Shoulder, back pain, cough, not enough oxygen
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Please tell me if any one experience the same. It will be the 3 week. That feeling not enough oxygen, tightening in my chest and back and shoulders again. Im getting paranoid. Thinking i ve got lung cancer. Help. Please resure me.
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monique_93857 natallia04776
I've had this for about two weeks I believe it's our menopause I spoke with other ladies on here that are having same issue and the breathing thing is because of you getting anxious you need to learn deep breathing close mouth inhale through your nose hold then release slowly my shoulder has been aching also get a warm sensation in it Lesley told me she got the same thing but it eventually went away hormones will have us going crazy
natallia04776 monique_93857
Thanks. You see, Im ok now but by 12.00 it will be bad and after 15.00 all symptoms become better and after 18-19 I'm normal. Do you feel like that?
monique_93857 natallia04776
By the way mine is my left shoulder I went to er because I was a little bit scared they examined me said I had bursitis I just couldn't take not knowing so that's why I went and also the warm feeling so hope I helped you a little prayers
natallia04776 monique_93857
Aaa, thank you so much. Do feel a bit better. Still will try to see my GP. 💗
monique_93857 natallia04776
Your welcome hope it gets better for you I've learned to deal with it now are you having the aches in your shoulder and arm that's what I was having oh and the warmth grrrrrrrrrr it will drive us kookoo
natallia04776 monique_93857
Monique, thank you I'm terrible if something wrong -cancer! can't rest. Is there that burning feeling on the left by the spine, got head ache now.
monique_93857 natallia04776
Yes you will get the burning feeling on left side or right what ever side that is bothering you I explained it to the doctor that I felt a warm sensation in my shoulder and a little in my back he said it's to be expected with bursitis or even frozen shoulder they also have a shoulder forum on here
looloo43 natallia04776
Natalie, I've had shingles for 3.5wks now & on 2nd course of anti virals. It started with burning pain (like sunburn), & severe all day headaches. check yourself for any signs of spots or rash in mirror - all over it can appear in many different places. my rash didnt appear until 5days after the initial burning pain & headaches. i have it on right neck, shoulder back & front, right forearm, & both buttocks, but it can appear anywhere & occasionally both sides (like me). If you see any spots or rash go to docs straight away as if you catch it as soon as rash appears they can give you anti viral meds to "usually" make it less severe/longlasting(not for me unfortunately - it reappeared in other places 2 days after finishing 1st lot of anti virals) . I'm not saying you have it hun, but burning pain & headaches is typical symptoms of how shingles starts. xx
natallia04776 looloo43
Thanks! It's 3 weeks now. Im sure at list I haven't got shingles 😉Thank you for your writing and time! Blessings xxx
looloo43 natallia04776
You're welcome hun, just something i thought of when i read your post & best check yourself for rash just in case. wouldn't wish it on anyone. i feel totally zapped today. xxx
looloo43 natallia04776
pinkcatfairy natallia04776
DearDoe natallia04776
Sounds like anxiety to me. Get it checked out by your doctor and if they say it's nothing, work on ways to .calm yourself down and change your "worst case" thinking. I know it's not easy but it sure does help. Good luc.
wendy36287 natallia04776