So down tonight
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I am laying in bed crying, I haven't felt right for so long and it's really getting me down. I have had so many different physical symptoms and have been to so many doctors. All the results have been good and I'm very grateful to God for that but I'm convinced there is something really wrong because I don't feel right. I know I'm depressed but I feel like it is because of the physical symptoms. It's so hard right now! Will i ever feel like myself again? I want to feel happy again. Sorry to be a downer!
6 likes, 22 replies
Sassyr12a Edell7329
Hi edell
I'm sorry you feel so down, and we know how you feel. I was the same back in April and felt so Ill I couldn't function. I was anxious, exhausted, in pain, not sleeping and crying regularly. So much so that I couldn't keep on working, so decided to take some time off. I've been taking bhrt since then, and will be going back to work at the end of the month feeling much better. I know it is so tough when you feel hopeless and scared but you are not on your own. Try to do even the smallest thing each day to change how you feel - a walk, a swim, read, yoga, meditate..... Anything to distract you for even a short while. It helped in my case, not necessarily with the symptoms but with feeling I'd achieved something and taken control. Go to see your doctor, get advice but most of all be kind to yourself. You will get through this xxx
mrs_susan74280 Sassyr12a
Sassyr12a mrs_susan74280
Hello, it's bioidentical hormone replacement therapy x
becky53379 Edell7329
Hello Edell I soooo understand how you are feeling and I'm sorry that you are going through this. You will feel better it just takes time and some work. I'm not 100% but I do feel better most of the time. Things that I do is workout most days, no caffeine, no sweets, praying, watching light hearted movies...Christmas movies in July for sure and take vitamin D (mine was very low). I also read these post daily so that I can keep reminding myself that this is all hormone related. There are some wonderful ladies on here and I appreciate all of them for being so honest and sharing their stories. This site has helped me through so much
I will be praying for you. Be good to yourself and if you need to chit chat we are all here for you ?
jennifer85442 Edell7329
Been there! And that makes you feel worse and then it feels even worse cuz everyone tells you you're making yourself feel worse and then you feel worse because it feels like nobody believes you. Am I right? Or was that just me? Lol. It's a vicious circle. Rest assured if you have run a battery of tests and nothing is wrong then odds are it is hormones and the surges are distorting your reality. It will pass. When it starts to get bad, get up and do something distracting. Clean. Walk. Read. Watch something funny. Play a mindless game on your phone. But know that we are all feeling it too and that what you're going through is normal. You're not alone in this boat. So at the tough spots, deploy a distraction technique. Wishing you the very best. This too shall pass.
Indifferent Edell7329
Now I am in the painful joints phase. It is not nearly as bad. I can easily deal with this part. Lol! So there is a light at the end of your tunnel. God has not left you...He is teaching you things about yourself and your life to grow you.. Trust Him. You wont regret it
kelly55079 Edell7329
I get frustrated too!! Over the weekend I cried due to just frustration. I feel stuck and a few pounds over.. most of the time I'm tired, etc... I have many things to be grateful for but at times it is hard to smile and move on. For right now, I try to drink a lot of water, take a few supplements and try to eat healthy. I do walk and swim but haven't in a few days. I do find that when I feel anxious and frustrated with myself, cleaning does help--doing 'things' does help a lot instead wallowing in my self pity. Just be kind to yourself and take it day by day.
lori93950 Edell7329
marisol06794 Edell7329
Hi edell
I am so sorry to hear what you are going through but I understand you completely ive been going through this four 5 years now it's taken over my life I've had every symtom none to man kind and others not none i was feeling better till a month ago that i started having stomach issues burning feeling nauseous and pain i went to the doctor she said it was gastritis and gave me famotidine 40mg it helped a little but for the past week I've been getting stabing pains in my stomach and a weird sensation that goes all the way to my back and the dizziness that i can't even get out of bed i feel so sick i can't work i can't exercise because I'm always so exhausted and now i am even scared of what i eat i also keep wondering if i would ever be myself again it is very hard to cope with this especially when you have no one near you that understands what were going through i thank god i found this forum that gives me a little comfort noing that I'm not alone on this terrible rollercoaster i really do hope we get through this soon god willing hang in there hope you feel better soon if you need to talk you can reach out to me when ever you like god bless!!!
