, I stayed on the daily antiviral and still on them today but at much lower dose. There are times when the shingles "TRIES" to come on, with visible signs of small breakouts but I can usually back it down each time with slowing my pace, a day of taking it easy, huge reduction in stress and healthy diet.

    As for advice from what I've learned from my own experience, I offer this:

    *The shingles vaccine DOES work but wait the 6 months shingle free, IF possible. For me it wasn't but I still DON'T regret it.

    *Even after shingles vaccine, expect to stay on oral antiviral for several months after

    *Watch for signs of it appearing in other places, especially the eye because that's where fast treatment is needed. Shingles will appear on the SAME side of your body, no matter where it appears.

    *Before applying topical anesthetic to the shingles site, apply a warm compress, reheating several times, to the outbreak site before applying the anesthetic. This can be painful but the topical relief lasts longer.

    During an outbreak, try to wear clothing that does not rub against the rash. The more it is rubbed against, the more painful it will flare. Avoiding pain WILL help it heal faster

    *Stress does not actually cause a bout to occur, the chicken pox virus causes it, BUT stress WILL trigger it

    *For women, the time around your monthly cycle makes you more susceptible than other times

    *I try to maintain balanced diet but have found huge success eating green beans and/or green peas and frequent tomato soup (not V-8) but actual tomato soup. These items are ALWAYS on the grocery list. Campbell's tomato soup in a can is fine

    *The electric shocks that travel the legs during shingles can be eased by a vibrating back massager laying BESIDE you. DO NOT apply directly to anywhere on your body DURING a shingles bout as it can feel much like being hit with a cattle prod

    *OTC meds like Tylenol and Ibuprofen rarely give any relief, so spare your kidneys and liver the stress

    *Prescription pain relief is unfortunately the ONLY relief, so find a doctor you trust and NEVER self medicate. Allow your spouse or trusted family member to give you any and all narcotic pain meds

    *Stimulants like coffee and chocolate don't have to be given up completely but consume them in moderation day to day but none at all DURING a shingles bout

    Again, I hope this finds you doing well and hopefully something I've written here can help you. Take care. My thoughts are with you and anyone dealing with this painful debilitating ailment. God bless you all. ~R

    • Edited

      Is it just me or do medical practitioners think that lyrica or neurontin is God's gift to shingles patients? It doesn't help me one bit and I've had shingles 7 timed in the last two years. I'm only 35 years old and so tired of suffering and doctors not caring.

    • Posted


      I agree with you. Opioids are still indicated for the acute pain of Shingles. I would tell them that Gabapentin and Lyrica do not help with the severe acute pain of Shingles. Tell them you need something stronger, ie an Opioid for Shingles.

      They are afraid to prescribe Opioids due to the Opioid overdose epidemic and new laws and regulations. This does not help patients in severe pain, however. It is their duty to relieve pain and suffering.

      Best Wishes

      Merry Juliana

    • Posted

      Great news, I am a 52 year old woman who was plagued with shingles from age 11 to 27 and I found something that stops an outbreak in a Natural Remedy book in 1994!!! I have used it ever since and it works!!!! When you feel the first tingle take 2000 mg of L-lysine every 4 hours until the pain stops. It will freeze the herpes in that stage no pain, no blister, nothing GONE!!! L-lysine works for cold sores, chicken pocks, STD herpes, and most notably for me Shingles. I keep a bottle at work and a few pills in my purse. It is safe enough to take if you are pregnant (that was how I found it) I was pregnant and could not take my Dr prescription. So, I went to a health food store and found my miracle. Over the years I have told everyone and anyone who has a cold sore, shingles, STD herpes I even stop people I see and tell them. 100% reported that it works!!! L-LYSINE is an OTC natural amino acid that you can get at any drugstore in the vitamin aisle. It is a natural amino acid, fat burner, mood enhancer etc. Healthy to take. Do not take it as a maintenance, only take it when you feel the tingle. The natural remedy book also suggested cutting back on peanuts, coffe, and brown legumes which may counter the L-lysine, but only for the day because IT IS HEALED IN ONE DAY!!!.
    • Posted

