Shingles over and over again need advice re: causes please

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Hi There, 

Before I start I will say I have seen the extensive discussions about reoccuring shingles on this site - and have read them (many times). 

I am a 36 year old female, otherwise healthy apart from this shingles that haunts my life. First bout was in 2014 after a traumatic experience in my then stressful job. Since then I have left my career (I was a teacher) and have started on my own path as a self employed person. I chose this to make sure I wasn't putting myself under undue pressures and can choose my own schedule. 

Long story short 4 weeks ago I had the tell tale exhaustion, short tempered, sleep the clock around groggy feeling, terrible acid stomach and low and behold about 10 days later the rash appeared, always in the same place on my left ribs over my stomach. 

This is the 5th time I have had an outbreak since 2014. My GP (I am in the UK) has usually been dismissive and tells me as the rash has come out there is nothing that can be done and to "ride the storm", well this time I am absolutely sick of riding the storm. It shouldn't be happy to me and I am worried sick about WHY this keeps happening. I explained this to the GP and watched her GOOGLE reoccuring shingles in front of me as she said she really was clueless in a woman my age. The usual came up and she sent me for a HIV test, which I was flabbergasted by as I have been married for 15 years. I have also been tested for "everything" (whatever that is on the NHS).

Cutting a long story short I was wondering if anyone here had actually ever got to the bottom about WHY This happens to them?. I am now at the end of the rash, covered in cold sores (they also plague me) and my family call me "Herpes woman" which is charming ... 

What causes this? Do I need to pressure my GP to dig deeper or is it "one of those things". Immune defencincies keep coming up but never gets more than a fleeting mention.

HELP (thank you ... also laughing how shingles has a little bug next to it on the avatar - it feels like little pinchy ants running along my trunk!)

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87 Replies

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  • Posted

    HI everyone......please help me I am in a full blown panic....I have had shingles 5 times since last spring...I

    Les 6 times since 2016...I have read up and followed everything...I eat healthy juice..ect..I cannot believe after all this val cyclo virtual my kidneys won't be destroyed.i

    • Posted

      You can do a cleanse for 28 days of solely raw fruit and veggies. I only made it 10 days, then switched over to a diet that will take longer to completely eliminate the virus (one can only hope). So, the foods you have to have in your diet every day. Mangoes, pears, asparagus, wild blueberries, papayas, coconut, red apples, bananas, artichokes, avocado, red and green leafy lettuce, green beans, sweet potato, spinach. Eat a lot of these foods daily.

      The foods you CANNOT consume: corn, soy, canola oil, processed beet sugar, eggs, dairy, pork, farmed fish, gluten, msg, natural flavoring, artificial flavors, artificial sweetners, citric acid,

      And avoid the amino acid L-carnitine and whey protein at all costs.

      I know this sounds crazy, but I have been doing it for 2 months and I have not felt this good in 3 years. I have shingles symptoms every month. I have been free of these symptoms 2 weeks after I started this. You should do the cleanse for as long as you can, then just start adding some cooked food. It is hard and boring, but effective so far.

      This site will not let me post the name and author of the book that I received all this information. It is about mystery illnesses (a whole chapter on shingles) and foods that help eliminate the virus causing it.

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      Merry Juliana

    • Posted

      Hi shoelady...can we please keep in close contact...I wish I could add u on facebook..would be easier for me to connect...I am Dana Marie on facebook...I am in direct need of a friend to help me through this,,I am on my 3rd round of valcyclovir
    • Posted

      I know......I couldn't see the envelope when I was replying. It vanished😂😂

    • Posted

      Yes!! There are so many Dana Marie's 😩, which one is you????

    • Posted

      Blonde hair black straps on my shoulders harleybandanna on myneck
    • Posted

      I just need better contact and Facebook is easier
    • Posted

      Hi shoe lady, why no eggs? They are on all the high lysine diets I’ve seen and supposed to support good gut health.
    • Posted

