Shoulder and Arm Pain

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Hi Ladies, the shoulder and arm pain are back, and I have not had coffee or choc. It was gone for awhile and even the shoulder bursa was better, but the last few days its felt like someone punched me in both arms, I also have the nausea too. THIS SUCKS SO MUCH. For anyone who has had this what have you done and did it give you any relief. I am going to take some alleve. 

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18 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi lennie, i have been in terrible pain with my right shoulder (more like at my shoulder blade) this past week and a half, the pain then travels down into my right forearm-agony!, the only way i can explain it is if i touch my forearm it feels like my bones are painful??!!!

    I couldnt believe it when i read ur title, that s'one else has had this, i just assumed id hurt myself lifting one of the girls, aged 5 and 6!!, lol.

    I havent any answers for you just thought id share! Oh and painkillers dont touch it at all??


    • Posted

      Angela, I have had this off and on for now almost a year, I had the doctor feel the swelling areas its pretty hard and its right at the shoulder blade just like yours, and he said that it was either a bursa or just calcified area, but it hurts nad as you said it impacts my arms too. Here is the funny thing well not really funny but I also went in to have my labs done last year to see if I was in perimenopause and literally the shoulder pain started a few days after that, the nurse told me joint pain is without a doubt the most common issue even more than hot flashes.  Its BAD. I hate to keep taking pain meds. HOnestly, the alternative stuff like turmeric do very little/
    • Posted

      Yep my shoulder areas are rock hard too, like a brick. Im sitting here wanting to lie down and sleep but the pain in my shoulder blade and arm is horrendous. What is a bursa Lennie? I need to find a painkiller that can take the edge off this?!! That is awful that u have had this going on for a year, must really get to u, i dont think i could cope with this that length of time.
    • Posted tempted to say thats fibromylgia common in menopause, its just that it doesnt affect bones, its more muscles and tendons, if you press all the way down from the inside of your elbow, where they take the blood from, follow that blood line pressing in down to your wrist, if its painful all the way down their, then thats tendons, which is more linked to fibro, just an idea,all you can take for it is anti inflammatory.
    • Posted

      A bursa is a very hard rocky area in the shoulder blade that HURTS. I developed it when I was doing weight-lifting, I sort of over did it and the Dr. said it was tendonitis but then the shoulder knot came right in the same area where the pain was. It's been there every since that was a year ago so I know it is not due to the weightlifting, but all of this happened when I was diagnosed as perimenopausal. I agree with Elaine that I think it's fibromyalgia which is extremely common, I feel like I have been punched in both arms./.  
    • Posted

      Elaine, I just pushed and pressed that area and you are absolutely right IT HURT, I have that under both arms. The dr, pretty much told me the same thing that all you can do is take anti-inflammatories


    • Posted

      lennie..............ooh thats interesting isnt it, the pain will vary, but where you pressed lennie, its a sign your tendon is worn from the elbow joint, and is whats called tennis elbow, so, if you turn your arm back round, and press the top of your muscle in the forearm, just top side inbetween your vein  and elbow its that big muscle where the elbow  bends, but it goes all the way down to the wrist, then into the hands, and on a bad day, the pain will be in the palm of your hand, so press their on a bad day, to see how far its gone, be careful pressing this muscle in by the elbow, because if you hit the right spot, it will be pretty painful,as its that tendon thats worn, fibromaylgia  is more muscles tendons, soft tissue, and nerve endings, but you can get a physio arm band it wraps around the muscle part of the arm by the elbow, works 100% as soon as you put it on, no need for meds, brilliant, it straps on with velcro you have to position it right, and you will know if its on right because the pain goes straight away, if it doesnt, then uou  havent positioned it correctly. fibro is common amongst both fatigued people and menopausal ladies, so if you dont get something in the bones you get it in the muscles, cant win.
    • Posted

      Hi mine are like that, left worse.

      If I lay on my left side it's uncomfortable and if I lay on my right after a while it hurts even though I'm off it. Most comfortable laying on my back but that's a position I'm really not used to so I keep waking up when I've turned over in my sleep.

    • Posted

      Thanks Elaine, I wonder where I can find that arm band. Also, I just bought some flax oil, I read where that really helps the breast pain and menopausal symptoms.
    • Posted can get them online, and physio therapists, i will check the name of mine and get back to you on it.
  • Posted

    Hi Lennie,

    Yes I've got the shoulder pain left worse than right. I've had it since September some days not add bad as others, some days I need someone to help me on with my coat.

    I'm on HRT but that hasn't improved my shoulders.

    I have found keeping at it even if they hurt is better than resting them. I did everything right handed over Christmas to rest the left one but it seemed to make it more painful when I had to use it than it does if I just carry on.

    • Posted

      Many, many people have told me that the HRTS did not help joint pain, tendonitis, fibromyalgia, Rhum autodial systems, basically nothing helped,
    • Posted

      Hi Lennie,

      HRT has not helped my shoulders but I used to have really painful bottoms of my feet after I'd been sitting fora while I'd get up like an old woman and hobble about for a few minutes before they got going again.

      I haven't had a problem with them since the first week on the HRT.

    • Posted

      Most peple have told me that HRTS do not do a lot for joint pain. I have not found anything other than ibuporfen or alleve. But that does not help the breast pain./
    • Posted

      zigangie.................haha the picture that conjured up gave me a laugh, im normally like that after getting off the toilet in the middle of the night.................hahahahah........... hrt seems to have worked really well for you zigangie. My fibromyalgia was caused by chronic fatigue syndrome, which happened to me because i have a damaged central nervous system called, dysautonmia, the damaged nerve itself, is called the vagus nerve, so, when you develop fibromyalgia caused by fatigue, the pain that comes with it, isnt as bad when its caused by other things, so mine comes and goes, i think if it did come with menopause it would be the same as well, but i would love to be able to take one pill that just shifted everything.  

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