Slow urine sometimes
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Hi Ladies,
Oh joy, Perimenouoaue the gift that keeps on giving . . . I’ve noticed some mornings when I go for a wee the flow seems slower ? However it’s completely normal during the day ? Anyone had this experience at all ? Seems a little odd . . . Be grateful for any replies xx
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tina00239 debbie12340
Hey Debbie, I too have had what I call thick urine at times where I've had to almost force it to come out! I am sure its all part of this great journey we are all on and I'm sure its a normal part of it. I am completely incontinent the rest of the time, it just comes out totally by itself with no feeling or warning so I shouldn't worry about it. Of course if you get pain or see blood then go to your Dr and insist on a test to rule out a uti. XXX
debbie12340 tina00239
I wouldn’t say it’s thick it’s just slower ? Hopefully nothing more than yet another meno symptom ? Thanks for your reply anyway I’m very grateful x
UKJo debbie12340
Just a are your nights? Are you having sweats? How much fluid are you taking in daily?
This may sound a bit nuts but I noticed I wee far less first thing in the morning than I always used to and I've wondered if it's linked to getting more dehydrated because of those screaming hot flushes in the night?
So, I have started having a big glass of water by my bed & I sleepily gulp some down when I throw covers off during the night - also helps me cool off.
In general I'm now trying to drink more water through the day too. App on phone so infill in what I have & I'm doing daft things like having half a glass of water whilst waiting for kettle to boil for a cuppa etc.
As I said, just a thought re dehydration but for peace of mind check it out with GP.
Best, J
debbie12340 UKJo
Thank you for your reply. I also have a glass of water on my bedside table, but you might be right ? Recently I have had more night sweats . . . I’ll try more water during the day and see if it changes. Hopefully it’s nothing terrible, as I said it’s normal during the day. x
Woo3353 debbie12340
I think you will find that lack of estrogen certain times of day and month is responsible as estrogen has an effect on the pelvic floor muscles too. Kegel exercises can help.
debbie12340 Woo3353
I thought that would be the opposite and make you leak ? I’ve started Kegel excercises so I will see if it makes any difference ? Thanks for replying xx
Shana_rifka debbie12340
debbie12340 Shana_rifka
mary27278 debbie12340
Debbie I'm having the opposite of this...having a hard time holding in and I am constantly urinating all day long.
debbie12340 mary27278
I’ve had that as well ? Thought I had a UTI but it came back clear . . . . Seems to go from one symptom to another overnight ?? xx
mary27278 debbie12340
debbie12340 mary27278
Hi Mary, approx 4 weeks or so ?? It keeps changing form one thing to another ?? It feels strange down there ??? Sometimes dry ? When it feels dry it literllay feels like something’s moving around . . . I’m wondering if the skin is getting stuck because it’s dry ?? ( has this happened to you ?) It’s a really weird sensation to be honest !! Nightmare the whole thing 😩 x
kathy55991 debbie12340
Omg! That has happened and it's so bizarre that I wouldn't even mention it to the dr. Lol. Glad to hear I'm not the only one.
debbie12340 kathy55991
Hi Kathy,
Which happened to you ? The slow morning wee or the dry feeling and something moving ?? 🙈 is be interested to know ?
Hugs Deb xx
jennymags debbie12340
This, according to my own research online and talking w my doctor who is particularly interested in sexual health, is a result of the changes in the pelvic floor muscles, vaginal walls and so on. As we reach the end of our periods in our lives the area becomes less "taut". Kind of like my neck skin. Hahahha. Anyhow, doing kegels can help, buying a vaginal toner can help (like little golf balls on a string that can go inside the vagina to help the walls stay stronger and also practising holding our pee and letting it go and pushing it out. This will at least keep tone up as much as possible. We can't do too much about the natural changing of the vaginal walls and (they believe bladder muscular tone) with the basic aging but, we can help by keeping the muscles around those areas strong. Keep in mind, that any changes in our urination should be checked by a good dr. Just to be sure there isn't something else happening.
debbie12340 jennymags
Many thanks Deb x