Shingles - Where do you feel the symptoms?
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We all know shingles symptoms being pain, tingling, burning, itching on the skin and we all have had shingles at least once and that is why we are here so in your case(s) "Do you feel above symptons exactly where you later get the blisters and sores later or those sores occur somewhere else some distance away to where the tingling and burning started?"
In my case first time shingles 4 years ago and I had tingling and burning on my thigh and that was exactly where I got blisters and sores later but this time since May I have had recurring problem (my doctor says it is shingles but I am not so sure as based on what I have read herpes simplex symptoms and pictures are identical to shingles but simplex not zoster is the one which recurrs).
In these recent cases unlike 4 years ago it starts with pain in my left arm, then burning and tingling starts on the skin of my left arm and round wrist and top of my left hand and then two days later very tiny blisters occur on completely different place, that is on the palm of my left hand on a small area below my middle finger. The tiny blisters join up to form two or three larger blisters turning red a week later becoming sore and falling off. No red patches as I see in pictures. Thank you in advance.
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Schaney3665 kevin-Canada
Hi Kevin, I just had my first break out. I took notice last weekend that I wasn't feeling well, my back was really hurting unusually and My left Leg was achy, my left knee and hip were also hurting badly and it was VERY uncommon, but I chalked it up to ageing and arthritis. On Monday I started itching on one part of my leg n that night found a small patch of what looked to be a rash. Later in the evening I continued itching another area and another spot came up. Tuesday Morni g I got up my back was still hurting and worse, more spots arose n by Wednesday there were 6 patches on my legs. I knew something was up n sure enough the MD DX Me with Shingles. I work in a nursing home, I'm the Nutritional Services Director. NOW I know what I'm looking for, 2months I'll be getting the vaccination 😁 lesson learned
linda92503 Schaney3665
Hi and thank you for your post I was wondering if you know can the shingles spread from the Torso from the belly button around to the right all the way around the side too almost the spine and then appear on the front of the same side of the thigh area and inner thigh I was under the impression that it stays in the general local area where it appeared but I'm finding that I'm having rash and symptoms on the same side but on different parts of the body
Merry19451 linda92503
Shingles usually stays in one dermatome, but can go to more than one dermatome, different parts of the body, and both sides of the body. Individuals on this forum can attest that it appears in different sites, reoccurs, and quite frequently.
Many physicians are abysmally ignorant regarding the diagnosis, treatment, and management of this debilitating disease with so many accompanying symptoms besides the rash and agonizing pain.
I hope this helps you!
Best Wishes
Merry Juliana
Merry19451 linda92503
Google dermatome, and dermatome maps, you will get an excellent idea what I am talking about.
Merry Juliana
kris77902 kevin-Canada
Good afternoon. I've read through this thread, am very relieved to have found it, and I'm hoping to get input on the symptoms I'm having. I'm 49-years old and in good health (recent check-ups and blood work were all good). I was diagnosed with shingles about 2 weeks ago, for the first time. I've always had very sensitive skin (can get chronic hives from stress, and I welt up like crazy from things like mosquito bites). So, I probably waited too long to go to the doctor, since I was assuming it was something like those previous things. By the time I went to the doctor, the rash on the right side of my lower back had gotten as big as it was going to, and no new areas were cropping up. Tiny patch on my stomach (right side) as well. The zings of nerve pain were in both rash areas, and up to my right armpit area, even though no rash there. No anti-viral meds, and I did pick up the neurontin but never took it, as it seemed like things were subsiding.
Looking back a few weeks before the rash, I'd had burning pain in my lower abdomen and in my lower back - could those have been a precursor to the rash?
Rash is much better, but I'm still having a lot of burning pain in my abdomen, that actually seems to be getting worse. My doctor wants to see me back in a few weeks, and has already said she'd probably refer me to a GI doc, but could this be related to the shingles? It's accompanied by a general feeling of discomfort in the abdominal area. I found some reference to that on another site, but this site seems to be very thorough in its discussion on symptoms, so I'd be grateful for any input you may have.
Thank you so much.