      Great news, I am a 52 year old woman who was plagued with shingles from age 11 to 27 and I found something that stops an outbreak in a Natural Remedy book in 1994!!! I have used it ever since and it works!!!! When you feel the first tingle take 2000 mg of L-lysine every 4 hours until the pain stops. It will freeze the herpes in that stage no pain, no blister, nothing GONE!!! L-lysine works for cold sores, chicken pocks, STD herpes, and most notably for me Shingles. I keep a bottle at work and a few pills in my purse. It is safe enough to take if you are pregnant (that was how I found it) I was pregnant and could not take my Dr prescription. So, I went to a health food store and found my miracle. Over the years I have told everyone and anyone who has a cold sore, shingles, STD herpes I even stop people I see and tell them. 100% reported that it works!!! L-LYSINE is an OTC natural amino acid that you can get at any drugstore in the vitamin aisle. It is a natural amino acid, fat burner, mood enhancer etc. Healthy to take. Do not take it as a maintenance, only take it when you feel the tingle. The natural remedy book also suggested cutting back on peanuts, coffe, and brown legumes which may counter the L-lysine, but only for the day because IT IS HEALED IN ONE DAY!!!.
  • Posted

    I had a severe case of shingles 10 years ago. Doctors said it got to that point because I never sought treatment early enough. I didn't even know the word shingles. They then said I would get it recurring for the rest of my life because of the delay on the first encounter. I do get reoccurring in times of high stress but it is always mild. I'm lucky in that respect. Other times I get a feeling in the left ribs like needles being stuck into me but no rash. The information that I did not seek medical help in the first 3 days is probably the answer. I went through 2 bouts of measles and mumps as a child so maybe one was chickenpox and I do not suffer so badly because of my immune system. Pinchy ants is a good description better than needles.

  • Posted

    Hi there just been reading carefully all comments & am starting to understand better my plight of reoccurring shingles & the common thread being not able to get a GP to understand symptoms & the possibility of reoccurring episodes. 

    I have since maybe my teens have experienced attacks of shingles sometimes getting it 3 times a year in my early 20s. I am now 45 & have had 8 attacks in last 6 yrs with 5 trips to emergency department in extreme abdominal pain. No diagnosis though but having rash appear days later with extreme right side burning/tightness front & back on right side sometimes it would radiate to left side of spine. Have had tests galore etc etc. I’m otherwise healthy but know that there are certain triggers including heat, stress & diet, which now I see as a factor reading these other posts, it all now makes a whole lot of sense. I am on pain relief atm 30-60mg codeine during the day & trying nerve pain relief at night. 

    There is one thing I want to mention regarding immune issues. I’m understanding more that I cannot push myself too hard & I need to take care of myself better. I am seeing a Neurologist for a recent MRI brain scan as there are issues there. I am also now being referred to a Immunologist & Infectious Disease specialist as NOW my GP is realising I do have an issue with Shingles. Finally!!!! One thing I do know is that I was diagnosed with Cyclic Neutropenia about 6-7 ? yrs ago which on a regular interval my white blood cell count drops? Not sure why this happens but was told if it became a problem mouth ulcers etc I would need to go back to see specialist as it could be dangerous & leave my immune system compromised & more open to infection.

    Could this be a contributing factor?  

    Anyhow thank you for all your stories it has helped me understand my shingles reoccurring problems & hope to be able to contribute to the discussion. 

    • Posted

      Dear Julie,

      I am so sorry you are going through this. It is difficult when your GP doesn't "get it" and marginalizes you. A wise clinician learns from his patients, so maybe there is hope for your GP.

      The cyclic neutropenia certainly could be a factor in triggering the Herpes Zoster-Shingles. I am a Nurse Practitioner in the States, but not an expert in cyclic neutropenia. It certainly does affect your immune system, however.

      (I have three autoimmune diseases, and was diagnosed with breast cancer 3 years ago, so they all factor in as triggers. )

      When I first had Herpes Zoster-Shingles in my right ear 21 years ago, it took 3-1/2 weeks for the vesicle-blisters to show in the ear canal. Two ENTs thought I wanted narcotics. I just wanted a diagnosis. I finally saw a Neurotologist who believed my pain, my deafness in my right ear, my nystagmus, and facial droop, and diagnosed me. As you know the excruciating pain, I was in agonizing pain without any analgesics.

      I have recurrent Herpes Zoster-Shingles every 3-5 weeks for the past 21 years.

      You have found certain similar triggers. I do follow the high Lysine low Arginine diet.

      I also discovered my Vitamin D level was low @ 14, and started Vitamin D3 2000 IU daily which helped dramatically decrease the episodes and intensity of pain. Vit D helps support your immune system, and many other body systems. It should be above 40.

      I have removed toxic stressors from my life ie violent murderous former husband & other people, and jobs, and found a happy life. While everyone has stressors in their life, as that is part of living, I don't let it get to me. I only have supportive kind friends and family in my life. I can handle the blips in the road.

      It sounds as if you are handling things quite well. Please know we are here for you for any questions or just to listen. Not everyone understands shingles, and how sick you can feel internally for weeks and months on end.

      Best Wishes

      Merry Juliana

  • Posted


    I realize your initial post was a year ago, but as a 42 year old Women that has had 14 outbreaks of Shingles, since October! I am interested as to what was your outcome?

