SNORING like a freight train now
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Hi there, Lately I have been snoring very similar to a freight train my husband says. I seem to have phlem in my throat and need to cough during the days. I assume this is from digestive changes? My husband and our dog were found in the spare room sleeping last night.
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Tazchurch HotDot7
marlene21102 HotDot7
Hey took B12 Dottie X your fingers for me.hope it gets anxiety down and gone,worked for Jay .XX
jayneejay marlene21102
i felt my energy waning on Tuesday and yesterday was worse..
i get to about 12 days then need a B12 injection.. I had one last night..
and energy great today...
i use the Spanish Optovite B12 ampoules, one lasts a month roughly but i need two a month ... feel better for it..
Jay xx
jayneejay marlene21102
150mg of B6 sorted my anxiety..
B12 boosted my energy..
good luck Jay xx
marlene21102 jayneejay
I was saying to Dottie,on the B 12 split them in to doses twice a day,see if they react as B6 for couple days,on my IBS,got 2bottles from Hollandand Barrett,only had 1000if okay will try and get Jarrows as you suggested. 100 tabs in bottle.
Poor old Dottie,weather plays havoc,with my rhinitis,yes I get that tickle cough not all the time just now and again. Husband gets same with his asthma,off and on,weird both say weather,so can't win with that,if not on chest ,I wouldn't worry about it.
Freezing here again. Your girls birthday today,Jay xx
marlene21102 jayneejay
marlene21102 jayneejay
jayneejay marlene21102
Yes couldnt live without B12 jabs
Jarrows 5000mcg is the best tab form, strongest, red label.. Cherry chewable
Yes my daughter 24 today 😀
Yours on 24 Aug yes ?
Other half said its nippy in Uk
Bright blue sky and 36 degs here, been in pool ,,, great !!! Yee har !
Jay xx
HotDot7 marlene21102
I remember a post from before about phlem and coughing. Now I have it. It just started. Even the dog was scared
my throat is not sore or do I feel ill, temperature or anything....blame it on menopause I will.
jayneejay HotDot7
oh poor you, snoring like a train... and now this one.. 😥
hey !!! dont you scare that little dog ... or he will want to sleep in spare room again 😳
i have dogs.... Two German Shepherds .... they are from UK 😃
and Cocker Spaniel... and a spanish stray that was almost dead when i picked her up in mountains, skin and bones... that was four years ago.. shes lovely now..chubby, friendly, loving...
i was thinking about her other day we took her to have her gear box out, wonder if dogs feel odd after like we do... bless her she never got supplements ...
jay xx
marlene21102 jayneejay
I had a girl Kate,then 2 boys together Morgan and Dylan,lost Dylan 3 years ago Morgan 2 years prior.all my 3 were,13 yrsold,the daughters we have odd days Katie is 8 and hooligan Henry is 7. Loveable breed .
It's fairly quiet here today. Just put heating on.6pm,been trying to rain all day,that wind is biting. Where in UK is your fella Jay .? Bet he's wishing he was out in Spain.x
jayneejay marlene21102
arr .. dog lover too 😀 they keep me busy, hence needing my B12 😀😀😀
other half on east coast ... Norwich way... .. said its rather autumnal..
i always use to say, once my daughter had her birthday a week or so later it was cold ...
he works here there and everywhere ... UK stint at mo..
i had better go and feed the little monkeys now
have a great evening
Jay xx
HotDot7 jayneejay
jayneejay HotDot7
hahahaha .. 😃 well i have reached menopause so i am told ... mine was 9-10 years 😳
hope yours isnt that long..
but... a least I didnt take HRT so how I feel now is how i will feel ..
no coming off HRT at 60 and doing it all again ... cant even begin to think about that... Jeeeeez
Jay x
HotDot7 jayneejay
So who knows how things will work out ...but it's fun chatting on here with my new meno friends and they do say things happen for a reason so ladies don't happy! Just like the song.
jayneejay HotDot7
Green Tea ... What is that like.... Yak ..
I cant drink normal Tea, smells gross, I make it for other half, holding my nose, my daughter a tea belly...
i tried it, just don't like it... Cant drink these thick drinks they mush up in blender either.... My throat says NO ... 😃
back to menopause... My Mum sailed through hers, two years it was done, she started at age 42 and finished at age 44 she said, no HRT .. She didnt take HRT as she lost two sisters with breast cancer who were on HRT.