Merry19451 kris77902
Dear Kris,
If the pains were all on the right side before the rash erupted, and the burning pain you have now in the lower abdomen and back are on the right side, I would almost guarantee it is Herpes Zoster-Shingles. The pre-eruptive phase starts with symptoms of the flu (minus the respiratory signs) and pain where the rash is going to erupt.
The burning and lancinating pain can actually increase with time, especially when an individual increases activity, goes back to work, was not placed on Antivirals, and does not take any analgesics.
Are you a male or female? If female, you always have to think of female reproductive organs.
Are you having any nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, or indigestion, or heartburn?
Does the pain feel like the shingles pain, except it is getting worse? If so, I would start the Neurontin, now.
If it is a gastrointestinal issue, the Neurontin will not harm you.
In the literature and textbooks, authors will state the pain might start up to ten days before the rash. I assure you, mine started 3-1/2 weeks before the rash presented itself on my external ear. I was in agony. Please start the Neurontin, or go to an urgent care or A&E and obtain an Opioid to really help with the pain. Otherwise, you might end up with Post Herpetic Neuralgia PHN if the pain is not well-controlled during the first month.
Please let me know if I can help you in any other way.
I am a Nurse Practitioner and have had Herpes Zoster-Shingles in my right ear every three to five weeks for the past twenty-one years and twice in my right eye..
Best Wishes
Merry Juliana
kris77902 kevin-Canada
Hi Merry -
Thank you so much for your reply! I believe that so many of us can have symptoms that don't fit in the typical boxes that our docs tell us - my doc expressed uncertainty that I could be having serious zings of nerve pain going up to my right armpit area, while the rash was lower back, but it's what I was feeling. And considering I'd never had that before, and they were bad enough that I was walking around clutching my armpit in my left hand, I definitely blame the shingles. I'm happy to say I feel better this week, but if it's alright, will post more below about what I was experiencing, in case you have some more great input to share.
On 10/10, I had significant discomfort in left, lower abdomen and left, lower back - went to my OB/GYN for an ultrasound, and he saw a good-sized ovarian cyst. I chalked the pain up to that, though it hurt worse than a prior one I'd had - was definitely more burning pain. I then had about a week of feeling better before I started to have significant abdominal discomfort and slow motility, which I never get. Went to my regular doc - blood work was good (tiny elevation in a couple WBC counts) and a more thorough abdominal scan, including appendix area showed nothing amiss (she ordered the appendix area because she said though my pain was both sides, when she palpated the appendix area, it hurt pretty good. One abdominal lymph node on right side was a bit swollen). Started taking daily fiber, and started to feel better, though just not my normal self. About a month later (Thanksgiving weekend), the shingles cropped up on lower, right back and the small patch lower, right abdomen.
The abdominal discomfort I've had since then (which has gotten better since I first wrote here) was a really concerning burning pain, with just an overall feeling that something wasn't right. And the area affected by that went all the way up to my stomach (I do have gastric reflux) down to lower abdomen. No diarrhea, but sometimes the feeling that could happen. I kept telling my boyfriend that something just doesn't feel right; the whole are was unhappy.
Do you think all of the above (maybe aside from the ovarian cyst) could be from the shingles?
Again, thank you so much for taking a look at all this, and sharing your knowledge and experience!
Merry19451 kris77902
Hi Kris,
The pain a women feels from an ovarian cyst or tumor(I've had both) is different than Shingles pain. Ovarian pain can present with a a full feeling, pressure, sharp, stabbing pain, dull ache, but not burning. Gastrointestinal issues are often colicky, gas pains, but not the burning, lancinating pains.
The other Symptoms you mentioned previously ie malaise, not feeling right, enlarged lymph node, all go with Shingles.Did/do you have generalized aches and pains, chills and sweating, headache, fatigue and exhaustion? These symptoms may have preceded the rash.
Best Wishes
Merry Juliana
kris77902 Merry19451
Yes, the burning pain was awful, and totally new to me - kept me awake at night. I think the initial aching pain on the left, both front and back, could have been the ovarian cyst, and then I just happened to have all the shingles symptoms soon after. I did also feel fatigued and headachy, and just off. It's been an alarming experience, I must admit.
