Shoulder and Arm Pain
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Hi Ladies, the shoulder and arm pain are back, and I have not had coffee or choc. It was gone for awhile and even the shoulder bursa was better, but the last few days its felt like someone punched me in both arms, I also have the nausea too. THIS SUCKS SO MUCH. For anyone who has had this what have you done and did it give you any relief. I am going to take some alleve.
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angela65121 lennie45832
I couldnt believe it when i read ur title, that s'one else has had this, i just assumed id hurt myself lifting one of the girls, aged 5 and 6!!, lol.
I havent any answers for you just thought id share! Oh and painkillers dont touch it at all??
lennie45832 angela65121
angela65121 lennie45832
elaine33371 angela65121
lennie45832 angela65121
lennie45832 elaine33371
elaine33371 lennie45832
Zigangie angela65121
If I lay on my left side it's uncomfortable and if I lay on my right after a while it hurts even though I'm off it. Most comfortable laying on my back but that's a position I'm really not used to so I keep waking up when I've turned over in my sleep.
lennie45832 elaine33371
elaine33371 lennie45832
elaine33371 lennie45832
Zigangie lennie45832
Yes I've got the shoulder pain left worse than right. I've had it since September some days not add bad as others, some days I need someone to help me on with my coat.
I'm on HRT but that hasn't improved my shoulders.
I have found keeping at it even if they hurt is better than resting them. I did everything right handed over Christmas to rest the left one but it seemed to make it more painful when I had to use it than it does if I just carry on.
lennie45832 Zigangie
Zigangie lennie45832
HRT has not helped my shoulders but I used to have really painful bottoms of my feet after I'd been sitting fora while I'd get up like an old woman and hobble about for a few minutes before they got going again.
I haven't had a problem with them since the first week on the HRT.
lennie45832 Zigangie
elaine33371 Zigangie