I remember my mother drinking sanatogan wine to boost her energy.. And also having iron back then... And thyroid meds.. ( underactive) shes 83 now
so I am high risk with HRT and I also I had endometriosis and cysts so no HRT for me too.... i am fine now in every way after scans but glad i didnt take it...
My hormones declined now and feel ok, I should now feel like this for ever, with seeing my non functioning no follicles ovaries, Gyno said menopause reached... So we will see... 😳 supps I manage on, I have to, when Imread HRT risks, don't think I would of had it anyway.. Dont want two menopauses, no way ....
well the suns shining... And its a beautiful day ... Have a nice one Dottie
Jay xx
HotDot7 jayneejay
jayneejay HotDot7
Yes I will keep taking all the same supplements for ever,
Going to add Vit E capsules and idodine of kelp now too.
I use to take kelp all the time .. Good for thyroid function
Jay xx
HotDot7 jayneejay
jayneejay marlene21102
Happy birthday 🎂 🎉🎈
have a lovely day
Jay xxxxxxx
HotDot7 jayneejay
marlene21102 jayneejay
Got up with high Anxiety I'm always worse for few days around this time each month,all Gyne ,weird how much higher it can get,been same for over this past 8 years never left me.
Plus my ears are sky high ,Sister and daughter been sat chatting about menopause,sister 73 she's still having probs,no females get a break regardless to age,keeps on raising it's ugly head.
So we keep on trucking.did have some nice presents along with flowers,so in all not bad a birthday,got my cards up,in full view.XX
jayneejay marlene21102
have a lovely day hun.. 🎉🎊🎈
oh i too just had like a phantom pmt few days... Fed up of it...
been fine for 5 months and boom..
gonna try estriol vag cream tomorrow for sure ... As no solid light at the end of this long tunnel....
Enjoy your birthday .... Hope you feel brighter as day goes on ...
Jay Jay xx
Tazchurch marlene21102
marlene21102 Tazchurch
What's age ,still get our problems regardless,Royal Pain in backside.
We're survive .tomorrows another
Tazchurch marlene21102
marlene21102 jayneejay
You think maybe it's going to go finally die a death,then slap off it goes again.
Let's know how you go on,I'd say try anything all you can do,I've never known so many females having these probs like B.........y epidemic of hormone troubles,you name it we've got it going on,Mar xxx
marlene21102 Tazchurch
jayneejay marlene21102
yeah i know what you mean... But as i share my experience and been lucky the last 5 months have been calm ( odd niggle) only seems right to mention to the lovely ladies the blips from nowhere or they may think they should be feeling good always when meno reached ... And that doesnt happen 😄
today .. Right now... All good, done chores, vacuumed pool ( didnt fall in)
Next i just need to tackle these hot flushes that i had for about 3-4 months and the vag dryness discomfort and bingo ... ' Full house ' winner 😃
have a great evening.. ' oh its Dragons Den later '
Jay xx
HotDot7 marlene21102
Tazchurch marlene21102
marlene21102 jayneejay
Think better to know,all the blips ( to mildly put it ) than not know,less to worry about Jay,if they get these things return again but wee bit different,throws you that's for sure.
I'm sat watching Friends .we watch Dragons Den later,it's 5pm just gone here.
Glad you've stayed busy,we've just had tea,got colder to,no sun out,xx
jayneejay Tazchurch
very true...
well, i am having a moment .. Thought i would grab a glasses wipe to do my glasses lenses as abit smeary....
walked from kitchen to living room rubbing them, flaming arm fell off, and the screw is long gone... 😳
Been laid on floor ( marble) seeing if it sits above the ground level, dog thinks i am playing and jumped on my head .. jeeeeeeeeez
anyway cant find it... Hahahahaha
spare pair here we come ...
Jay xxx
marlene21102 HotDot7
Least on a comp etc you do get advice,that's the blessing here,miles apart,but a connection ,no matter where we are in the world.xx
jayneejay marlene21102
yea the anxiety is not nice, now that is one thing i dont think I have much of now..
we blame the oestrogen decline 😃 = anxiety
mind you we have three different forms of oestrogen so even thats not just one thing... (estradiol, estriol, and estrone)!
dont know what to have for tea 😓
Jay xx
jayneejay marlene21102
its nice isnt it ... Having support world wide 😃
all in same boat... sharing our doom 😃
jay xx
Tazchurch jayneejay
jayneejay Tazchurch
yep we will be here for you hun.... 😊
is it the 15 Sept did you say ...
jay xx
Tazchurch jayneejay
Tazchurch jayneejay
jayneejay Tazchurch
oh hun, you don't need that to worry about too..
