so frustrated
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Ive had lots of issues over the last 6yrs. Pain all over my body, numbness and tingling, headaches, fatigue, weight loss and gain etc. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and hypermobility syndrome in July and referred to physio for some help with pain, only to be sent back to the doctors for more tests as he thought there was something else underlying that had been missed. Now im waiting yet again to see an osteopath and have an MRI done. What are they checking for? Im so frustrated and upset about the whole process its really taking its toll on me, has anyone else experienced this sort of thing?
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Ive struggled today to be honest. I suffer with a lot of headaches, the doctors say its a side effect of some of the meds im taking. So they said the best and safest thing for me to have was asprin and something fir the nausea when it progresses to a migrane. It was working brilliantly, and my mood started to improve a great deal as i wasnt in a constant headache, so i was really beginning to feel a bit stronger mentally instead of being run down all the time.
I rang into the hospital where my referal
frustrated61 kkylie
Just my thoughts but I don't believe God casts any of out rather I believe it's a tests of sorts regarding our "faith" that everything will work out and we will overcome. You sound like a very good person and kind as well. So, with just reading your posts, I'd say you're safe from being a cast out.
I'm happy you made that appt and hopefully you'll feel better soon! As far as the heacaches, can you take something like excedrin migraine? I know I used to get "rebound" migraines and excedrin is the only one that takes them away.
Anyway, always good to hear from you!
Take care and let us know how your appt goes.
georgeGG kkylie
frustrated61 georgeGG
And what you said was with perfection!
now, I am going to clean up after dinner and get ready early bed night tonight. Which could mean, i'll be up again at 3 am...geesh what to do, what to do!
XxFrustrated <3>3>
georgeGG frustrated61
Oh I am too old. I can't manage "ttyg!!"
I can manage another BIG , Doc!
I called the hosp, to enquire about the waiting time for an appointment. And they informed me that it could be 28weeks!! Yep. 28 whole bloody weeks!!
So that was my first bit of bad news. The second being when i went in for a repeat prescription and was informed by the receptionist that the doctor hadnt signed it off as it wasnt for 'daily use'.
I said to her that it was a bit silly of him, considering that when i saw him i informed him that i get headaches EVERY DAY before he gave me them. And told him that like that day, it would progress to a migraine now and again. And that if it was a side effect of one of my meds, and i take my meds at least FOUR times a day, wouldnt it make sense if they were for daily use, and no sense if they werent?
It just feels like every time that i might be picking myself up something else knocks me down, and sometimes i feel like i cant be bothered doing it again and again........
George its not the quantity of your friends, its the quality. And i dont know about myself but you guys are quality alright.
Frustrated my children arent just as little as your new addition to your family but they are quite small - 6 and 4, and they are getting very hyper right now lol! If anything they, my husband and you and george are the ones who inspire me to keep fighting. Not that truly giving up is even an option.
I must go and put in a lame attempt to settle these two monsters down before their bedtime in 30mins! Haha!
Hugs to you both!
Kkylie x
frustrated61 kkylie
Wow for once I answered and someone wasn't finished..that's usually my thing. I have to "add" one more thing.
28 WEEKS! that's crazy! Can't you doctor do something about this? Geesh! I'm so sorry to hear this. And you going to pick up that script, that's nuts too. OMGOSH! what is going on in this crazy world. It's not like you haven't been in to see him and he doesn't know you, what on earth. Maybe, perhaps, and hopefully, you can get excedrin or something of that nature that is specific for migraines. I'm telling you, I've had everything for my migraines even going into the MIND clinic, (Michigan Institute for Neurological Disorders), and had many different treatments but this over the counter stuff actually helped. Of course I couldn't make it easy on them because my case was a bit complicated as I had several different kinds of migraines going on at once which were/are: status migrainosus,Hemicrania continua,mixed headache syndrome is a combination of migraine and tension,cluster headaches. I have had some relief after having surgery on my neck for a totally different reason (fracture after an auto accident) but, apparently a nerve or two were being pinched on. I still get them but they aren't as often as I used to have them 1 to 2 times a week. Yes, it was debilitating! So, if you need to check into kinds of headaches the WebMd is a good site to check out "different kinds of migraines". Who knows, as per usual we'll most likely solve your problem rather than a doctor! (says, jokingly).
Anyway, you and a few others as well as my friend, Doc have helped me in many many ways! So, I'm happy that you created this discussion as it gives us an out to vent!
Thankyou!! and hope those kids get to bed soon! I remember those days!
Frustrated Xx
georgeGG kkylie
georgeGG kkylie
Here we are, with me and probably kkylie on a wet dreach October morning. We shall have to find the sunshine in our hearts today. Frustrated will still be shrouded in darkness even if up early.- 3am again? I can at least start the day with a BIGBIGBIG HUGIN (yes, you guessed, it's pronounced hug-in) That's better. What better way to start a day than to bless the Lord God for all his benefits towards us and to have a BIGBIGBIG HUGIN
frustrated61 georgeGG
Up at 3, nope, up all night I hate this because no sleep means, body stresses, means, sarcoid and sjogrens kicks in. Hoping for some sunshine today, even if a sliver!
BIG HUGGGGIN to you to, my dear friend!
georgeGG frustrated61
Nothing like a good BIG HUGGGGGGIN to ease the tattered nerves. Sunshine does help. Warm and bright is does have a good effect. October in Michigen? Any brighter than UK in October? possibly not.
Any way have another HUGGGGIN and think of little Logan too.
georgeGG kkylie
It may be early and still dark outside but I am in an embullient mood and hope you will each have a very happy day fiilled with blessing. Our pains and anxieties may not have gone but I hope they may be sublimated in joy and happiness. So let me share a big big hug. Your so-happy-to-have-my-two-dear-friends Doc!
frustrated61 georgeGG
Hugs and I'm so happy to have my two new friends!!
<3 doc xx
frustrated doc="" xx="">3 doc xx
georgeGG frustrated61
And yes to having my two new friends. Let's have a SILVER-LINING;HUGGGGIN. Ahhh! that's better
georgeGG kkylie
I fear you are having a rough time kkylie. I am thinking of you. There is little I can do but let you know I care. When you hurt I want to hurt with you. Then when you rejoice I may enter into that joy with you too. So a BIG
And a BIG for you frustrated. I hope that helps to bring you through the present rough patch.
And a for all three together for a thrrefold cord cannotbe easily broken.
I fear that you are both having a rough time in your own ways. I am thinking of you and praying for you. When you are up to it I am looking forward to renewing our discussions.
With best wishes
frustrated61 georgeGG
Thank you for your well wishes as they seemed ot have worked for me. I'm hoping Kylie is doing well and hopefully you are also.
You both take care!