Sick and tired of being sick and tired of this crap
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i cant take no more its like no relief at all from any symptom its a constant thing everyday its to the point where whats the point in living if you never feel well and normal. my cycles comes every 20 days or less and its like ovulation is right after cycle according to my period app. the dizxy head floating like on a boat never leaves me worse on cycle and ovulation. i pray everyday and no relief ever comes bladder has been bothering me off and on since last cycle no infection like i get a pain once in awhile in bladder when i have to pee thats new. and after sex it bothers me a bit anyone else can relate to the bladder thing? its just always something and im tired of it i just want my life back and all this crap just stop its taking too many years of my life all ready. its like these hormones is making me feel as i have something horrible thats gonna kill me head dizzies, vision changes, over all feel not well but cant pinpoint what if that makes any sense.
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Guest pamela2016
Hi Pamela, me too...I got diagnosed with vestibular migraine. On medication from my neuro since Dec. I am miserable everyday... off balanced, dizzy, tired, spacey, heart palps, still getting migraines, weird vision. Now, I am sweating like crazy every night and having nightmares for the last month. Neuro said not to blame the meds.
Went for a physical the other day, my dr is a joke..practically ignores my complaints. My heart rate was 125, did not say anything. Yet, I have a patch of a rash on my elbow and he went off on a tangent because I use anti bacterial wipes to clean my house with. Then, he writes me out a prescription for gabapentin for the sweating after arguing what a great drug it is. OK! so lysol wipes are bad, but gabapentin is fine. No thanks.
Sorry to rant, but I too am frustrated. I am going to be 42, how can it be this bad. No period this month. Have hone 57 days. Or 21-25 and really light. Tried birth control, mini pill, lexapro. ridiculous.
I told my husband I am done with these drs. If I keel over, maybe they can do an autopsy and find what the hell is wrong with me! 😃
pamela2016 Guest
im 42 and my dr is a joke too blames everything on anxiety and i know my body ive had anxiety since childhood and never has it made me feel all this crap constantly. i was prescribed gabapentin for anxiety i never took it seems they are so quick to throw scripts at me and just not take me seriously and help me.the head and eyes thing is really been getting worse since cycles comes closer together. im so scared im stuck like this for the rest of my life i cant except this i literally cant live like this its unfair
Guest pamela2016
my oto neuro is the only dr I have seen that did not blame anxiety. Said that my vestibular migraine is because of the erratic surges of the hormones. The feeling of motion or falling obviously increases anxiety. Said it calms down for a lot of women once meno comes. I will believe it when I see it. Going to my gyno in March to see if there is anything else I can do.Do you get migraines or head pressure at all with the dizziness?
Up until July of 2017, I was perfectly healthy, working, happy. This is slow torture.
pamela2016 Guest
i don't get migrains but i get this weird head pressure with tingling sometimes and i also get this fluttering sound in right ear but thats only been a few times with the fluttering sound. im going on three years of this head eye crap no end in sight and yes slow torcher from our own bodies and cant escape it
Trixie77 pamela2016
I get the weird head pressure to and I suffer terribly with dizziness that then makes me severely nauseous. I don't know what to say except I guess it helps to know your not alone
pamela2016 Trixie77
yes it does make you feel better knowing your not alone but i wish none of us ladies is suffering this crap.
Sassyr12a pamela2016
Hi Pamela
It makes perfect sense, and even though it feels like you're so low you can't take it, please know that we are all in it and understand how you feel. I'm on bhrt and so it feels less horrendous than it did but you've just gotta keep plodding because otherwise we'd all give up. All I can say is that there are a few things that help me, walking, exercises, meditation, yoga, hypnotherapy and acupuncture. It makes it bearable but each day I have to just go with the flow and keep faith that everything will be okay. Keep your chin up, and I'm sending you a big hug xxx
pamela2016 Sassyr12a
thanks im trying so hard to get through all of this some days it just gets to me so bad and i break down, i pray we all get relief soon and for good. today i just want to sleep the day away but i cant even do that cause i dont sleep well insomnia and taking naps i can doze off and back up after 30 min and feel worse then i did before laying down. i have bad depression over all this thanks ladies for replying
Nettie261962 pamela2016
Have all if the above and much more. It's horrible for all of us going through this. Hugs to you! Hang on tight and keep on this forum. It really is a great support.
Trixie77 pamela2016
Hi Pamela
I can relate to all your saying. some days my vision is so blurry yet I have had my eyes tested and they are not any worse than any other 57 yr old
I have suffered with menopause since my late 30's I had a hysterectomy in my early 40's. the best thing I did was go on to HRT patches. they can take a couple of months to work but when they do you won't know yourself. I was was sweating 24/7 before I went on them. they don't fix everything but they make slot of the symptoms more bearable. It has not fixed my foggy brain it vision but I do sleep better which helps with everything else
debore pamela2016
Sorry things are so rough for you right now Pamela but hang in there. In regards to the pee thing I have problems with that too at times. i find it worse if i dont drink enough water during the day. It feels like a UTI but its not. my dr says during menopause the urethra (pee tube) gets thinner and more sensitive so things like more concentrated pee and sex can aggravate it.
Guest pamela2016
I'm hearing you too! This is crippling and ever so tiring. I have the head pressure, headaches, weird vision, dizziness. I also have bladder issues, I can't run like I used to without peeing myself. Oh the joys of this 😦 My resting heart rate is also really high like yours Lou. I also get tingling in my extremities and I have jelly legs. My tummy has also been playing up. I am 43 and this all started for me in March 2017, I remember it so well because one minute I was fine and then these horrible symptoms started to hit me and I thought I had some terrible disease. I thought I had MS or something that they just couldn't diagnose or were missing. I had so many tests done, MRI's of brain and full spine, so many blood tests, CT scans, xrays, nerve conduction studies, visual evoked potentials, extensive specialist eye testing, EEG, sleep study, dental xrays, colonoscopy/endoscopy and saw so many different specialists and they haven't really found anything definitive to explain all of these symptoms. My dr has no clue and an ENT pretty much told me that it was all in my head and anxiety related. I kept kind of hoping that my tests would show up something so then I could at least treat this, but no such luck. I am on 50mg of nortriptyline and this helps with my anxiety that I have from all of these horrid symptoms and also helps with the head pressure and headaches. But I have so many other ailments that seem to come and go. I, like you, am really hoping that this does not stay this way forever, but I am starting to wonder as it has been 2 years and it's still there. Please know that you are not alone in this and lets just hope that once our hormones settle down, so will all of these symptoms. Take care...
Shana_P pamela2016
I know exactly what your going through...I have all these symptoms and the skin included plus trying to recover from a neck injury and multiple other things.....can you elaborate on the vision changes?
thanks ladies for replying its very challenging thats for sure, the vision thing for me is like my vision isn't focused blurry and sometimes like my eyes plays tricks on me like things move but they don't sick of it all
gilly_64426 pamela2016
i hear you sister, my life changed last summer, it started with frozen shoulder, I felt like I got up one day and my healthy happy self said "I'm going Don t call me because I'm not answering my phone"😉 i had no energy to do anything, no sex drive of any kind. when for all the test and everything came back fine.,tg😊 but I'm 50 now and I'm slowly get back my mojo. I started walking more and eating less carbs and sugar. trying my best to go to bed at 11pm.
taking vitamins, b12 and iron also helps. I love this group, dealing PM is not easy but the group keeps me motivated