skipped heartbeats, please can I have some help :(

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Hi I'm an 18 year old male, yesterday I suffered what felt like a series of skipped heartbeats followed by a rapid pulse. I ended up calling an ambulance, the paramedic took me to A&E and they caught quite a few 'ectopic beats'. they tested my blood and gave me a chest xray and they said that everything was alright. I went home, and I continued to have them on and off. I eneded up going back to hospital and they did same thing, ecg and bloods then sent me home. they just told me that i'm seeing a cardiologist soon and having an ultrasound of my heart. How am I meant to live like this?? they feel horrible, my whole body jolts when I have them and they give me a horrible feeling that makes me cough. I can't do anything, can't relax or do any basic daily things. I'm so worried these are going to ruin my life or even worse; kill me. I have had 3 whilst typing this up. After every ectopic I feel I'm convinced that my heart is going to stop. 

I'm going crazy, what caused them? I hardly ever drink, don't consume any caffeine, don't smoke and I have a healthy diet accompanied by plenty of exercise. 

I have lost 3 stone intentionally, I don't know if this is related?

Additional info: I'm on 1.25mg of bisoprolol because i used to get a rapid pulse, but I never used to get irregular hearybeats. 

Someone please talk to me, I can't even think straight, I'm just worried about the next ectopic beat sad 

p.s. are there any dietry triggers? apart from caffeine? i.e. chocolate or sugary things? 

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66 Replies

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  • Posted

    Hello J

    I've been going through the very same symptoms you have for the past 40 years!

    And I am still here. Do not worry, you are going to be fine. You will learn to manage it with time. I am sure your next test wil show nothing and should give some relief. Try your best not to focus on the problem, busy yourself with some light duties to keep you occupied. I was prescribed Beta Blockers in my early twenties to control the skips and the palpitations, but they slowed me down considerably so my doctor told me to stop after two days of taking it and sent me to group support sessions. I havnt taken anything since and i learned to control it. I run 5 miles every other day and still get the palpitations and panic attacks but not as often as i did in the past, and the occasional hospital visit of course. Hang in there, you are going to be just fine.



  • Posted

    Its good to talk with others it helps a lot. I have had Ectopics for about 8 years now the first ones where scary I though I was going to die and was having a heart attack but I wasnt and didnt. It is scary when you start getting them because you dont have any control over it but talking to your GP about it and getting some sound advice will help you understand what your heart is doing. Knowing what it is doing will help you to calm down when one comes along. I dont get as many as I used to but have had to stop driving because of them. When I feel my heart going funny I do this. Go to my room and lay down on the bed take a glass of cold water and a cold flannel and lay there with it on my head. Stay calm as you can and breath steadily try not to panic or worry that will not help, remember it will pass just stay calm and try to relax your self and it will pass. No one like having them they are unpleasant and at first a bit scary to say the least but 8 years on I am still here and they do not bother like they used to. So my advice is stay calm talk to your GP and avoid worry and stress if you can your not alone in this. I currently take Sotalol tablets which help a bit but what helps more is staying calm and relaxing myself when they happen that will come with time. Remember to laugh and enjoy your life as well some people have far worse things to cope with and this is managable.
  • Posted

    Hi there - your'e doing the right things, seeing a cardiologist and getting checked out. But, if you read other posts on this subject, this happens to healthy hearts, and we learn to live with it. Yes, there are triggers, sounds like you eat well. Stress can trigger these with some of us, too much exercise also appears to start them. Find your happy medium, and work on a series of eliminations. You will find a pattern of when you have these, and for a lot of us, these ectopics are a daily occurrence. Of course you are worried, we all anx about them. But, you have had an xray and a blood test, and that has told you that basically things look okay. If your cardiologist also says you are okay, then it's time to look at ways of living with this..Bear in mind that a lot of the people who post on this site, have had ectopics/svt for a lot of years. The anxiety will ease down for you, and often you will find that you have a busy day, don't think about them, and don't have any. So, they appear to get worse when we worry. It also appears that most people have these, but don't feel them, so, you are not alone. Have your tests, that important, but if everything is okay, then you can relax. You are so young and have a full busy life ahead of you, and it's okay for someone to say don't worry about ectopics, but we all do. We all anx about them to a certain extent. Good luck with your cardiologist visit, and stay positive. Cheers Lizzie
  • Posted

    Hi JGoodman,

    Relax, they will not kill you and I went through exactly what you are going through when mine started about 3 years ago. Stress will make them worse. I have managed to live with mine and still get them daily, but nothing like they use to be. In my research, I read where meds generally do not help much and just make you tired. For me, not overeating, not eating after 7 pm, take it easy on caffeine and alcohol and especially none late, try to take something to belch, I love alka seltzer, and I want to try what another sufferer tried, the ingredients in xanax but in a natural form(still searching). I tried an ablation but it did not help (but cured my SVT). This forum helped me the most! I thought I was going crazy, going to die, and no one else had these darn ectopics! Well, there are alot of us.  Keep me posted and RESEARCH natural cures.  I am still wanting to find out how to stop them forever! 