audra86673 Edell7329
Yes, I do believe we will all feel like our old selves again! I agree with all the above responses. When you feel like you're about to lose your mind or you just can't handle this mess anymore, try keeping yourself busy and try to focus on anything other than how awful you feel! I had debilitating symptoms last July. My hell began last July 7th to be exact! I remember it all too well! Crippling anxiety, lump in throat and sheer panic came out of nowhere! I was terrified and convinced I had something seriously wrong physically and I was on my way out! I was bedridden for several weeks. The only time I crawled out of bed was to go to the doctor! Several dr's and tests later- nothing. I was perfectly healthy.( I do have a frozen shoulder but that was the least of my symptoms -even though it was extremely painful). I was shutting down and so sick and felt so bad and truly terrified. My husband even started working from home because I couldn't cope and couldn't be alone. At the beginning, my worst symptom was the anxiety ( still tops my list as my #1 worst symptom that I've had) and I would wake up and be jolted out of sleep by anxiety and then start assessing my symptoms and how crappy I felt and then the dread of my health and how different I was from just a week(s) before would hit me and I would start spinning into a downward spiral of anxiety. I discovered that walking helped me through the build of anxiety that would lead me to a horrible place. So I'd literally jump out of bed - feeling like I was about to go full on panic attack- and go with my husband for a walk. Sometimes I couldn't even speak I was so terrified -of what? ... I don't even know. Some days I could chit chat with him and other days all we did was talk about how s****y I felt. But by the time we got home, I felt better. It's like doing that one thing which required me to use some energy helped my anxiety so much! Maybe try something like that if you can. Even if you feel like you can't because you're too ill... maybe just go outside and look at nature and the grass, trees, maybe spot a butterfly and try to think about the beauty of it all. Sometimes that helps too. Enough to stop our mind from concentrating so much on what's wrong and see just a little piece of what's still beautiful and wonderful out there. I also agree with watching funny, lighthearted things in tv. I love sci-fi and horror movies.... I had to stop watching them for many months becuase they were just too stressful. There were even some commercials I couldn't view and no news! I just couldn't watch! I found great relief in watching cooking shows and found a channel that played old sitcoms from the 80's. And of course, I found this forum and visit it many times per day. There is so much information and comradery on this site! I just love it here!
Today has been a very good day for me. I realized this afternoon that I felt like my old self today! Completely like my old self! I don't know if it will last... i have had days in the past where I felt better and more like my old self but have always returned to peri hell. I know one of these days it will last and I will be back to being me again! I try not to be too hard on myself and force myself to try and figure this mess out. I find accepting what's going on as best I can is the best way for me personally to feel better. I do have melt downs and cry and feel sorry for myself and other times want to shred the house and everyone and everything in it! 😋 I know it's a horrible mess of a phase we're going through. It is hard and seems like there is no light at the end of the tunnel and sometimes very little of who we have always been left in us. It will get better. You will feel good again and you will be you again! I promise! Hang in there! And come hang out with us in the meantime! I hope you have a good night. Hugs to you.
Guest audra86673
Wow, same here! Mine was last July 5th...out to eat...then all of a sudden a wave of confusion came over me, sweats, heart palps, thought I was having a stroke. Lost my appetite for 2 weeks, bedridden, weak, dizzy. Running to the dr and ER several times per week. Nothing. Healthy. I too was not able to watch things on tv, made me anxious and sick feeling. I had to stop working a few months ago. It is hard because my clients keep in touch and always ask what my “diagnosis” is and if I’m better...never know what to say!
I agree with trying to get outside here and there. I read a lot now...wasn’t even able to do that a couple months ago! On nice days, I read outside...feels like I’m doing something. Here I am a year later, still feel awful, but not scared anymore because I know I do not have a serious illness. When I get health anxiety, I run over in my head all of my tests, then calm down.
I so badly want to get back to work, want to contribute financially to the household again. I recently started an AD and I just hope it can help me get moving again. I have to drive my son to school once summer is over and I am petrified...can barely function most days let alone drive.
It’s so wonderful to have this site to come to! Everybody take care! 😊
juanita93228 audra86673
You sound like me! No horror movies! Can't even watch certain commercials. Today I got some mail and opened it(it was junk mail) but it was talking about burial costs for seniors! Of course when you think you're dying a different death every day it sent me into a tailspin.! I'm 58 God willing I hope to be around a long time. And forget the news, can't watch it, but I'm a Victim Advocate for our local Police Department, so I am the news. I want to retire every day. I hate driving by cemeteries! I just pray and pray.
My TV stays on the Hallmark Channel. I can only talk about this on this forum because people think you're nuts when you try to talk to them about it. And social media? Forget it! I closed my Instagram account and barely get on Facebook. People are cruel crazy and don't care about other people! Ok rant over.😂😂😂😂
audra86673 juanita93228
Isn't it crazy how this peri/meno stuff plays with our minds!? I hate it! I totally get the whole mail scenario! I get those damn burial cost letters as well. I recall being in my GP's office last October and he was telling me tests I would need run once I turned 50... ( which was just 3 months away) I seriously wanted to punch him! Here I was presenting myself to him with all these horrible symptoms and had health anxiety out the wazoo and he's telling me once I hit the BIG 5-0 is when things really hit the fan! Let's start running hoses up my rear to look for cancer and scanning bones for density! I told him thanks for the heads up! That for my birthday I'd not only get my invitation to join AARP but I'd get to have a colonoscopy as well!! Yay for me! Best birthday gifts EVER!! 😂😂😭😭
juanita93228 audra86673
I know right?I had a colonoscopy at 55. He found one polyp and wanted to see me again in three years! The doctor I have now said it should be five years. She is going to do cologuard on me in February and if it comes back good I won't need a colonoscopy for five years.
So much fear mongering among these doctors. One doctor actually was honest and told me that colonoscopies are big money. I mean they herd you in and out like cattle.
The test was free, but only if they find nothing. He calls me and said "We found one non cancerous polyp". So ominous, like "it was non cancerous this time" What a jack@$$.
Don't get me started on AARP they started sending me membership cards when I turned 48!😂😂😂😂
mrs_susan74280 Edell7329