Side effects.

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I have only been on 50 mg of sertraline for 8 days now I take it at 10 am. The first 3 days were great apart from a slight feeling of nausea. I then started getting really hot all the time and have particularly sweaty palms. I also have had diahrrea for the past 3 days, hardly eaten. I am able to drink water now but every time I eat it goes straigh though (sorry for tmi). Is this normal and if so how long does the Diarrhea last? I have noticed that my thoughts are better in the afternoon and evening but still find the mornings really hard.

Thanks, Maddie

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59 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Maddie,

    I’ve been on 25 for a month up to 50 now for over a week. The diarrhea and upset tummy will let up. Sweating is annoying but once you start feeling more yourself you won’t mind as much. I started getting an occasional headache so don’t be surprised if you do too. I found what was most important to my waking in a “good place” is sleep. Made a huge difference to my day.  Hang in there, it gets better, at least it did for me at the 3 week point. Waking with a smile and my sense of humor again is magic. Best wishes, kat

  • Posted

    Hello, Maddie!

    I wish you the very best.  Over the past few years, I have followed this website watching for people who experience diarrhea as a side effect from taking sertraline because of a personal experience.  My father was on sertraline and had diarrhea for two straight months. Others experience the symptom and then it goes away. If you find that this symptom continues, please consult your doctor.  My father was unable to continue with this medication. He also took 50 mg.  Because this effect didn't occur immediately after starting the medication, we did not associate sertraline with diarrhea, until I read someone's post on this website.  I watch this site looking for people like you so I can pay it forward.

    Please know that I wish you every happiness! 

    Have a great day today!


  • Edited

    Thank you both so much, I have horrible health anxiety. I’ve had it on and off for years but never caused me too much of a long term problem, but I’ve now been off work for 3 months as I was continually scared I was going to die (started getting bad in November last year). I tried a beta blocker but it didn’t suit me or I was just not in a strong enough place to take it and could feel every effect it had on my body. 

    I think I am getting a positive from these apart from the physical symptoms, I’m aware it’s a long process until you feel the full benefits. 

    I appreciate people that understand so much as although my parents and my boyfriend try they just can’t (which I’m happy about really as it’s horrible). Sometimes I feel like I’m just being really weak and should just get on with it but I can’t stop thinking obsessively about my health everyday. 


    • Posted


      Mine is mostly health anxiety too especially when I was diagnosed with SVT. When this med kicked in a bit more for me and I started having good days, I started to realize my mental health was what heald me back. It does get better so hold on, each day will get better. Also, if you wake with a bit of blurry vision, it’s only the med, no worries ok?

      Hugs, kat

    • Posted

      Thank you, yes I’ve noticed in a bit more blurry than usual in the mornings wondered if I needed to change my glasses but must be just that.

      I can’t wait to feel more in control again. I’ve always managed before this is the first time people that aren’t in my immediate family have seen how negavtively it can affect me. Previously I would just have the odd night or week where I’d be sure I was having a stroke and lie in bed with both arms in the air as then when one arm dropped I would know or heart attack. But this time it started with a tingling in the arm while I was at work. They said I needed to go to hospital (it was nothing). But then since then I’ve been panicking about cancer. Previously in my throat and then I had a smear test and it came back abnormal so now I’m worried about that. 

      I’m so relieved to have found this site 


    • Edited

      Hi Madeline.  You are not weak, anxiety is a sign of trying to be too strong for too long so don’t put yourself down.   The upset tummy will hopefully calm down soon.  I have been plagued with sweats since I started it 8 weeks ago, I bought a fan which is a godsend and I take cool showers lots, this warm weather doesn’t help.   X
    • Posted

      Thank you so much. You are right I just can’t wait to feel able to function again. 

      Ah great idea, the sweats are horrible especially at night a fan will definitely help.


    • Posted

      It’s takes time and a lot of patience to get through the effects of sertraline but they do subside and gradually you will start to see the old you again.  I have found this forum to be an absolute godsend on my darkest days so use it when you need support, there is always someone who can relate to you and that alone makes us feel so much better, we are all struggling through the same thing.  X
    • Edited

      Yes I am already finding it so helpful. It’s nice not to feel so alone in my thoughts. 


  • Posted

    Hi Madeleine, 

    I too suffer from health anxiety! I’m on 50mg & in week 4. Please feel free to message me if you need to talk or anything. Xx

    • Posted


      Thank you, how are you finding it so far? I find I wake up with a feeling of panic and worry. But then after my tablet it subsides a bit.

      One of my problems is I get really worried about things but then don’t want to find out if it’s true either so never want to get anything tested properly. 


    • Posted

      Weeks 1-2 were quite rough, I had all the side effects my main one was nausea & lack of appetite. Week 3 felt like a relief, I started to feel ‘normal’, had good days & bad days but the side effects definitely started to subside. I had a glass of wine during week 3 (it was the 1st time I had drank on the tablets) & it threw me off for days. I felt groggy & like I had taken 10 steps forward & 50 steps back so until my body has completely adjusted to sertraline I am going to stay clear of alcohol. I’m in week 4 now & feel like I’m doing ok. I had a review last week with my doctor who was happy with the progress but we are going to give it until week 6 to see if I need to increase the dose. I do definitely feel calmer, the intrusive thoughts about my health aren’t as intense, I seem to now be able to control them a lot better. 

      I am the opposite with my health anxiety, a few weeks back I was constantly (every other day) back & forth to the doctors with new symptoms. I would constantly google symptoms & causes of these physical symptoms I was feeling & would self diagnose myself all the time! I still struggle to get my head around that this is anxiety & that I’m not riddled with a serious illness (my main focus seems to be that I convince myself I have cancer or the start of it) even though I’ve had 3 different doctors tell me it is anxiety. I have also been offered CBT therapy which I am now waiting for a date to be able to start. 

      This forum has been such a comfort to me & still is. It’s so nice to be able to speak to people who know exactly what you’re going through. I honestly felt like I was going ‘mad’ & was the only one in the world who was suffering but the advice & guidance from some lovely people on here has been such a help. If you ever just need to talk or just feel the need to say how you’re feeling no matter how silly it sounds please don’t hesitate to message me. You aren’t alone in the battle with health anxiety. We will get there I promise! X

    • Posted

      Yes google is my enemy too ( its amazing how many things are symptoms for other terrible things). Sometimes I wish I could forget search engines existed, I’m trying to swap my constant need to check symptoms online with coming on here. 

      Yes I am waiting to get some counselling. I went to a psychiatrist which was expensive and not helpful at all. I find one of my problems is I’m a people pleaser so want people to feel like they are helping me.

      Yes I am so appreciative of everyone on here. Thank you so much, I am sure I will take you up on that. I think I am just coming to the hard bit these last 3 days so hopefully it doesn’t last too long.  I am here also if you ever need to talk. Xxx

    • Posted

      Just a note to say that we are rooting for you, Madeleine!  

      Have a great week ahead!

    • Posted

      Thank you so much, it really does mean the world.  This is such a great site. Everyone has been so supportive. Xxx

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