Side effects.

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I have only been on 50 mg of sertraline for 8 days now I take it at 10 am. The first 3 days were great apart from a slight feeling of nausea. I then started getting really hot all the time and have particularly sweaty palms. I also have had diahrrea for the past 3 days, hardly eaten. I am able to drink water now but every time I eat it goes straigh though (sorry for tmi). Is this normal and if so how long does the Diarrhea last? I have noticed that my thoughts are better in the afternoon and evening but still find the mornings really hard.

Thanks, Maddie

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  • Posted

    Did anyone else find that they look really pale and ill when they started these. When I look in the mirror it makes me feel worried. I know it is probably really normal but my anxiety is quite high as it’s the morning. Any reassurance would be amazing.


    • Posted

      Yes I looked like death warmed up for the first month but it didn’t help that I didn’t feel like making any effort.  Once you feel a bit better you will look better too.   X
    • Posted

      Thank you, I need to just stop looking to be honest. Because it makes my mind race, so pale and such dark circles. But then sometimes I can’t tell, my mind plays tricks on me. Xxx
    • Posted

      Yes, me too. I think it’s the high level of cortisol that causes the pale looking puffy face. I’m happy to say that disappears as you feel better. After almost 6 wks in I am looking more myself and actually smiling! Hold on Mads, it will get better. Get your sleep, stay away from Goggle and go for walks. Long walks really center me. x kat
    • Posted

      The long walk advice was great. I didn’t manage a long one, simply because I have been lying in bed mostly for the last 5 days and haven’t eaten much. But last night I went for a little walk which was great. 

      This morning was the first morning my negative thoughts haven’t made me cry. I woke early with a feeling of dread and panic in my stomach but was able to put on the radio and breathe through it until I fell asleep again. Got up at 8.30 then feeling positive and able to smile without it feeling forced. 

      I feel pretty good today a bit more dazed than normal but will take this feeling over the negatives. Xxx

    • Posted

      Think I spoke to soon. Have had a horrible hour. My lymph nodules or ehtever they are all around my body feel swollen and sore. I am very prone to sore lymph. I am hoping they are just getting used to the medication and then will go down. It may also be because l am cutting out sugar so my body is reacting to that. 


    • Posted

      The first few days of taking this medication, my throat felt swollen too. Not to where I couldn't breathe or eat, it was just very uncomfortable. But I got a new fan in my room (because hot flashes from the previous citalopram) and I thought it was just the moving cold air on me all night 

    • Posted

      Mine are all over my body. Not so much my throat area. More on the sides of my stomach. I have been lucky to only get a slight sore throat but think that may be from hay fever. Xx
    • Posted

      Hi Mads, 

      You know, after reading your post and Allie’s made me feel better as I’ve struggled with sore/dry throat too. All that pushing on my neck to feel nodes I guess plus the dry mouth side effect from Z. I actually struggled to swallow a few times. It frightened me, but then, I realized it was my panic setting in because when I’m centered I don’t have those issues. Trust me on the walking. I don’t go fast and I even hum a bit. I started out short and worked my way up to over an hr walk. Give it a try again. It really clears my head, makes me breath normally (I tend to shallow breath) and I just feel mentally and physically better. Let us know how you are doing ok? Now go eat something yummy. x kat

    • Posted

      Yes the throat thing is awful I had it for a couple of months where it literally felt like I had a lump in my throat, was so frustrating when  went to the docs and they couldn’t see anything (I never go to the doctors really, this was how I got onto the meds). But then my mind has run away with me since and I’ve had all sorts (hopefully just in my mind).

      I am feeling alright now, went for a little walk. Going to try and have a walk every night. Just finding I feel a bit nauseous when I do anything for too long, but that will go.

      I’m so glad we are all able to support eachother. It really helps me so much. Xxx

  • Posted

    I guess everyone is different but after 10 day was when I started to feel normal again - as in no more ill feeling from the side effects. Like most people will tell you just stick with it, takes time for you body to adjust.
    • Posted

      Thank you, I keep getting myself into a stress about everything. I’m on day 9 now so fingers crossed I am the same as you. smile x
  • Posted

    I'm on day 5 and I have "bathroom" issues too. You're not alone!

    • Posted

      My bathroom issues are not as bad today. Not quite normal but nearly there. I’m on day 10 now xx
    • Posted

      That is very great and such a relief to hear. I don't want to be stuck in the bathroom at 6:30am everyday I'm on this. How are you doing?

    • Posted

      I was doing great this morning for quite a while but then had a panic about my lymph as they are swollen and sore. I am trying to calm down but my brain is just so repetitive. How are you? Xxx
    • Posted

      Feeling better this morning. Day 6 on Zoloft. I honestly just kinda feel like staying in bed. Not sure if I'm lacking motivation or just finally not feeling restless. This is one of the first days I can sit calmly and it's kinda nice. I'm getting up though because I know I need to eat and take my medicine. Maybe try some  distractions. I always have on background music because my mind loves to wonder as well. Today I plan on going to the book store. One step at a timesmile these forums help so much. They make me feel not alone, I hope they give you comfort as well! 

    • Posted

      Yes this forum makes me feel a lot better. I am feeling better again now. Just a bit weak and achey physically but somehow I can turn that into anything. Our minds are amazing really. 

      Glad you are feeling able to do something. I haven’t been to town since the negative symptoms started but they only started on Wednesday and have nearly gone so can’t complain. Think I’m just going to try and get it into my head that if I still have symptoms in 4 weeks then I will worry about them as maybe less likely to be the medication.


    • Posted

      We are in the same boat, I feel good then I feel a little low at times. Going to talk to my counselor today and tell her about it (I want to make sure it's normal). I'm nervous about having depression caused by an antidepressant. But headed to the gym to do some very very light exercise. My body is still weak. Keep me updated with how you feel or what works for distracting you. 

      It's really helpful to have others on the same type of journey as you 

      Sending support

    • Posted

      Ooh let me know if your counsellor says it is normal. I can’t get an appointment with my doctor for another month so can’t talk through anything with her which is a bit annoying. Although i am less sweaty today now it’s only my palms. The rest of my body is a pretty normal temperature which is so nice.

      I am so impressed you went to the gym, think it’s great, it gives me a bit of motivation. Half of what I’m finding frustrating is even when my mind is positive my body is still feeling everything is hard work, but then that could also be because of the hot weather not just symptoms. I find it really hard to drink enough water.

      Yes I will let you know if I find anything good to do. Tbh I’m lucky because it’s wimbledon and I love tennis so it takes my mind off it quite well.


    • Posted

      Met with the counselor, and she said when starting a new medication it can make you feel a bunch of different ways. Sometimes it's normal, sometimes it's not, but she said to call my doc. I called the doc and left a message (they will get back to me after a few hours). I had a very low moment and cried for the past 30 minutes, I feel a little bit better, but now I'm just kinda dull and tired. Sometimes this medicine makes me feel restless, like I'm constantly moving my foot. Does that happen to you as well?

    • Posted

      Yes my feet and my hands always feel restless, constantly feel like I need to click my fingers some parts of the day, my arms also ache and feel a bit tingly. Today I’ve woken up with a headache and just feel rubbish. Think I need to make sure I’m drinking more water as my neck, shoulders  and jaw feel really tight. 

      Yes I have those low moments too. They are horrible. I noticed yesterday I felt a lot more spaced out, hoping today I won’t feel like that so much.


    • Posted

      How are you doing today? What day is it for you?

      I'm on day 7 and feel very tired.  Going to get up in a little bit to get out of the house and I need to do some laundry 

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