      Great news, I am a 52 year old woman who was plagued with shingles from age 11 to 27 and I found something that stops an outbreak in a Natural Remedy book in 1994!!! I have used it ever since and it works!!!! When you feel the first tingle take 2000 mg of L-lysine every 4 hours until the pain stops. It will freeze the herpes in that stage no pain, no blister, nothing GONE!!! L-lysine works for cold sores, chicken pocks, STD herpes, and most notably for me Shingles. I keep a bottle at work and a few pills in my purse. It is safe enough to take if you are pregnant (that was how I found it) I was pregnant and could not take my Dr prescription. So, I went to a health food store and found my miracle. Over the years I have told everyone and anyone who has a cold sore, shingles, STD herpes I even stop people I see and tell them. 100% reported that it works!!! L-LYSINE is an OTC natural amino acid that you can get at any drugstore in the vitamin aisle. It is a natural amino acid, fat burner, mood enhancer etc. Healthy to take. Do not take it as a maintenance, only take it when you feel the tingle. The natural remedy book also suggested cutting back on peanuts, coffe, and brown legumes which may counter the L-lysine, but only for the day because IT IS HEALED IN ONE DAY!!!.
    • Posted

      Please send me a private message with the author of the book. Thank you so much

      Moderator comment: I have removed the email address as we do not publish these in the forums. If users wish to exchange contact details please use the Private Message service.

  • Posted

    Yes I know how you feel. I have 17 years of outbreak 2-4 a year. Medication did nothing for me but supplements helped. Lysine and lysine rich diet. Low argeniene diet, no chocolate coffee ect. Less stress and massage helps to slow down outbreaks. Peppermint essential oil work well on outbreak just as it starts. it is antiviral and can stop it or Controle it. Saint johns wort is antiviral and also works to soothe the nervous system. A good immune tonic helps as the shingles virus can only be suppressed by your own immune system. Hope this helps as it as helped myself.


    • Posted

      Great news, I am a 52 year old woman who was plagued with shingles from age 11 to 27 and I found something that stops an outbreak in a Natural Remedy book in 1994!!! I have used it ever since and it works!!!! When you feel the first tingle take 2000 mg of L-lysine every 4 hours until the pain stops. It will freeze the herpes in that stage no pain, no blister, nothing GONE!!! L-lysine works for cold sores, chicken pocks, STD herpes, and most notably for me Shingles. I keep a bottle at work and a few pills in my purse. It is safe enough to take if you are pregnant (that was how I found it) I was pregnant and could not take my Dr prescription. So, I went to a health food store and found my miracle. Over the years I have told everyone and anyone who has a cold sore, shingles, STD herpes I even stop people I see and tell them. 100% reported that it works!!! L-LYSINE is an OTC natural amino acid that you can get at any drugstore in the vitamin aisle. It is a natural amino acid, fat burner, mood enhancer etc. Healthy to take. Do not take it as a maintenance, only take it when you feel the tingle. The natural remedy book also suggested cutting back on peanuts, coffe, and brown legumes which may counter the L-lysine, but only for the day because IT IS HEALED IN ONE DAY!!!.
  • Posted


    I am a 52 yr.old woman whohas type 2 diabetes,just last year alone I had the shingles over 20 times and this year I have had about 20 more outbreaks. My Dr. says extreme stress but every time I get an out break it wears my body down more and more. The aches,my bones ache to the core,headaches, upset stomach,low grade fever,lymph nodes swell to the point of being very painful. I finally got my Dr. to do more blood work to check for everything and I go for my results this morning... I need help

    • Posted

      Great news, I am a 52 year old woman who was plagued with shingles from age 11 to 27 and I found something that stops an outbreak in a Natural Remedy book in 1994!!! I have used it ever since and it works!!!! When you feel the first tingle take 2000 mg of L-lysine every 4 hours until the pain stops. It will freeze the herpes in that stage no pain, no blister, nothing GONE!!! L-lysine works for cold sores, chicken pocks, STD herpes, and most notably for me Shingles. I keep a bottle at work and a few pills in my purse. It is safe enough to take if you are pregnant (that was how I found it) I was pregnant and could not take my Dr prescription. So, I went to a health food store and found my miracle. Over the years I have told everyone and anyone who has a cold sore, shingles, STD herpes I even stop people I see and tell them. 100% reported that it works!!! L-LYSINE is an OTC natural amino acid that you can get at any drugstore in the vitamin aisle. It is a natural amino acid, fat burner, mood enhancer etc. Healthy to take. Do not take it as a maintenance, only take it when you feel the tingle. The natural remedy book also suggested cutting back on peanuts, coffe, and brown legumes which may counter the L-lysine, but only for the day because IT IS HEALED IN ONE DAY!!!.

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