    Any advice would be so appreciated.

    Many thanks


    • Posted

      Hi Gabbie,

      I am sorry you are dealing with this right now.

      I have had recurrent Herpes Zoster-Shingles in my right ear every 3-5 weeks for the past 21 years.

      I do follow the high Lysine low Arginine diet, as Arginine, an Amino Acid is a trigger for Herpes Zoster-Shingles. Lysine helps prevent Herpes Zoster-Shingles. Google High Lysine Low Arginine Diet Herpes.

      I also discovered my Vitamin D level was low @ 14, and started Vitamin D3 2000 IU daily which helped dramatically decrease the episodes and intensity of pain. Vit D helps support your immune system, and many other body systems. It should be above 40.

      I do have autoimmune diseases, which also factor into my increased frequency of Herpes Zoster-Shingles episodes.

      Many of this forum have no predisposing factors, but find this diet and Vitamin D3 2000IU daily helps prevent episodes.

      Best Wishes

      Merry Juliana

    • Posted

      Great news, I am a 52 year old woman who was plagued with shingles from age 11 to 27 and I found something that stops an outbreak in a Natural Remedy book in 1994!!! I have used it ever since and it works!!!! When you feel the first tingle take 2000 mg of L-lysine every 4 hours until the pain stops. It will freeze the herpes in that stage no pain, no blister, nothing GONE!!! L-lysine works for cold sores, chicken pocks, STD herpes, and most notably for me Shingles. I keep a bottle at work and a few pills in my purse. It is safe enough to take if you are pregnant (that was how I found it) I was pregnant and could not take my Dr prescription. So, I went to a health food store and found my miracle. Over the years I have told everyone and anyone who has a cold sore, shingles, STD herpes I even stop people I see and tell them. 100% reported that it works!!! L-LYSINE is an OTC natural amino acid that you can get at any drugstore in the vitamin aisle. It is a natural amino acid, fat burner, mood enhancer etc. Healthy to take. Do not take it as a maintenance, only take it when you feel the tingle. The natural remedy book also suggested cutting back on peanuts, coffe, and brown legumes which may counter the L-lysine, but only for the day because IT IS HEALED IN ONE DAY!!!.
  • Posted

    I have had recurring shingles for 12 years. Always in the same place. My neurologist did extensive testing regarding all potential immune deficiencies and I tested negative for all. So I am a healthy person except for this curse. It seems to run in my family but I have had it worse than anyone.

    I was on nasty pain medications ... the opioids. I found a great neurologist and he has prescribed high dose Gabapentin. I take 800mg. three times a day. It really helps me with the pain. Much more effective than the pain medications. It is an old seizure medication which most people tolerate really well. It makes sense that a medication to control overactive nerves in a seizure would also calm overactive nerves for pain. I’m wishing you well. ❤️ Nancy

    • Posted

      Great news, I am a 52 year old woman who was plagued with shingles from age 11 to 27 and I found something that stops an outbreak in a Natural Remedy book in 1994!!! I have used it ever since and it works!!!! When you feel the first tingle take 2000 mg of L-lysine every 4 hours until the pain stops. It will freeze the herpes in that stage no pain, no blister, nothing GONE!!! L-lysine works for cold sores, chicken pocks, STD herpes, and most notably for me Shingles. I keep a bottle at work and a few pills in my purse. It is safe enough to take if you are pregnant (that was how I found it) I was pregnant and could not take my Dr prescription. So, I went to a health food store and found my miracle. Over the years I have told everyone and anyone who has a cold sore, shingles, STD herpes I even stop people I see and tell them. 100% reported that it works!!! L-LYSINE is an OTC natural amino acid that you can get at any drugstore in the vitamin aisle. It is a natural amino acid, fat burner, mood enhancer etc. Healthy to take. Do not take it as a maintenance, only take it when you feel the tingle. The natural remedy book also suggested cutting back on peanuts, coffe, and brown legumes which may counter the L-lysine, but only for the day because IT IS HEALED IN ONE DAY!!!.
    • Posted


      Does the

      neurotin make you sleepy or drugged like? They gave me a 100mg which i took once and didnt take

      again because i couldnt open my eyes! I am taking just the anti virals and advil if i have pain! THE episode after 4 months are mild and a diet and vitamins are gelping tio! DID U GET the

      shingrex vaccine yet?

    • Posted

      Sorry for the delay in writing. I finally got back into my account. The Gabapentin (Neurologist) has worked so well for me. I take 800 mg 3 x a day and I don't get sedated at all. My new alternative medicine guy has a new "fix" ... I'm going to put in a new post. Look for it. HUGS to you and healing thoughts sent your way!

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