Side effects.

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I have only been on 50 mg of sertraline for 8 days now I take it at 10 am. The first 3 days were great apart from a slight feeling of nausea. I then started getting really hot all the time and have particularly sweaty palms. I also have had diahrrea for the past 3 days, hardly eaten. I am able to drink water now but every time I eat it goes straigh though (sorry for tmi). Is this normal and if so how long does the Diarrhea last? I have noticed that my thoughts are better in the afternoon and evening but still find the mornings really hard.

Thanks, Maddie

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59 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi everyone! 

    Firstly just wanted to say how nice it is reading other peoples stories, i don’t feel so alone. 

    I am on day 9 whilst taking 50mg of Sertraline. I tend to take it in the afternoon. The first week i never had much side effects, i found myself getting really overly heated but it didn’t last long. Other than that i was quite positive about taking them. Week 2 i feel i have went completely down. I genuinely think i feel worse than how i felt before taking them. I just want to stop taking them now. Has anyone else ever felt this way? 

    • Posted

      I have definitely felt lower since taking them and cry a lot more but for a shorter amount of time. I used to worry all day but now I will feel horribly low and helpless but only for 2-3 hours. I sometimes question whether is bareable but I am going to try it for as long as I can and hope it levels out.

      I am always here if you need to talk. Xxx

    • Posted

      Hey clo! I felt that way when first starting. Things are slowly looking up for me (very slowly). I had/have so many side effects and I was only started on 25mg. Is this your first AD medication? 

      I think it's best to stick with it (of course notify your doctor and speak to them about it first though). From what I've read, it's not the best to just quit (unless approved by doctor). I will say I did take citalopram and it made everything worse within the first day, and after 5 days my doctor switched me to Zoloft. 

      Sending support and keep us updated! 

      You are not alone 


    • Posted

      I have struggled for many years but coped on my own. I knew i wasn’t ‘ok’ and it’s only been very recent being told, yes i do have depression and show signs of anxiety. It’s my first ever time taking any form of medication. I’m only 21, and i feel like nobody around me understands. 

      I have my review next week with my doctor, hoping that goes well. I feel considerably lower for longer than i have ever felt. 

      Thank you so much for the support. It’s nice to hear things are getting better for you. 


    • Posted

      We are very close in age and this is my first time taking anything as well. Like you, I've known something wasn't always "normal". A few things that have helped me the past few weeks (and still now) are comedy movies (which I play in the background so I have background noise), crossword puzzles, making sure I eat something small at least every 2-3 hours, constantly drinking water, and I make myself do something productive, even if it's small. I also read success stories and today I'm going to buy a good book. I actually made it to the gym today (only for a 20 minute walk, but sill). Staying distracted has helped, but is hard. There's these mediation videos I also use on YouTube. They are by Steven halpern and are called "letting go of stress" and it talks you through the mediation. I like them.  I don't know if you're religious, but I also read the bible and have been working on prayer. I also see a counselor once a week, which is still pretty new to me. I go see her today. If you want to talk, or need to talk let me know! We could all use extra motivationsmile 

      Good vibes and support!

    • Posted

      Thank you so much! As horrible to say because i don’t wish anyone to feel how i do but it is nice to hear that i really am not alone. I tend to use music as a way of relaxing when things get too much. I will have a look into the youtube video’s, never really tried it!  I haven’t took the step into councelling, i use an over the phone service often but never face to face. Don’t feel quite ready for that to be honest. Did you ever feel like that? 

    • Posted

      I was desperate when making my first appointment with my counselor. I needed help and I wanted someone professional to tell me what I needed to do. I enjoy seeing my counselor. I tell her EVERYTHING. Even my most messed up thoughts. To me, it's comfort in someone knowing how I feel, and will be able to tell me what I need to do/work on. We are focused right now on "retraining" my brain (from all the childhood trauma). I don't talk about things I'm not ready to talk about though, and she doesn't push me. I think it's helpful. I did have a very low moment about an hour ago. I cried for like 30 minutes. I called my doc and left a message asking if it's normal to feel like this on the medication. She hasn't gotten back to me yet. I'm hanging in there though

    • Posted

      Um sad i am starting a new job next week and i literally can’t hold off my start date any longer. Today i had to fill out paperwork and it took alot for me to go out. I done it though! Feel pretty drained to be honest. I have an appointment with my GP tomorrow to review the sertraline. Nervous 🙁 

      How have you been? How was today for you? 

    • Posted

      Sorry just now seeing this! Yay on getting out!! And I think the new job will help get your mind off everything! I personally do better at work because I HAVE to be doing something and I can't pay attention to my thoughts AS much (still happens). It should give you some peace in mind that you are going to your doctors tomorrow. I would tell them everything, so they can decide rather they keep you on it, increase your dosage, or change to another ssri. Let me know how it goes! I see my doc next Thursday for my review

      Best wishes <3 

    • Posted

      How have you been getting on Allie? Hope you feel positive after your review. Mine was cancelled and changed to Friday now. 
  • Posted

    I’m on day 11 now and my stomach is back to normal. I still feel a bit nauseous in the morning before breakfast but my main thing now is I just feel exhausted. I am trying to think that this is a good sign as it shows my body is relaxing after about 4 months of constant obsessing. But just want to double check, is this normal? I do have a slight burning headachey sensation on the left back side of my head which I am NOT going to google....hopefully xxx
    • Posted

      Don't google, that's not you're friend! I think your body is just tired. When is your next doc appointment?

    • Posted

      My next appointment isn’t for nearly 4 weeks. My docs is so busy it’s ridiculous. X
  • Posted

    Praying for a happy and healthy day for you today, Madeleine!
    • Posted

      Thank you and you. I am feeling a bit less panicky now but find myself feeling dazed. My lymph’s feel sore but probably because I haven’t moved a lot and they always react when I put anything into my body they aren’t sure of. 

      I’m finding it hard to want to socialise as I feel a bit disconnected from myself. Xxx

    • Posted

      Hey Madeleine, how are you doing? We are in the same situation. I have no motivation to go out and do anything social or to get out of the house (not like me at all). Last night was rough for me ):
    • Posted

      It’s hard isn’t it because if we went out then our minds might get distracted but they are also stopping us from doing this. Ergg can’t wait for it to end. Haha x
    • Posted

      Yes I agree! I am making myself go out and shop tomorrow (or do something). I spent way to much time in bed today and it made it worse 
    • Posted

      Yes I did the same and it made it much worse. I have got an acupuncture appointment this morning which always makes me feel better. It also has highlighted to me how much worse I’m feeling since taking these tablet, I have these appointments every week and normally I come from my house but since being on these I am staying at my mums. She is going to drive me because I feel to shakey to drive and although my mind feels better I think my body still feels a lot worse. Hope it catches up soon x

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