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I'm four months post LTKR is it normal to be tired all the time. I could fall asleep two hours after I get up, also around 3 in afternoon and 8ish at night. I don't sleep but four hours or so at night. Most days my knee feels pretty good. Just don't know about this tiredness..anyone else have this issue.

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27 Replies

  • Posted

    SOOOOOO normal!!!! It passes. I did have to get Ambien to sleep at night though. Worked great!
  • Posted

    I have a siesta most days when I come in from work as I’m shattered. 6 was post TKR and Estiotomy then have to take Zoplicone to get to sleep at night. 
  • Posted

    I'm 5 and a half months post op now and yes it's normal, does get better although I've just woken up from having a nap on the sofa 😂. I've started a phased return back to work and at about 4 hours in I feel like taking a nap 💤💤💤

  • Posted

    Hi Deb!

    Yes, being tired is very common!

    Remember: our knees, our legs, our whole body is recovering from a great trauma! We heal best when we rest and especially when we SLEEP! We humans often ignore the needs of our bodies. We drink those cups of coffee to keep us going. We put off naps when our bodies REALLY could use them!

    Try taking a multivitamin WITH IRON. See if that helps you feel less tired. It has helped my husband who had eye surgery and was tired all the time. I've taken a daily vitamin every day since Junior high. Be sure ones you take have iron in them. Most 55+ vitamins do not, so I just take a regular woman's vitamin.

    Staying hydrated helps, too. Our bodies are trying hard to get back to normal after surgery. Sleep, vitamins, good food and plenty of water and exercise all help.

    ( TKRs June and October 2015)

  • Posted

    Hi Deb,    Don't forget most of us who have this TKR are not younsters any more (I have just turned 79)  and we have less energy anyway.   This Op does take an awful lot out of the body,  and it is a long healing process.   I have just arrived at the 7 month stage, and have just started to feel a bit better energywise and have relatively little pain now.  I feel as though I have finaly arrived.   I still go to bed early in order to rest and  have energy to face the next day, as I am also my husband's carer - he is totally bedbound .  You will get slowly revitalised as time goes by,  and I wish you a good recovery.

  • Posted

    Yes, 60 days into Dble TKR and I sleep in 2 hour increments at night. I tried ambien and even a second dose 4 hours later to no avail. I have recently slowed my weight bearing activities (to ease night pain) and switched to melatonin. I take slow acting and fast acting, adding 1 more fast acting in middle of night. I feel more rested when awake but, like you, can still fall asleep around 10am for 45 minutes. Thankfully not 2 or 3 times like the first 6 weeks and I stopped opioids after the second week. Sounds like we all find our sweet spot. 
  • Posted

    Hi Debs

    I found that because moving around was difficult I was not drinking much. That with medication affects our bowels. That alone can make is very tired without the medication. 

    We have also all had major surgery. A broken bone takes over 6 weeks to try and heal and we have layers to heal not just the wound. 

    I now know I went back to Work miles too early. I went back at 4 weeks and was exhausted. I’m only now beginning to feel not so tired and also able to gently reduce medication at nearly 7.5 weeks post op.  Be kind to yourself 

  • Posted

    Drs should warn you ofvtgese things, but don't. Any kind of major surgery takes 6 months to a year for the body to fully readjust. With knee replacement the high level of pain and all of the strain connected with rehab really adds to the recovery problems. Gradually you will find things falling into place but be sure and rest every time you have a chance as that's the body's way of putting everything into the recovery process. Go in to fast and too far too quickly only adds to the recovery time.

    • Posted

      Thank you for the comment I appreciate it. I hope you added your wife are doing well tonight.

      I just get discouraged some days.

    • Posted

      Getting discouraged is nothing to be ashamed of, a guess would be 95% or more do. This surgery teaches even the most high spirited patience. Breath deep through your nose and exhale slowly through your mouth 10 times. That will slow you down and eat ice cream with lots of chocolate anytime you want, especially at 2 a.m. while relaxing in your recliner.

      It will get better, I promise. Remember the famous phrase: this is a marathon, not a sprint and there are no gold stars given for 1st place.

  • Posted

    Having a difficult time sleeping 6 weeks after bilateral knee replacement. The other night I got 2 hours and felt awful the next day. Can’t seem to get comfortable and even when I take Tylenol pm I still feel discomfort and don’t sleep deeply. I know sleep is important, but what can I do.  Suggestions appreciated. 
    • Posted

      If you have Group on I got a huge v cushion and cover it’s so long it’s about 5ft each  side.  I use this when I can’t get comfy. It was only about £20 

    • Posted

      Nance, I am 8 weeks out with bilateral TKR.  I experienced restless legs with the antihistamine “Diphenhydramine” (which is in Tylenol PM) and it made my discomfort worse. Try to avoid caffien late in the day or altogether like Cheryl mentioned above. Try melatonin ‘fast action.’ I still wake up throughout the night to adjust my legs but am able fall back into dream sleep quickly afterwards.
    • Posted

      I had TKR nearly six months ago and my main problem was lack of sleep I used to dred going to bed knowing I would be up again in a hour or so for the whole night.This certainly hinded my recovery the feeling of being shattered all day was terrible I wasn’t pain just discomfort for the first 4-6 weeks in the end I made the best decision I have ever made I simply went to see my GP and got prescription sleeping pills this gave me a solid six hours sleep.Of course I was concerned about depending on them but this never happened simply all I did was take a sleeping pill every other night and this made the pills last twice as long got me through a few difficult weeks and when I finished them my sleep was normal and I never felt the need for anymore. As for my knee now it feels great a bit of a tight feeling still but strong and no pain I need the other need doing at the end of this year and it cannot come round soon enough for me,bone on bone and constant arthritis is terrible,I know the TKR recovery is hard but it passes and you get your life back,again just my experience everyone is different.good luck to you all .
    • Posted

      Thanks for the recommendation . My husband says I should try sleeping pills because Tylenol pm isn’t working. I’ll look into it

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