Thank you very much!!
fiona01538 kevin-Canada
brooke10743 fiona01538
did you ever find out if this was for sure shingles
marDee2018 kevin-Canada
I am so glad I found this site! I was just diagnosed yesterday. Below are my sequence of symptoms:
3 weeks ago - started feeling 'off', like I was getting something, but never quite got it - would often have slight chill or feel like running a fever, but nothing registered. Had fleeting nausea for no apparent reason, didn't matter if I had eaten or not. Very tired, very overwhelmed (I'm a RN). Sometimes get a feeling like adrenaline that makes my hair stand on end. Also, slight swollen glands in throat, increased post-nasal drip. Right ear pain - felt like swimmers ear. Used alcohol and got somewhat better, but still get twinges of pain in ear.
10 days ago, started with right flank pain that would come and go. Thought I might have kidney stone so increased water. Right hip, buttock started aching. Hard to sleep on right side.
This past week felt tingling sensation in right butt cheek. Saturday, burning pain on right butt check that also felt like deep pain that ran outward towards hip. I couldn't stand sheet or clothing against area. Felt like it was on fire. Took a picture and looked like quarter-sized circular red with a palpable bump.
Sunday, I thought folliculitis, started Neosporin, applied moist heat, and it set me on fire. Tried warm bath, again, set me on fire. Feeling really flue-like at this point, but no temperature, right side/flank aching. Took a picture - now has little vesicles popping up. It was so painful that I wore soft pants to work (usually wear jeans), so clothing wouldn't rub - but was miserable all day. Pain so bad I would break out is sweat. Couldn't wait to get home and remove clothes. Sitting was getting unbearable. Took pictures again that night and more clear, fluid-filled vessicles.
Sent picture to on of our docs at hospital Tuesday, she said right away - Shingles. Left and went to my primary doc and he said shingles and started me on anti-viral. Can't stand anything touching the area. Pain is stabbing, sharp, hot, and still have odd pain up under ribs and around back like kidney issue.
Vesicles are all popping and now open crater-like wound, all different sized. Areas has stopped expanding, but but pain almost feels like to the bone.
Big question - is this shingles or could it be herpes simplex?? My concern is location and that I didn't get the band-like rash or the itching. Just intense skin pain. Pain seems better since vesicles ruptured. Still feel flu-like, no other rashes. I called my doctor office today and nurse there said no connection between the herpes simplex and shingles. I've been married to same man for 30 years, both had been previously married. Neither had other partners since we met. Neither ever had any kind of genital outbreaks at all.
Any comments, advice would be greatly appreciated.
Mamaof4beauties marDee2018
Anyone have any advice?
This is really a bummer wsy to live !
Merry19451 Mamaof4beauties
I have had recurrent Herpes Zoster-Shingles in my right ear every three to five weeks for the past 21 years.
I found that my Vitamin D level was very low @ 14-16. I started taking a daily supplement, and now seem to have an episode every five months. I also follow a high Lysine low Arginine diet. Google Herpes and high Lysine low Arginine diet and get your Vitamin D level checked.
My other question is: can you have your back evaluated by a neurosurgeon? Herpes Zoster-Shingles often present at traumatized or injured areas, such as your spinal cord.
I had head trauma to my right skull initially one year prior to my first Herpes Zoster-Shingles episode.
I had very successful lumber and cervical slipped disc surgery and grade VI slipped vertebrae surgeries. I was walking with a walker before the surgery. I am now pain free for seven years. I was in agony with every step I took for six years.
I also found that Valtrex stopped working for me and Famciclovir works better. Nothing worked as a preventative dose.
There is a new vaccine called Shingrex by GSK. I do not know if it will help for those of us with recurrent Shingles. It is worth a try. I plan to get it. It is supposedly available in the pharmacies, but not Physicians offices in the US.
I do understand your struggles and your pain. I am sorry you have to deal with this, but your life can get better.
Best wishes
Merry Juliana
Mamaof4beauties Merry19451
Thank you for your reply. Can you tell me exactly what they did for your surgeries?
Merry19451 Mamaof4beauties
Hi Mama,
I sent you a private message.
If you don't see it, look in your spam folder, as sometimes it ends up there..
Merry Juliana