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I'm four months post LTKR is it normal to be tired all the time. I could fall asleep two hours after I get up, also around 3 in afternoon and 8ish at night. I don't sleep but four hours or so at night. Most days my knee feels pretty good. Just don't know about this tiredness..anyone else have this issue.

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27 Replies

  • Posted

    I literally just checked my emails after being asleep for 2.5 hours!! I am 46 and had a partial knee replacement 4 weeks ago. I am sleeping fairly well at night but still fall asleep in the day. I feel drained all the time. I did have a blood test this week to check iron levels - awaiting results.

    I'm supposed to go back to work in 11 days, but I don't think I will cope with that. How long did others have off work?

  • Posted

    I only had 4 weeks off and went back on phased return but was too soon. I was having siestas every afternoon dosed up to the hilts on pain killers and generally feeling terrible. I had 2 weeks back then last week working from home due to severe weather we have had. I feel so much better having that week working from home. I’ve cut right down on pain killers; still on Zoplicone to get me to sleep at night though. 

    I think the best advise ever is listen to your body. Sleep when you need to. I have just gone to work came home and slept: also remember everyone different. I know I need to rest s but more as started having pains in my shin and top of scar region. Good luck 

  • Posted

    I was still sleeping 12-16 hours a day 2-3 months post-op.  My doc said:

    "All the healing energy in your body is being directed at your knee.  If you need to rest, rest.  If you need to sleep, sleep."

    Maybe you're not giving your body enough energy?  Are you hydrating enough?  Are you doing all your home and PT ROM work religiously?  Have you started the necessary gym work to rebuild the strength in your atrophied quads, glutes and core?  These are things that can have a direct impact on your energy level.  As you start to increase your activity level and eat a healthier diet, you start to get stronger, feel better and sleep on a regular schedule.

    Your body is a machine.  It needs fuel, rest and daily use to work correctly.

    • Posted

      I may not be hydrating enough I drink three 16.9 oz bottles of water. I eat breakfast and dinner most days no lunch, not hungry. I do my p.t. exercises at home every other day. No I have not gone to a gym to use the machines yet. My ROM is 130. I have always taken sleeping pills (prescription) as I have insomnia, but I never get more the 4 hrs at once. I do basic light chores around house and then watch tv or weather permitting sit outside for a little bit. Go for a short walk occasionally. I take vitamins. Maybe I should go to my primary care and get a blood test.? IDK.

      Thank you for your inspiring advise.

    • Posted

      Maybe you need different sleep meds.  "Sleeping pill" is a very generic term.  Typically, docs prescribe a benzodiazepine (Xanax, Valium, Klonopin, Ativan, etc.) or a dedicated sleep med (Lunesta, Ambien, etc.).  The problem with the benzo drugs is half-life...the amount of time the drug is reduced to one half strength in your blood.  Example:  Xanax has an almost immediate onset (puts you to sleep quickly) but has a half life of 4 hours.  So, in effect, the drug is great at putting you to sleep but lousy at keeping you asleep.

      On the other side is Klonopin with a half life of 36 six hours.  Gotta take it 1-2 hours before bedtime since it builds up slowly in the blood but stays there a long time.  Effect: Not great at getting you to sleep but the drug is long-lasting.  Sometime, tough to wake up and be cheery the next morning.  Used more for people with constant anxiety so keeping the blood level of Klonopin up helps that kind of problem.

      Ambien and Lunesta (a different class of drug) are supposed to get you to sleep fairly quickly and leave you awake and refreshed after 8 hours.  I tried them and found myself cooking bacon in the kitchen at 3 AM...totally asleep.  Sleep-cooker?  But they work great for some people.

      Sleeping is a tricky proposition.  The thing people don't do is PREPARE themselves and their environment for sleep.  Some tips...

      I take 1 mg Xanax before bedtime because I have Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) and the med relaxes those muscles.  I also add 25 mg generic diphenhydramine (Benadryl) to help me get drowsy quickly.  I also turn off all electronics and read a chapter in a book.  Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz............

      Ya gotta try some different things (and meds) until you find the right combination and get youself into a definitive sleep pattern.  The rest you get will give you energy for the next day.  PS: Double your water intake.

    • Posted

      Thanks. I took ambien once , bad side effects. I now take temazepan and I also read till I get sleepy but the pill only lasts about 4 hours. I really appreciate your input. I will try to do better on water. Deb
    • Posted

      Restoril has a secreted half life of TWO HOURS with a true half life of 10.  No wonder you're not staying asleep.  I'd talk to your doc about switching to some other benzodiazepine with a longer half life.  Ativan might give you better results.  Like all meds, you may have to try a few before finding the right one for your situation.

      Just know that benzos are meant to be taken short term to get you past a situation in your life.  You don't want to get hung out to dry on them...

    • Posted

      Have you tried melatonin. One of the quick melt pills under the younger about an hour be for bed might help relax the brain. No hangover or side effects as its a natural. Buy in the vitamin section. My wife has major anxiety problems associated with her Parkinson's and it really helps her get to sleep.

    • Posted

      *under the tounge..not younger
    • Posted

      Yes I take one with my prescription sleeping pill. I go right to sleep but it doesn't last all night. Yesterday was not a good day from about 4 pm on I couldn't keep my eyes open. I fought it till 10 then went to bed fell asleep for an hour and half watching tv. Then took my pills went to bed at 11:30 and slept till 3 after that toss and turn.

    • Posted

      Thanks. I have been taking them a long time for insomnia, which is worse since the TKR. I really appreciate the input you are very informative.

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