  • Posted

    I also have this condition. It flares up from time to time and is debilitating and depressing. I find that being even slightly constipated can be a factor  
  • Posted

    RELAX!  Read all the forums. You will not die from these and your heart will not stop.  When I started getting ectopics many years ago I felt the same way.  Stress, too much alcohol, sugar, overeating, maybe caffeine if too much, indegestion.......  Let them know you will ignore them and live your life.  Mine have gotten much better but I do get them everyday.  Especially at night.  This forum has helped me the most and btw..I have refused all meds as it seems from reading, not many help.  Keep us informed, We care.  Amy
    • Posted

      Oops, I see I already replied long agosmile


    • Posted

      Hi can I ask how many eptopic beats you get a day ? I'm trying to learn to deal with them but it's so hard I'm only 28 with 2 young kids so scared I will die in them 😩

      Thanks Sam

    • Posted

      How many do I get a day?  Well, maybe 10 episodes a day with many ectopics in each. But some days are better than others as I may not notice them a day then a bad day.  Relax, ignore the best you can. Get sleep, manage stress (hard with little ones), eat well, don't over indulge. We are here for you and no one has died yet from these. Remember, the drummer keeps beating even if he is out of sync sometimessmile

  • Posted

    Know it's been a few years since you and a lot of other people on this forum have posted, so just wondered how you all were getting on?

    I've suffered with this problem for nearly 6 years and I'm still not used to them. Especially over the last few weeks as they seem to be getting worse and more regular. I've found a number of factors make them worse: exercise, caffeine, alcohol (especially the day after), smoking, lack of sleep, stress, excitement, rushing around, heavy lifting, sitting and doing nothing for too long, certain foods etc.

    Also other things can sometimes relieve the symptoms such as: laying on my front (works best for me), going for a walk, sitting and relaxing.

    Think the hardest part is going from a perfectly normal life to suddenly getting these symptoms and having to change almost every aspect of your life to in order to try and keep them at bay. Really struggle with the knowledge that I'll probably have these forever, but it's great being able to chat with people who are in the same boat Andy understand what you're going through.

    Has anyone found any other ways to relieve there symptoms? Would be great to get some feedback and hear some of your stories

    • Posted


      Been getting them for a few weeks now that I have noticed. At the gym yesterday ft my pulse and felt like heart skipping a beat. I panicked which made me apt worse and so worried I was taken to A & E. Went back today and both ECGs I had at hospital were normal but today's one showed up an ectopic. They told me to go and make an appointment with GP for bloods etc.

      Mine are more prominent at rest especially lying down which affects sleep.

      I have noticed that after eating they are worse and feel some relief when I burp.

      I like to workout but these are scaring me real bad.

      I think magnesium and calcium are supposed to help and like you have noted reducing things that aggravate it.

      Horrible truly horrible!!


    • Posted

      Hi Stephen 

      Everything you are experiencing sounds like pvcs / eptopic beats .. I have had these for nearly 4 years and only just come to terms with them after endless investigation there is nothing that can be done for me or them..

      They are harmless if your heart is all fine. As your new to them it's so disturbing I totally relate it's  terrifying to you and not much I can say will help but once you have had all your tests and see more then likely there  harmless it's then down to you to come to terms with them and I promise you will they may evenly go never return or return later in life. I went from having just 1 or 2 a day (and showing in my 24 hour monitors ) to now 4 years down the line only around 80-200 a day (caught on more jolted moniters)...

      And yes when you lay down they seem to be at there worst just more so because your heartbeat is more noticeable and your worrying more about them please try your very best to calm your self down listen to some music to fall asleep they won't kill you if your healthy . But the less sleep you have the more anixous you will be hence more eptopic beats.

      I went quite a few weeks recently really not noticing them at all even while being on holiday maybe I was so active . Then as so as I got home bam they are here constantly more so when relaxing and trying to sleep but I do sleep though them. 

      Once you see your docter demand for tests as they won't do many but it's for your peace of mind.



      Holter moniter 

      Think once they see them THEY kno what chamber of the heart there firing from ect and will reassure you then it's down to you to come to terms with them.

      If they now are something you have to live with changing your diet and certain things you do is a must.

      Any questions pleas ask I can explain ally regardling this 

      Thanks Sam 

    • Posted

      Thank you Sam!

      As you can appreciate it's very worrying. 4 years is a long time. I think I have had them for longer than a few weeks tbh, but being so busy at work and home rarely had time to notice them. I work as a teacher and had a very stressful end to the academic year and recall palpitations at that time.

      I have already decided to knock caffeine on the head which will be hard as I love coffee.

      I really think there is a link between the vagus nerve and an increase in these ectopic beats and also the types of food we eat. I'm surprised that so many people suffer these ectopic beats!


