So confused- spotting after 11 months period free
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I've had mild cramps (non painful) for 10 days and attribute it to IBS as I do tend to have an occasional bout of it. Now this morning I wipe and the paper is pinkish. I thought I was done with periods as it's been 11 months since I've had anything and even that was practically nothing. Is this at all normal? Now I wonder if my cramping sensation in mid to lower right abdomen is IBS. When there are so many symptoms with menopause it's really hard to know and I'm not one to run to the Dr every time I have a little ache or pain.
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Sochima822 Merelym
Yes, it's very normal. Periods during perimenopause taper off usually. Some women don't always notice but in time it will stop. Nothing to be confused about unless you're bleeding heavily. Then I recommend you see your doctor.
Merelym Sochima822
Merelym Sochima822
Also I originally thought I had gone 16 months period free but looked back on my calendar and it's only 11. Do they count spotting as a period? I hope not!!!
Sochima822 Merelym
Yes, doctor Google gives everyone a death sentence before the evidence has been gathered
. The information we provide here is easier to digest, because we're here to give support. Some ladies here come from the medical field, I'm one of them, who can provide recommendations & suggestions. Rather than seek information from Google come here instead.
Would you believe some ladies in their late 60's still have a monthly. Monthly's keep you looking & staying young.
Merelym Sochima822
Well anything to stay looking young is fine! By "monthly" do you mean anything that represents a fragment of what used to be a regular period?
Sochima822 Merelym
Merelym Sochima822
Oh wow! I've managed to avoid HRT so hopefully don't have this every month!!
Sochima822 Merelym
Yes, because it's releasing hormones and you're shedding.
jacque1214 Merelym
I too had this experience when I was 50 my menstrual started again ( for about a day and very faint) after about a 10 month break and immediately after that I have not seen it again! My Doctor told me that it was normal. Nothing to worry about..
Merelym jacque1214
Thanks jacque1214. This makes me feel much better. I've been back and forth between wondering if it was a digestive issue or a menopausal one but the tinge of blood answers that I guess!
camm66130 Merelym
I am glad I found this thread. I had my last period about 8 months ago at 54. Two gyn's labelled it as post menopausal bleeding and did a bunch of cancer screenings. The next test I finally refused a endo biopsy. I have great insurance and I think I am being used to make these drs money. All my tests came back clear and all the research and guidelines contradict these drs. Also I noticed that they didnt listen to me. Now my record says I have post meno bleeding but I do not. I am p****d but now reading ur posts I know I am right and these drs r just out to make money. So sad. Cant wait to be back to work and on private ins again.
tricia83355 Merelym
11 months without a period. All tests came up post menopause
I have been cramping for over 2 weeks.
My breasts have been hurting so bad I can’t even put in or take off my bra without crying.
Today after taking 2 aleve boom. Tons of bleeding and I didn’t even feel it. I saw it when I went to use the restroom.
Am I missing something? Does this mean I start over? Was I still ovulating??
camm66130 Merelym
I was like for a few years and trust me worrying doesn't help. I went to two different doctors and looked around support groups on the internet. What you are experiencing is completely normal. I am 55 and 3 years ago I went almost 11 months and got a short period, then I went 10 months and had a period and then another one the next month,,, now I I am heading into almost 12 months. My doctor says don't worry It can take years before you really are completely post menopausal. The only time to worry is if you all of a sudden start bleeding but don't stop like you continue for 2 or 3 weeks heavy bleeding then it is time to get to a doctor. Other than that you are find. At least that is what two gynos told me and another specialist. From what I seen on the support boards lots of women go through this.
sandyk45 camm66130