They do that here in spain, bloods no more than 10 days before an op, just routine, to check all okay, etc...
Avoid people with colds.... ' run opposite direction' as they wont do any op with colds and coughs...
jay xx
Tazchurch jayneejay
This is completely seperate and unrelated test that is not a pre-op one.Just put a paper on file and tick the box for neurology. Seperate departments but as asked for then not done now made it their buisness.
Not know a from e comes to mind.
If anyone believes I really do need prayer on this one that all goes to plan.
jayneejay Tazchurch
i know hun... I am sure it will be fine...
and on 16 Sept its relax, recouperate and put it behind you time..
and join the hot flush brigade ... I am having one right now ☺️
In fact i am a little on fire ..
be positive ... And strong.... jay xx
Tazchurch jayneejay
jayneejay Tazchurch
cant your doctor reassure you, tell him your anxious as its all arse about face, and you need to relax pre op..
ask him what on earth are you suppose to think ... surely it will be confirmed as all okay
Jay xx
Tazchurch jayneejay
The Neurologist has gone on leave and won't be back until 4 days before the test, from what his secretary says seems will not care as too busy, the cancellation of an op is not being seen as an emergency.
PALS, the patient liason service, is now involved and they can get no answers either
All I can do is worry and stress feeling that no one cares or wants to answer.
All I can now see is cancellation.
HotDot7 jayneejay
jayneejay Tazchurch
hey... Not necessarily .... Keep positive ..
no news is good news as they say..
naughty of PALS to ignore you...
jay xx
jayneejay HotDot7
I didnt realise that of course i am hot stuff 😃
do you get hot flushes ? it must be the weather here ... But i love it, not complaining... Just my poor old body trying to cool down ..
oh well....
Jay xx
Tazchurch jayneejay
jayneejay Tazchurch
oh bless you hun....
Well nothing has been cancelled, so all should be good, everything will be in the pipeline with the others, edging their way to where they should be ..
try not to worry about it ...
big hug Taz
jay jay xx
marlene21102 Tazchurch
Hope your troubles get sorted ASAP,sit on them hard ,don't get fobbed off .
HotDot7 marlene21102
Tazchurch marlene21102
Yeah lifes a b then you die but as they say what goes around comes around and as a staunch Catholic with more compassion than sense I could not look myself in the mirror if I walked on by.
HotDot7 jayneejay
HotDot7 Tazchurch
jayneejay HotDot7
we are here for a reason ..
we are here to eat Marlenes Cake 🎉🎂🎂🍰🎂🍰
Jay xx
HotDot7 Tazchurch
sharcerv52408 marlene21102
HotDot7 jayneejay
sharcerv52408 marlene21102
HotDot7 sharcerv52408
jayneejay HotDot7
thata a great idea.... 🍰🎂🍰🎂🍰🎈🎈🎈
hope its a big piece ay 😳
Jay xx
jayneejay sharcerv52408
H ..
I, J, K, L, M, N, O
only joking 😃
marlene21102 Tazchurch
marlene21102 HotDot7
It's raining,heating on .Soon be Christmas thought that would cheer you all up. Or
jayneejay marlene21102
oh i love thise Lyon choc cup cakes .... Wow been ages since had one of those bad boys
soon be christmas indeedy ....🎄 😳
hahahahaha... Thats made me laugh...
take care
Jay xx
marlene21102 sharcerv52408
Tazchurch marlene21102
Oh heck, hobbyhorse again. Wonder if philosophysing is one of the symptoms?
marlene21102 Tazchurch
Society is truly sick.brought home to me back years ago when I saw youngsters 3 to 5 yrs old running behind grain lorries wheel tracks picking up grains that had fallen through the floors of these lorries.these were just babies.never forgotten it ever. That was Ethiopia famine.Nothings changed.
Tazchurch marlene21102
Tazchurch jayneejay
Decided to get time release Vit B complex with Vit C, also Calcium with magnesium and Zinc for after the op.
Trying to be positive so went to Holland and Barrett, and got them today. As in it will take place on 15th, even though still know nothing, so will need them.
jayneejay Tazchurch
thats the spirit, get all the supps sorted ready..
do you have a partner to look after you after... you will need some TLC..
and abit of help, you have to recoupage slowly.. softly softly..
all will be okay.. ' no news is good news'
jay jaynxx
Tazchurch jayneejay