    • Posted

      Hi Stephen 

      I'm 28 with 2 young children full time mummy at the moment and an extreme worrier me so that doesn't help with them. Most story's I read on line people have had them for so so many years.

      Oh yes the vagus 100% there is a link. If I eat spicy foods I get them so bad. If I turn in a certain way or bend over I get them more so with my online research I came across the vagus nerves and there is for sure a link! 

      But you know what after a few year of stoping caffeine and stoped eating certain foods I still noticed I was still either way having them just not as bad so I do every now and then allow my self to have a treat but knowing I'm going to suffer with the consequences. 

      I don't drink alcohole at all and I stopped smoking 4 years ago so they have changed my life style but in ways I don't miss and iv learnt that if I want less of them I just have to do these things unfortunately. I don't exercise so not sure if I would have more then I have asked for a stress test but haven't got on as of yet that's the only test I don't have.

      I really hope they aren't a long term thing for you and you get the answers your need be careful googling if you would like to speak to more people experiencing this try


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    • Posted

      Thanks Sam

      I had breakfast this morning and they increased dramatically and the thud was more noticeable too. I took some bicarb and after lots of burping they did ease off.

      I don't smoke or drink either Sam and feel they are affecting my life even though I only had them a few weeks etc.

      I really hate them, affecting my sleep too. I don't know how you cope having them so long. Do you get them every day?

      Seems like they removed the links! Thanks anyway!


    • Posted


      Mine usually increase after dinner time more so because I eat more I should really cut my meals and eat less.. I can't eat  Fried  food much that causes them to increase. I experience them 24 hours a day I find if I just cough a few times and get up and clean they calm down for me and I don't notice them as much .

      You may have some sort of acid reflux or GERD google it.drink water too honest this will take some getting used to don't let them control you. I suffer from health anixous the fear of death for me so I made them so much worst but once being reassured  several  times by top cardiologists in London being told IM NOT GOING TO DIE. Reassured me so much I hope you you get reassurance too and able to move on. They will tell you to push through your exercising as they are actually meant to decrease them that may take time for you. #healingwell smile


    • Posted

      I have had acid reflux since I was a teenager (mid 40s now) and severity comes and goes. Recently especially the past week it has been particulary severe and i feel bloated after the smallest meal and feel the reflux has inflamed my oesophagus and back of my throat is sore. I am convinced of a digestive disorder/vagus nerve connection. I teach biology so have a decent knowledge of the body systems. It seems like our medical profession is ignorant of a connection but the Chinese are on to it. While waiting to have my blood tests this morning I was reading this...

      It was very interesting and made sense to me. Just strange that as well as anxiety amplifying the symptoms, eating seems to in a lot of us!


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    • Posted

      I have suffered from acid reflux since I was a teenager and I'm mid 40s now. Especially the past week or so the reflux has been very bad indeed, to the point I am bloated eating a small meal and feels like my oesophagus is inflamed too.

      I teach biology so have a decent knowledge of the body systems and I am convinced there is a link between digestive disorders and the vagus nerve being irritated and our symptoms being amplified!

      I sent the message again Sammy as I out a link in the first one to a site detailing the link in detail but my message is waiting to be moderated.


    • Posted

      Morning Stephen 

      I follow a cardiologist on YouTube called dr Sanjay Gupta ( York cardiology YouTube name) he talks a lot about what we are experiencing and talks about the vagus nerve I feel reassured once o started watching his videos 

      Thanks Sam 

    • Posted

      Morning Sam

      At A & E at the moment. Had a really bad night and panicked this morning. Had bad reflux too.

      Doing bloods now. I had bloods done yesterday and the doctor said they were normal (quick turn around on the tests) things like lipids, thyroid etc. She is repeating them too and also for Troponin levels which is a heart attack indicator.

      ECG showed up an ectopic which I was glad. If I get out later will look this guy up on YouTube. Thanks!


    • Posted

      Hi Stephen 

      How are you feeling what happened with A&E. hope all is well I'm having bad evening tonight currently not long ate dinner and laying down for little while but having missed beat after missed beat! Trying not to focus on it but so noticeable and scary sad 

      I'll be fine tho 

      Talk soon Sam 

    • Posted

      Hi Sam

      All the blood tests came back normal so waiting for the 24 hour tape and seeing a cardio specialist. I hate these things they have started to feel they are restricting my life.

      Sorry to hear you had a bad evening, it's horrible when they come frequently like that. Lying down seems to be worse for me. After eating too! Tbh yesterday evening never really felt many if any for some reason. Had a better sleep but woke up hearing my heartbeat pounding gelt a bit giddy and have had some after breakfast too.

      I have been reading about beetroot juice and it's ability to dilate blood vessels and reduce blood pressure. It contains high amounts of nitrates which can be converted to nitric oxide which dilated blood vessels. A bit of research has been done on this. I bought some day before yesterday so will see. Will try anything tbh.

      Hope your better now!


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