So I'm officially crazy!!!!

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went to 2 drs this week..the first one told me oh im not having menapause symptoms i have mood disorder. i asked if mood disorder had severe hot flashes anxiety achy bones waking up in a sweat in a panic feeling really bad all day ..ect..she said well ur thyroud is fine im not checking ur hormones cuz its not menapause. ok??? oh im sorry i cant give u a quick fix..ok..51 yrs old. im going through ut. i went to another dr today she said oh yes its me apause but my symptoms arent...all i been reading on this forum. well most..i can relate to but she yes another she said. nope non of that is menapause. yes maybe the anxiety and hot flashes but nothing else. told me to see a shrink and she put me on gabepatin. what???? idk. i really think im crazy or these drs just dont want to help women going through this hell..anyone else having the same isdues with drs or am i just nuts!!???

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35 Replies

  • Posted

    I went to a fancy obgyn office an hour from my home. It had leather couches, handed out iPads to fill out the forms, and had a wooden bowl filled with nuts in the waiting room. She had over 400+ positive YELP reviews. She told me my blood work didn't indicate menopause and that my symptoms sounded "adrenal" and not menopausal. How could that be when my symptoms match numerous posts on this forum and others?! Sometimes I feel like I could have written the posts myself. So, me and dozens of other middle-aged women are just walking around with adrenal issues?!?! This doctor sees hundreds of patients per year. She has 20+ years experience and I am the first woman to come to her with these symptoms??? Either I am crazy or I am a unique little snowflake. GRRRRR!

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      its just very sad. i acually was broke down crying looking at her like really??? ur a woman and u are talking to me like this??? i knowmy body and i know regular anxiety and regular not feeling well to how i feel now. some days im just getting through with a war inside me trying veryhard not to show it..its just not living...but according to her its mood disorder?? wow!!! i would live to find one dr who could really understand and tell me how to get through this without feeling so bad..i guess from what the 2nd dr said we that are going through " mood disorders" are all unique little snowflakes. nuce to meet you..hang in there. 🤗

    • Posted

      Jaynie, how old is this doctor, this woman doctor that said this to you, my blood is boiling for you. Every doctor I went to over the past 15 years ...that’s all they tried to do is put me on an anti-depressant and never ever ever was there a mention of perimenopause ever. I chalked it up to living a small town, it’s clearly an epidemic ! Epidemic of horrific medical care, towards women of a certain demographic, meaning menopausal. GRRRR it’s easy to say, but try not to take it personally, think of all the women she has said this too, thousands ! I would definitely be penning a letter to the doctor personally 😉 have you done a saliva test to measure your hormones? They are usually available through your pharmacist, they are about $3 and then you mail it in w/ a check. I would do that and then waive the results in your doctors face. you’re not alone, chin up buttercup 😉

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      Hey Staci, That’s what I said... they see thousands of women a year like this ...and they act like we’re always the first one. that’s why there should be a revolving door for menopausal women at these doctor offices 😃

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      Jaynie, I completely understand. My GP prescribed me Lexapro, which I refused to take for perimenopause. I asked about HRT and she said, "Absolutely not." What??? Why would a doctor treat the symptom and not the problem?! When I told her I thought I was having hot flashes. She literally laughed at me. Then she said, "I am not laughing at you, I am laughing with you." She said it could last for YEARS and to "deal with it."

      *Asking about HRT was prior to me finding out it is not recommended for people with migraine aura.

  • Posted

    It's NOT just you, Jaynie. My gyn of 27+ years said he thinks God forgot women over 50. Well I think most docs did too! My gp of almost 20 years said he just isn't educated enough to treat menopause. So now I'm stuck trying to find new physicians who may have a clue. Ugh! I pretty much feel like life is over for me. I'm NOT suicidal, by any means, but what is there to look forward to? I've read on here how many women's lives were changed with hrt or bhrt. It did give me hope. We have to advocate for ourselves! We have to put in the work to find docs who can help us. But why the HELL does it have to be SO hard??!!

    • Posted

      Hey Nancy, I think you’re GYN is onto something, God forgot women Over 50...lmao! I’m liking the sound of it, I mean, I’m not liking the sound of it lol... but its the only thing that makes sense. I actually have said, aloud to God, many many many many times, I don’t get what’s going on with Menopause, why was this part of the deal 😉 and I hate to say this aloud, but... I do feel the same way. I wake up most mornings thinking... what’s the point, the only thing I actually look forward to is my morning latte, that I make at home with my Italian coffee maker!;) it’s all downhill after that… JK... LOL 😉 I did say that to my husband though, just this past week . There’s this letdown ...a constant melancholy feeling that just doesn’t let up. He said it’s because we know the good ole times are over, the good times of our youth. IDK.... it is a struggle. We are all in the same sinking boat w/ these mindless doctors. These dr's should actually put in a revolving door, that says above it, menopausal women only. Good vibes your way 😃

  • Posted

    no u are not nuts its the doctors its peri or meno if u dont have periods anymore! They wont test for anything thats the reality and if they do they wont do anything about it they always said to me that hrt is only used for hot flashes please dont think ur crazy its all connected if hormones are out of sorts it can cause all sorts of things

    • Posted

      i dont understand how an anti siezure pain medication can be prescribed as medication for anxiety menapause?? i read up on and im scared to take it..on the other hand im so drained from feeling so bad i woukd like relief..but thank u for response cuz i never felt like i was being treated so badby a dr..and both were women which gets me!!

    • Posted

      hey Jaynie, my friend is a professor and she said that she thinks women doctors are just as bad if not worse ...YIKES

    • Posted

      yea i see ut now. i was talked to lije i was some crazed fool. wow!!!

  • Posted

    Yes i have same experience with Dr' s .

    They donot understand our pain and our symptoms.

    From last year i was roaming in hospital from one Dr to Dr...

    Gynecologist said NO ITS NOT MENOPAUSE...UR TOO YOUNG FOR may be Pms...heavyness and headaches r not connected to it....i told i have headaches head pressures alot.

    off balance issues too ..she send me to Neurologist........then he send me to GP....and circle goes on....and Dr told ur in depression...u think alot...i told him i am jelly legs.... irregular balance issues etc. .. .he said i cannot help.....ur too early for menopause...

    . he give me sleeping pills and vitamins...

    I think our Dr donot have much knowledge about Menopause.

    By seeing posts in this forum i learn alot about Meno ...relate all my symptoms with u all .

    Ur not alone dear...ur not crazy.

    our Dr r crazy...


    Hang is there.

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